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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2018
I‘d say, it will be a complete rework, but I am not sure. He cut almost everything of the content, so likely, he‘ll do everything new to fit the new „system“
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2018
I don’t know where you found this scene.

Since there’s no official version for android here, support (by the dev) may be limited (if at all).

On a PC, you might just need to press enter. If you can’t do that, you might be stuck there. You could, however, try to connect a controller via Bluetooth and test that.
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Mar 2, 2021

It appears that the update is still not ready to be released.
Despite the general success of all the upgrades to the core of the game, it takes a long time to get them to work properly.
A few hours ago another problem with a new system has been uncovered that will take multiple days to troubleshoot.
So I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to help with feedback/bug searching, because otherwise it will take forever to finish it(And I do want to show off all the upgrades too).
Wednesday's release will be a testing/bughunt release.
It will feature all new outfits, images, accessories and other features that have many moving parts, so it takes a long time to iron out all the bugs.
Then there will be a questionnaire/poll and hopefully not too many bug reports.
After that I'll spend the next few days ironing out the bugs and other nasty things and we'll have another poll about what to do with 0.65.

Despite these setbacks, Summer Special is getting nearer everyday. Every new system is designed with it in mind. It's only a question of when....

just as i though

well it is what it is i guess

edit : another news

Estimated release time: 12 hours from now[9 pm EST]
Edit: High chance of being an hour late.
Edit 2: My internet speed is currently terrible, so if there's no post with test release or no further comments/edits, it means that my internet is dead -___-
I've spent some time pondering whether to pause the pledges for February or not, and ultimately decided to go through with it.
So, Pledges for February are also paused, and will resume in March.
The reason for it is this:
I'm not sure if I'll be able to organize test release feedback, implement it and finish all the events before the end of the month(Damn February and it's shortness).
So it's better to release it at the beginning of March, and have another release in April. Then, at the beginning of June - Summer Special.
That's the plan for now, more details will be posted after test release is wrapped up.

soo yeah week 1 of march, lets hope no more accident


New Member
Oct 28, 2021
An new build is out now, although it's just a bug hunting release.

Does anyone know if it will get a public release?
Last edited:
Dec 12, 2017
¿Am I the only one tired of his pools?. I mean, this man has a great game, the fundations are excellent but he keeps on adding too much supérfluous things. Man, we just need a basic sprite for every clothing set and thats it, not a whole year worth on sprites for each possible clothing combination... IMHO.

Anyways, sorry for the rant but the time that he'll invest in this thing could be well invested on creating more content than an alpha with 10 playable minutes. The worst thing is that I'm speaking as a great fan. The first game is awesome, I'm even translating it to spanish just because I really like the game.


Active Member
Sep 17, 2019
¿Am I the only one tired of his pools?. I mean, this man has a great game, the fundations are excellent but he keeps on adding too much supérfluous things. Man, we just need a basic sprite for every clothing set and thats it, not a whole year worth on sprites for each possible clothing combination... IMHO.

Anyways, sorry for the rant but the time that he'll invest in this thing could be well invested on creating more content than an alpha with 10 playable minutes. The worst thing is that I'm speaking as a great fan. The first game is awesome, I'm even translating it to spanish just because I really like the game.
Until he did the rebuilt, this was not too bad and had a fair bit of content, then the rebuild pretty much removed it all, and is taking ages to get it all back in. There again he is constantly stopping patreon payments to himself, so hmm, yeh annoying, but what can you do, real life sucks, and at times it really really sucks.


Mar 2, 2021

Thought I'd post a mini-announcement for this week.
On Wednesday we'll conclude the and an updated schedule for 0.65 will be posted too.
Also there will be another post either on Wednesday or on Friday about in-game sprites, which will be the last bit of feedback required before proceeding with the release.
Oh, and a small reminder that pledges for February are still paused, and will resume in March.
Until Wednesday.

yeah next wednesday, sooo prob next friday out..?? or maybe event next next wednesday

i dunno, i kinda let it be, u know it is what it is LOL

edited :

Sunday's Feedback Poll has been concluded, and the feedback is slowly being implemented(notably - Shirt+Shorts combo survived to live another update).
I was originally intending to post March schedule today, but there is one last bit of feedback that needs to be adressed, so let's deal with it first.
Schedule will be posted on Friday.
This poll is about Serena's character sprites.
A while back I decided that her in-game character will accurately display all outfit items that are currently equipped.
However, after the recent wardrobe update, and looking at the long list of outfits and accessories that will be added in the future - there is a problem with that.
Serena's main menu images are nicely layered up on top of one another, which makes adding new items trivial.
But for walking sprites, that can't be done.
If I decided to add a hat into the game, I'd have to add that hat to every walking sprite, doubling the amount of sprites. And if I decided to add new glasses AND a new hat, it would quickly spiral out of control.
So, there's a need for some kind of compromise regarding mini in-game Serena.
Here are the options:
Option 1: Simplify character sprites to not include accessories and stockings(the way it was before the rework)
Option 2: Simplify, but only for accessories
Option 3: Keep accessories and stockings, but simplify outfits(example of simplification above - jacket outfit variations all become simplified to one singe "Jacket" sprite)
What do you think?


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2018
Can't i process main story in v0.63.3? she she dose not go to the dream world.. when she sleep...
Dude, did you read ANYTHING in this thread? Use the search function!
The game is being technically remade/updated and almost 90% of everything ever done is disabled at this point! Progression in development is VERY(!!!!) slow and it takes much time.


Nov 3, 2018
Dude, did you read ANYTHING in this thread? Use the search function!
The game is being technically remade/updated and almost 90% of everything ever done is disabled at this point! Progression in development is VERY(!!!!) slow and it takes much time.
you mean, i can find solution in changing log right? it saw hava no problem but i need to read agian. thank you for your answer o_O
3.40 star(s) 5 Votes