3.50 star(s) 102 Votes


Active Member
Dec 27, 2017
You can completely nullify paralyzing and poison effects by using Mask of Truth (poison) or Crown of Sumer(wind based attack like paralyzing effect)
the crown of summer only nullifies mental-based spells and confusion, not paralisis. Also not helped by the fact that the Spring Succubus has both kinds of damage, so even if you could nullify paralysis with the Crown (which I can testify, it doesn't as I was kept being paralyzed by the Autumn succubus) you'd still be able to choose only one among the two.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
thanks for the answer. to be honest though, i don't get why we shoud even be interested in developing our tribe at this point, given that the story has concludet and that we can't carry over our progress to a potential next game. it's the same with the "love interests" if we never get to continue with our save files... unless that "feature" only gets added in part two (?), which seems to make little sense if it doesn't add to the actual ending.
The first game's story, perhaps. But your decisions will carry over to the next one.


Feb 14, 2022
'I learned a lot over the years' I fucking hate reading this. He did not learn anything. He did not learn anything! Since 2019, nothing. Reading what he wrote here proves it, playing the new update proves it. If anything, the issues are even more glaring as the game progresses. I started playing from the beginning, and it pissed me off. Not because it's lacking, it is, but because obviously the guy has talent, he knows how to build an interesting world with decent characters and a compeling story, and due to his own ego, none of this will ever go anywhere. I noticed extra details on the first half of the game, things that were maybe added I don't remember it's been so long, and I can see the guy has, or had, a passion for this project, and that this would not be a cashgrab low-rate fap game (it still is a porn game, don't get me wrong). Unfortunately, he refuses to listen to any criticism, he is too lazy to work hard on his so called 'magnum opus', and he is unable to focus on what he's working on and he always starts side projects. Of course, at worst he's scamming us and sucking your wallets dry. At best, however, he is too incompetent to manage a project of this scope and these series will never reach its conclusion. Well I knew that, but I still wanted chapter five to deliver a satisfying conclusion to the first portion of the series. And you know what, it fucking didn't. It just kept introducing more and more shit. It concluded sure, but I'm out at this point. I just don't care anymore. If we ever see generation one completed, and that's a big if, who's to say it won't be like the shit we have now, starting off strong, with heart passion and atention to detail, and ending feeling tired and soulless. Anyway, enough ranting. I'm out, I just don't care anymore. I see no reason to keep following this game's development anymore, I never supported the dev and I'm proud of it. All this update did was show me that, at best, even if we are to look at it in good faith and do our best to try to understand where he's coming from, Zion learned nothing in these past few years and never will, which means this project is going absolutely nowhere.
Bro i totally agree with you. But man please keep it short next time . i'm here to see peoples' opinions in regards to the new update of a porn game. not George R.R. Martin's new big project, sheeesh :LOL:



New Member
Jul 16, 2022
My saves arent working when i upload them into the save folder. Does anyone knows how to fix it?

P.S- It also doesn't work with saves i got from other users


New Member
Oct 4, 2021
I first came across this game years ago, shortly after the first chapter was completed. I thought it was awesome.

Since then, it has aged exceptionally poorly, and Zion has done nothing to modernise it. The game engine and style creates a tedious and unrewarding gameplay experience and the most important aspect, the succubi, have gone backwards.

The art is now far worse than before, the succubi have fewer scenes and the animations were removed. There are reasons as to why each of these things has happened, but seemingly no tangible effort to fix or provide new alternatives to amp up the quality of the game.

Had this series been handled properly it probably could have been making double or triple its Patreon donations every month.

Overall this journey, since the end of Chapter 2 has been a massive disappointment. Zion comes across as a nice guy but this series would be best off being sold to someone else, or at least managed by someone else.
Sep 1, 2018
I believe the gallery and the heroine scenes are going to be in the very last patch for the game, which is the next one. Zion posted that some way back in this thread aftter chapter 5 dropped.

As for the 2 years, we got Eden's Crest during the delay, which is an entire additional game.

I can't believe I'm seeing so many people complain about a femdom game actually finishing for once.
There are, in fact, plenty of femdom games that finish. The original Monster Girl Quest trilogy, to name one famous example. The original SHRIFT too. It's a big market, it's not like we're starved of options here.
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Nait Sieve

Active Member
Mar 5, 2021
The first game's story, perhaps. But your decisions will carry over to the next one.
correct me if i'm wrong, but i'm pretty sure that we woud require an actual save file to carry over anything substancial at all.
and we can't save our progress at the very end, instead simply getting thrown back to the main menu.
i guess making the next game start with a couple questions like "what happened to the witch?" or "did you lead the army or interact with the incubus instead?" woud work as well (also required for new players), but carrying over our file woud feel way more satisying.


Aug 2, 2020
View attachment 3311675

Oh...does a little pussy feel offended because someone criticizes your "work"?

Let me tell you something Zion of Olympus , you're a scammer. And your actions show that you are not capable of criticism at all. Why do you block people on twitter or on your discord? Are you afraid that your last brain-dead supporters will jump ship so that you don't get any more money? Boo hoo...if you want to avoid this in the future, then provide the content that people deserve. And don't keep teasing things but nothing comes from your side. It's just a fact that chapter 5 isn't worth the two-year wait. Neither the quality nor the content is satisfying enough to justify those two years. And where is your high-quality dialog, please? Or animations? Or your very complex maps? All of it is missing. I don't know what kind of people you know who claim to be your "game testers", but apparently they seem to be thoroughly retarded as well. In the last section of the game alone I discovered out of bounds glitches, or spelling mistakes. Cutscenes are still static images. Your "complex" maps are boring and offer no exploration whatsoever. No treasures, nothing at all. The artists simply don't deserve a load of garbage software like yours. Shame on you. To all patreon supporters who still exist, use your common sense and stop giving this scumbag your money. And please, don't recommend this game to others. Zion of Olympus should be banned from patreon. A few pages earlier, a user showed how easy it would be to animate something (even if it's just wobbling with the mouse). I would rather support this guy on patreon than you. And his work didn't even take a day. And all of you who are now claiming that good game development takes years, listen to me. He uses an editor. None of what he does is developed from scratch. Real games are not created with rpg makers either. That's a huge difference.

EDIT: I mean, look at this or this. 5 minutes on a cheap android phone. Nuff said.
How bad is your current life going at the moment to post such a useless and hatefull comment? And how entitled do you have to be, to believe that someone owns you anything for the fact that you are posting on a site with pirated games? No wonder he blocked you, everyone should, you are the most toxic leecher i've ever seen.

I don't enjoy the state that the game has reached, but that doesn't mean I would just hate on the creator without giving any bit of usefull comment. My god you must be sad.

I like how someone pointed out that the lore is sometimes too much and the small battles are a lot and kind of pointless, I totally agree these could be huge improvements.

And I've seen some other good reviews on this forum, but if I were in Zion's place I wouldn't bother reading anything from here because of some sad kids with nothing going for them.
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Aug 18, 2018
I find it weird that people want animations for this game despite the animation from previous chapters not being that great? Like it was Done with the most generic tweening combined with the good but lifeless art, and extremely verbose writing leading to the most boring H scenes known to man. Like I didn't like SC1 before it became easier to hate the game but I really don't know what you guys are expecting in that department.

It's weird that I have to defend Zion but it feels like some of you are letting the hype train get to you
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Jun 13, 2017
I been with this game since the very first chapter so let me have insert a penny of mine here.
Thing is - absolutely all of the criticism in his address along with some amount of accusations are more or less earned.
Facepalm picard star trek meme.

The plans may have derailed since the 2nd chapter (when it started to become clear that all the planned things are NO LONGER POSSIBLE), but it doesn't mean that Zion is clear of all the faults that brought the Quality Cliff Drop in the first place. He, at least, should have warned everyone that some promises that he made might have been not possible and drop some of these ideas so it would not seem like a scam. The whole fact that he blocked the guy might mean that the situation with criticism might be deteriorating - Discord seems like nothing short of an echo chamber filled with The Yes Men (I barely seen any critical word in there - suggestions channel not considered).
Can you truly blame everyone who might feel betrayed in the first place? I also feel kind of betrayed and understand that feeling, so every critical word that Zion hears might be taken in consideration (if it is of course not filled with only swearings that doesn't help make the game somehow better). Although I have very little believe in Zion not ignoring criticism.

It's feels like Zion is more concerned about the story rather than gameplay, which to a PORN GAME might be a secondary. Sacrificing gameplay and game mechanics for the sake of story doesn't exactly make a good combination, and it doesn't seem to work as smoothly here.

Of course my opinion. Consider whatever you take it in consideration or not up to you. Let's hope that Zion doesn't make a DreamWorld out of this game (when it will be finished hell knows when).

Criticism is not a crime
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Oct 2, 2020
My issue with that is it took a lot of time, only to come out incomplete, just how it was said, i hope Zion improves on the second game, i used to like this series a lot back then, but after some time i really lost interest on the series, unfortunately one of the issues i have comes from Kainkout departure, since none of the artists involved in the game couldn't even come close to match his quality in my opinion, i just hope he focuses less on cutscenes and brings more h-content with more diversity, since almost succubus at chapter 5 seemed to have the same personality, except for Spring
kainkout still makes nsfw art. you can check his deviantart. if interested.


Apr 15, 2022
How bad is your current life going at the moment to post such a useless and hatefull comment? And how entitled do you have to be, to believe that someone owns you anything for the fact that you are posting on a site with pirated games? No wonder he blocked you, everyone should, you are the most toxic leecher i've ever seen.

I don't enjoy the state that the game has reached, but that doesn't mean I would just hate on the creator without giving any bit of usefull comment. My god you must be sad.

I like how someone pointed out that the lore is sometimes too much and the small battles are a lot and kind of pointless, I totally agree these could be huge improvements.

And I've seen some other good reviews on this forum, but if I were in Zion's place I wouldn't bother reading anything from here because of some sad kids with nothing going for them.
You have definitely missed the point of my statement. Get lost, you troll.
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3.50 star(s) 102 Votes