Seems decent but here are some improvements...
Translated Map Names
Cleanup Database Items
Change Script Vocab to English
Change Script Window_NameInput to use English Table
Edit 2-15-2021
Changed English Table to Latin as suggested by
The Label Command also needs the Latin Table
The Cancel Command wasn't translated
Translated Variable Names. For the player this means nothing

But it helped me look into something
ValorKG I weep crimson tears... If you change a Variable Value look to see if any related Comparison Checks use the Old Values!
I can see the game uses Variable 10 for Enemy Names but if you are going to move the Old Names to Variable 60 then do so for the Comparison Checks or even better just override the point where the game displays the name

Common Events Changed: 009, 010, 011, 012, 015, 019, 514, 515, 516, 519, 530, 988, 990, 994, 995, 996, 997
Since this reactivates some sleeping code it might be buggy... Eh if you can try providing Screenshots, Saves, and any other Information that might make it easier to track that problem down please
Edit 2-16-2021
Thanks to
sandsea_urchin for debugging a few
remaining quirks. Probably should look to see if there is an update to the RPG Maker VX Editor I have...
Edit 2-16-2021 V4
Changed some of the girls names at
ValorKG's request.
Translated 2 Error Messages: File Not Found & Font Not Found