It is a valid criticism because it was always heavily implied that there would be sex, eventually, and that it was just a matter of time.
In fact, even the "sexy police babes" you mention say these, at the very beginning;
- "We value your time"
- "At the moment this game doesn't feature any sex scenes!"
- "The first part of this game has a huge focus on relationship/world building."
- "Consider coming back at a later point if your primary interest is lewd."
Would you have preferred they complain about "Only 5 chapters in 5 years" instead?
And before you jump into conclusions about me being a hater, let me tell you; I like Summer's Gone, in fact it's the only VN I have bothered to check/play the updates for for the last couple of years and I'm looking forward to more in the future.
It is easy to criticize an AVN because it does not give someone what they want.
This is a pirate site where many people come to take something for free.
F95 has a well-organized system of tags that can be used in searches as well as a quick assessment - what is actually included in an AVN.
Summers Gone has NO tags for sex yet.
Then the creator, Ocean, adds in a screen that CANNOT be missed - saying NO SEX YET.
Still - after all of this - we have some takers who complain about the lack of sex and give poor ratings.
Why not give 1* ratings because Summers Gone has no Loli content or no NTR or no ..., etc.
So what if there are no tags for these - and they were not specifically mentioned on Ocean's 'sexy babes' screen warning, right?
I'm giving each person who rates SG or comments on SG credit for being at least 18 years old - AKA - an adult.
I see adults who Can read (whether or not they choose to check out the tags for SG and/or just click through Ocean's No Sex Yet warning page) complaining because they are not getting what they want When they want it - i.e. - sex with the LIs.
Do I believe that there will be sex, lewd times and other naked fun with the MC and some of the LIs in Season 2 - Yes!
Ocean wraps up primary world-building during Season 1 (while leaving/adding plenty of mystery for future seasons).
This world-building provides an interesting and deep framework within which the MC is growing various relationships, including those with potential LIs.
The depth of Ocean's world-building is a critical part of Summers Gone, IMO, - creating a living, breathing world we get to enjoy as we make choices to build or pass on deep relationships with potential LIs.
For me, this means that When sex happens between the MC and an LI - it will both fit the story and be a meaningful step in the MC/LI relationship.
If someone wants the equivalent of Pornhub shorts - Summers Gone, like Many of the good/great story-based AVNs that are still in the world-building phase - is not the place to scratch that itch.
For those who can't wait for the sex in an AVN - they have Literally thousands of other options on F95 that include sex.