All l care is a refinement of the masterpiece (AA2). Illusion hasn't made any game since AA2. All others are just tech demos and character creators. What can you do with just an creator? You can have all the sandbox in the world, but if the game doesn't have interactivity, player agency, depth, hidden depths, multi layers and rewards(like managing to have a relationship with your teacher while keeping her virgin and out of sight of any student).
But the cards are already in session, we will see the game in a week or 2. So all the talk is pointless.
What isn't pointless though is trying to take the good concepts of AA2(and any other game) and combine them to a new game.
Personally, l am tired of modern games. This game, AA3 is the last game for me. There aren't spectacular games being released. All the legendary ones are in 90s,PS2 era and before 2012 with exceptions for those outside of these eras. That includes "adult games". l can only count on one or two hands games that can be replayed and have depth in them,and you can learn new things each time. Even tiny ones and thankfully, aren't a grind or time consuming
At least l learnt this; from that specific unity game that has Yandere and AA2, l have learnt quite a lot. Now it only remains the personal invisible war to everyone, putting the knowledge to the test and action, and leaving the prison of inside.