4.20 star(s) 145 Votes


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2024
I noticed that game calls a check on day 3, whether you fingered/kissed/rejected your sister Eve.

Do you have any idea how to reach fingering scene in Ep2 ???
Ep2 is the night where MC and Eve and Cassie have Drink or Truth game.

PS: Also last updates were very disappointing. Almost no new noteworthy content.
Pretty sure you have to be on Eve's sub path to finger her at that point.
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Jun 18, 2017

The Naughty Captain
Jan 31, 2025 08:08 pm
Public post

Dev Update #284


Scene 31

The first draft for scene 31 is almost complete. It's pretty rough and very short for now it barely reaches 2k words. But it's only a first draft. I have yet to refine it and I have no doubt that the script will improve in both length and quality. The final version of the scene will probably get into the 4k words territory.

The content is satisfying, however. All the ideas I need are in that first draft, I only need to make it readable. That will be the focus of next week and I hope to finish both the writing and the cutting. Some parts will be challenging to pose, for various reasons, but I am optimistic. I do also plan a couple of animations for scene 31 but I expect them to prove much more difficult to pose than scene 30's animations were. We'll see.

Just like scene 30, and most of the remaining scenes of Day 6, scene 31 is erotic in nature. Fingers crossed I'll get that one right too.

I'm looking at my options about Cassie's model. Her hair often is a pain to deal with and I'm considering changing her style a bit. At the very least, she could tie her hair back from time to time. For a definitive change, I would have to find a way to justify it in-game (which is not overly difficult, I already have ideas...) but for now, it feels a bit extreme. I haven't decided anything yet and I'm still looking for assets I could use. Let me know what you think of that idea.

Scene 30 Animations

Scene 30 has finished rendering, including all the animation frames. I have to look into the best practices concerning codecs and compression. Once I'm done with writing scene 31, I'll probably take care of the post-processing and the coding of scene 30. I want to see how these animations will play in-game. I'm kind of afraid it could be... not great.

The quick sum up :

  • Day 6 Part 6 will contain 3 new scenes: scenes 30, 31, and 32.
  • Day 6 Part 6 will contain 1 reworked scene: Day 2, scene 3.
  • Day 6 scene 30 is fully written and rendered.
  • 7227 words of new content so far.
  • 149 shots are planned, 149 are posed, 149 are rendered.
  • 2 animations have been posed. 120 / 120 frames rendered.
  • I'm currently writing scene 31.

You can follow my progress on this Trello board.

You can also buy the game on Steam !

Thank you for your support!

The Naughty Captain


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2024
is it possible to be on eve sub love and cassie love at the same time? I can't find a beacon for that?
Probably not, because Eve is unlikely to go along with the sub content when she knows you and Cassie are together (which Cassie doesn't even remotely try to hide on her love path).


Forum Fanatic
Mar 13, 2021
View attachment 4503617

The Naughty Captain
Jan 31, 2025 08:08 pm
Public post

Dev Update #284

Scene 31

The first draft for scene 31 is almost complete. It's pretty rough and very short for now it barely reaches 2k words. But it's only a first draft. I have yet to refine it and I have no doubt that the script will improve in both length and quality. The final version of the scene will probably get into the 4k words territory.

The content is satisfying, however. All the ideas I need are in that first draft, I only need to make it readable. That will be the focus of next week and I hope to finish both the writing and the cutting. Some parts will be challenging to pose, for various reasons, but I am optimistic. I do also plan a couple of animations for scene 31 but I expect them to prove much more difficult to pose than scene 30's animations were. We'll see.

Just like scene 30, and most of the remaining scenes of Day 6, scene 31 is erotic in nature. Fingers crossed I'll get that one right too.

I'm looking at my options about Cassie's model. Her hair often is a pain to deal with and I'm considering changing her style a bit. At the very least, she could tie her hair back from time to time. For a definitive change, I would have to find a way to justify it in-game (which is not overly difficult, I already have ideas...) but for now, it feels a bit extreme. I haven't decided anything yet and I'm still looking for assets I could use. Let me know what you think of that idea.

Scene 30 Animations

Scene 30 has finished rendering, including all the animation frames. I have to look into the best practices concerning codecs and compression. Once I'm done with writing scene 31, I'll probably take care of the post-processing and the coding of scene 30. I want to see how these animations will play in-game. I'm kind of afraid it could be... not great.

The quick sum up :

  • Day 6 Part 6 will contain 3 new scenes: scenes 30, 31, and 32.
  • Day 6 Part 6 will contain 1 reworked scene: Day 2, scene 3.
  • Day 6 scene 30 is fully written and rendered.
  • 7227 words of new content so far.
  • 149 shots are planned, 149 are posed, 149 are rendered.
  • 2 animations have been posed. 120 / 120 frames rendered.
  • I'm currently writing scene 31.

You can follow my progress on this Trello board.

You can also buy the game on Steam !

Thank you for your support!

The Naughty Captain


Forum Fanatic
Jun 18, 2017

The Naughty Captain
Feb 07, 2025 09:21 pm
Public post

Dev Update #285



I wrote quite a bit this week. More than I planned, actually. I finished the second draft for scene 31. But at now 5800 words, I feel like it lacks a bit of rhythm and balance. Some parts are dragging a bit too much while some others could use to take a few more sentences to settle. I'll have one final round of editing and rewriting, most likely this week end, and the script should be ready for the next step starting next week. The word count will most likely roughly stay the same.

I obviously haven't cut the scene yet, but with 5.8k words, I will most likely need about 200 shots to properly illustrate it. I do want to add a couple of animations in that scene too, but the posing might be challenging. We'll see when we'll get to that point.

All the remaining scenes for Day 6 are about sex, romance, and in a way, growing up. The script is pretty intense but I have good hopes to make something good. My only worry so far lies with the animations. But I know I'll eventually get decent in that field. I just need to practice.

I have come to terms with the difference in lighting between the old and the new Daz. With a project so big, and taking so much time to develop, differences in style and technology are inevitable. There is nothing I can do about it. I have to do my best to accept it, adapt, and move on.

The quick sum up :

  • Day 6 Part 6 will contain 3 new scenes: scenes 30, 31, and 32.
  • Day 6 Part 6 will contain 1 reworked scene: Day 2, scene 3.
  • Day 6 scene 30 is fully written and rendered.
  • 11 034 words of new content so far.
  • 149 shots are planned, 149 are posed, 149 are rendered.
  • 2 animations have been posed. 120 / 120 frames rendered.
  • I'm currently writing scene 31.

You can follow my progress on this Trello board.

You can also add the game to your wishlist on Steam !

Thank you for your support!

The Naughty Captain


Nov 21, 2023
Damn, what a beautiful game! I like the character models and the variety of sex scenes.
One question - is it possible to add rimming towards the Main Character?
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New Member
Feb 3, 2020

Fist of all, I love this game.

I downloaded the last version and start a new game, and find some bugs....

On day two, after the Cassie breakfast, you go to your sisters room... and missing renders... All continues black until the shower scene.

Captura de pantalla en 2025-02-13 23-04-57.png

Francis Blast

Feb 2, 2018
Dam it! You are right, its that mod. I downloaded the latest version again, without mod, and it works flawlessly.
These shity mods completely replace the original script and destroy the work of the devs. It's disrespectful and on top of that, when it's not up to date, it's just a complete fuck up.
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Reactions: Piratefishes


Jun 29, 2023
By now, game is at 0.6.5b and mod is 0.6.4a, of course it doesn't work.

Most of the mods work only for the specified version of the game, unless the modder write something else in the OP of the mod thread.

They don't mean to be disrespectful to dev or be a cancer, it's just someone's work of a declared purpose.
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Reactions: Nulldev


Forum Fanatic
Jun 18, 2017

The Naughty Captain
Feb 14, 2025 07:20 pm
Public post

Dev Update #286


Day 6 Scene 31 is ready for posing.

That third draft reached 6041 words. The scene has been cut and prepared for posing. I planned 184 shots to illustrate that scene. It's a bit low, but I'm reaching that number by playing a bit with dynamics and animations. I'm still not sure which asset I'll use for Cassie's hair in that scene, I have options, but none are 100% convincing.

Day 6 scene 31 is a three-character scene, so I expect it to be painful to deal with. More characters means more work and therefore more time.

Coding and post-processing scene 30.

I worked on the code. It is now logic ready and I sent it for proofreading.

I also worked on the visuals and post-processed them. The good news is that I have found a way to process all the images via automation. The bad news, however, is that it requires me to use different tools from the one I usually use. As a consequence, the end result is slightly different from the previous episode. Slightly darker, with a slight purple shift. But these are things I do see because I spent hours looking at the images and comparing different processes. I hope that the player won't notice the change. Processing the images through automation is a massive gain of time. It took me about two hours to process scene 30, including the animations. With my previous process, it would have taken about a full day of work.

I've also post-processed and correctly compressed the animations. The image quality is good. I'm pretty happy with it. I have a slight issue with animation #1 however. I might have to edit it and rerender a few frames if not all of it.

The quick sum up :

  • Day 6 Part 6 will contain 3 new scenes: scenes 30, 31, and 32.
  • Day 6 Part 6 will contain 1 reworked scene: Day 2, scene 3.
  • Day 6 scene 30 is fully written, posed, and rendered. Post-processing and coding stage #1 is done. It is now in proofreading.
  • Day 6 scene 31 is fully written.
  • 11 276 words of new content so far.
  • 333 shots are planned, 149 are posed, 149 are rendered.
  • 2 animations have been posed. 120 / 120 frames rendered and post-processed.
  • I'm currently posing scene 31.

You can follow my progress on this Trello board.

You can also add the game to your wishlist on Steam !

Thank you for your support!

The Naughty Captain


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2020
is it possible to be on eve sub love and cassie love at the same time? I can't find a beacon for that?
Yes you can, there is a walkthrough where that route is stated (although it doesn't have its own name yet except for simply "Eve sub love + Cassie Love". My stats on that route at the end of current Steam content are:
Eve Aff: 78
Eve Sub: 75
Cassie Aff: 94
Cassie Dom: 10
Kelly Aff: 26

On a different note, I have some achievements for which I can't seem to find which route I need to be on or how to unlock them. I am using URM, but with so many variables and no way to find the requirements through URM (as far as I could find), it's pretty time consuming to try every single combination of variables in the game.

The Steam achievements I'm missing but are available are:
I'll have to thank her at some point
Am I smiling?
This discussion is over.
Perfect, bro!

These are connected to 4 of the following in-game achievements I'm missing:

28 (Day 4, nr 5)
29 (Day 4, nr 6)
31 (Day 4, nr 8)
47 (Day 5, nr 4)
60 (Day 5, nr 17)
62 (Day 5, nr 19)
106 (Day 6, nr. 37)

Can somebody please give me some guidelines for these achievements?


Francis Blast

Feb 2, 2018
By now, game is at 0.6.5b and mod is 0.6.4a, of course it doesn't work.

Most of the mods work only for the specified version of the game, unless the modder write something else in the OP of the mod thread.

They don't mean to be disrespectful to dev or be a cancer, it's just someone's work of a declared purpose.
They do not mean to be disrespectful, ok. But the idea of rewriting the main script kind of is. It's lazy, dirty, and dangerous.
As a developer in the software world myself, I can tell you that there are ways to produce better and more sustainable code than fully overwriting the main script.
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4.20 star(s) 145 Votes