As much as I loved this game the first time I played, like 2-3 years ago, it was even the that introduced me to porn games... I also know that pretty much half of it is just random cutaways to some other random people on the other side of the planet or in another dimension or in the succubus base or wherever. Its just a pain in the ass, a waste of time. Horrible, in other words. I didn't enjoy it, I hated it, and wanted to be done with the waste of time as soon as I could so I could actually get back to the actual game, instead if playing 'exposition simulator.exe'.
And now people are saying that this isn't even the entirety of chapter 5 released yet??? I don't know if I would have replayed all that pain in the ass lore and backstory I don't care about just to get to the last chapter and be done with if it was the actual, whole chapter, because I am playing this game to look at boobs, not to get lore dumped.
But its just the first half of chapter 5? No way man, I'm not even gonna bother downloading this, I know it'll be a complete waste of time that I can't afford and that I don't want. It will be horrible, not because it will be sad or anything, but cause I will be bored out of my fucking mind for most of it.