Getting several errors - the mapping error causes the game to crash - the other one is ignorable
Thats a system side issue not a problem with the game, the same applies to
Some of the game files contain Japanese characters so you need to extract it from the zip/rar with a Japanese locale otherwise those characters get replaced with random symbols causing the error.
If you think of the English alphabet as a series of numbers, A=1, B=2. C=3, D=4 etc
Write a sentence using the numbers in place of letters then pass it to somebody who includes accented characters in their number sequence so A=1 Á=2 À=3 B=4 etc
When they replace the numbers in your message with their letters it becomes gibberish.
When you extract the file that's essentially what your computer is doing if it isn't told to use Japanese for non-unicode characters.
Set your system locale to Japanese in the region/language settings or use a locale emulator like Applocale or the aptly named Locale Emulator to extract the game.
If you deleted the .rar file you'll need to re-download it as the files you've already extracted are already borked.