- Jun 24, 2021
- 443
- 2,512
I mentioned it before, but as someone who, for coincidences in life, went through something similar as MC, I'd say Ocean pretty much nailed it with the panic attacks and behaviour in general. MC already had a problematic attitude (see what a little shit he was to Summer and Nami when he first met Summer). Add depression and PTSD to the list and he will behave like a very unstable person who, at times, might seem like he's having contradictory emotions all the time. In a way they are, not even us can explain what's up with us, we only know that something isn't right, and we're aware of it. And for me, it took me years to confide my family with my panic attacks and anger issues. Sometimes we don't talk about it cause we're embarrassed of it and we don't want to scare our loved ones, or we're afraid they might just tag us as 'crazy'. That's why family can be the last ones to know.(...)
The panic attacks thing I hate. Straight up. From top to bottom.I will never come to terms with it. It changes the MC personality too much and that's hard to stomach. I could deal with the toning down of his edginess but now he almost seems bipolar. Like one minute he doesn't give a fuck about anyone else, says things with no filter and is generally an asshole. He projects a stoic, strong and unbothered persona. Then the next minute he is cowering down afraid of everything around him like a little bitch. What? It made sense to me before, his freakout with Vic's eraser and later after kissing Nami (if you chose to do so). Those were consistent with everything we had seen and Nami had warned him not to get too much on his plate at once. The panic attacks just make no sense. There was never any mention of them. He doesn't speak about them with Nami, Nojiko or Amber. They just appeared misteriously one day.
All these reworks are introducing serious continuity issues with the story and its getting harder and harder to ignore them.
So I'm afraid that many people won't understand MC's behavior and will think it's all over the place if they never have studied anything related to say, psychology, or if they haven't experienced the same thing in real life (which is great, I wouldn't wish this to anyone, so the fact that you don't know it cause you haven't experienced it is good).
But that's just how I see things.