I don't know how Ocean wrote this scene, I don't even know what's important in the scene:If you're 'carrying' pills like this...you have a major drug problem. These pills are taken once a day, usually at night, though morning is also common. You don't just 'carry around' depression/anxiety pills in your purse...unless you have far bigger issues.
the name of the drug?
The fact that Sasha can identify what's happening to the MC?
The fact that she's carrying this particular drug?
The fact that she's carrying something to "cure" the panic attack?
The fact that she's helping the MC?
The fact that the MC is presented with depression/anxiety pills as an alternative to his problems?
All at the same time?
According to what you say, the molecule mentioned isn't even used for that, in the sense that it's not a miracle pill that you carry around in your pocket to counter panic attacks like sugar to counter hypoglycemia. Because, yes, we don't eat antidepressants like candy.
So what? Sasha wants to drug him or get him to use psychotropic drugs? Is this a way of introducing a narrative arc in which the MC wonders about taking depression/anxiety pills?
While we wait to find out more (what follow-up to this scene in future episodes), I'll go with what seems to me the simplest solution:
Ocean needed a drug name that was at least credible; if you type "panic attack medication" into Google, you'll come across this molecule/drug in 30 seconds (which is what it is). So the name is incidental. The scene serves to show that Sasha knows the MC's condition, knows how to "treat this problem", and finally it opens the door to a potential narrative arc about the MC taking medication.