
Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2020
The herd psychology of human beings, the desire to be liked, the fear of exclusion, a group of zombies who will never be an individual no matter what you call it, this is the disease of our age.
These unique snowflakes! Only they have the right to an opinion, the rest are zombies. It's better to ignore it and move on.

Dude, I'm not as smart as you, I'm sorry, I don't understand. :D
I don't know if you're smart or not, I don't know you. I can only talk about what you write and draw my conclusions based on it. But you know yourself better than anyone, so I trust you on this one.

I agree with everything you say, is your little ego satisfied? :giggle:
Thank you kind sir, but my ego is so little that it doesn't need any approval. You don't have to agree with me just because of my ego, but thanks anyway. :giggle:

"A bunch of angry little bullies."
Manipulate what I wrote as much as you like, I stand by it.
Highlight the last part of your post as much as you want, it doesn't change the meaning of the first part. Or did you not write that Dev does not make Maja a LI because of his stubbornness, and his post on that topic is just an excuse? If I didn't get it right, then I sincerely apologize for annoying you out of my ignorance.

Whether you like it or not, I will write whatever I want within the framework of forum rules.
So you think you can get a herd of fanboys behind you and bully whoever you want? That's wrong.
Where do I somehow prevent you from writing whatever you want? But you post in a public forum. And I have the right to comment whatever I want, just like you have the right to write whatever you want. Withing the framework of forum rules. Who is manipulating now?
"herd of fanboys" - nice and unique :) Throw in there simps, zealots and "dev fellatio entusiasts" and we get a full row.

Whether I call it stubbornness or arbitrariness, who are you that I should adjust my personal appearance according to you?
If you don't text me, I won't text you.
So you are the one who started the argument, I am saying it in a language that an 8 year old can understand.
I am a member of this community just like you. You don't have to adjust anything because of me, just as I don't have to adjust my reaction to what you post in public forum on the topic of the game that I like. If you label people who agree with the developer, who like his vision of the story, and who are openly speak about it as "the ones who use their brains with fanboyism", you're likely to get a reaction.

But my inner 8 year old fanboy agrees with you that there is no need to continue this pointless debate, this is getting offtopic.


Jan 11, 2023
Darling, you're free to make your own game and write your very own Maja with a full complete story and a happily ever after(don't forget the lewd scenes to go along with it). I'm rooting for you! And when you're done, be sure to share it here so that we may all bask in awe of your superior writing capabilities! After all, for you, writing a full love story complete with lewds and realistic relationship dynamics shouldn't prove a challenge!

I refuse to believe that users on a pirating site can be this entitled lolღ

Edit: No offence to all of the regular users here. You guys are lovelyღ


Active Member
Jun 5, 2021
Oceanlab not sure if anyone has mentioned this, I havent looked at this thread in months, but every chapter 4.5 replay referencing the BellaKiss3x5 variable is bugged.

Easy fix, find and replace BellaKiss3x5 with BellaKiss03x within every file in this path: ...\game\Benutzerdefiniert\Replay\Ch4x5

Long term fix, redevelop the replay function so it's within the normal gameplay script. You wouldn't have to synchronize changes in multiple places if you did it this way. The duplication isn't necessary and creates unnecessary tech debt. The VN Desert Stalker is a good reference for this, or you can hit up scrappy.

Unsolicited constructive criticism, there is no way you dont confuse yourself regularly with these variable names lol. Fitness and fitness, vicdate and VicDate, miladate and MilaDate. I quickly glanced through the codebase and it seems like you've changed your naming scheme in nearly every update. I would recommend coming up with a consistent self-documenting variable naming scheme so you don't trip yourself up in the future, especially as scenes get more complex with the many, many, LIs.

I think <Char Name><One Word Descript><Chapter>x<Sub-chapter> works fine, so MilaDate4x0 or MilaDate4x5 is cool. Not saying you have to adhere to that scheme, python convention is typically snake-cased (ex. mila_date_4x0), only that you need to choose something that's consistent if you plan to bring on developers who will have to make sense of all this. The inconsistency is also a form of tech debt. Personally, i'd retrofit previous chapters to adhere to that scheme as well.

Im a web developer, I don't do renpy shit, but I have fiddled with python quite a bit to make automation scripts. I think a linter like pylint should be ok to use with renpy? I'm not certain tho and this is only necessary if you feel you need something to strictly enforce adhering to that naming scheme.

That's all I got, ill go back to making myself scarce.

PS. Chapter 5 needs a succulent ass shot of the objectively superior LI, Mila. You will include this or I will riot. Thanks and god-speed brethren.

Old Man Al

Active Member
Jan 18, 2022


In a previous Dev Log, I wrote about the music issue and stuff... The bitterness that came with it, and me not wanting to contact and deal with them.
Turns out, actually mentioning it to someone (you guys) has helped me deal with it.
I contacted a few new ones and also signed one new Song already. He's also very eager to work with me in the future.
I'm still waiting for a reply from the others.

About Chapter 5.
I'm closing in on the end, I'd say it's about 85% done... I also slowly started with the last part of the Ch2 rework. (Previews at the end of the post)
Things are progressing very nicely.
Except that, I totally fucked up my sleep schedule again in the past two days... I umm, went through what I call an "Artistic Dilemma".
I went into an ADHD-induced hyperfocus where I asked myself a lot of art-related questions and created some stuff to find answers. Then I realized it was already 8 in the morning.
I might elaborate on it in a different Patreon post, as I made a few changes to my future art approach.
During my "Artistic Dilemma", I also created some new Treats. I really felt them that night.
The music to go with the Gloomy Treat:
It's a Gloomy Nadia Treat with 5 pictures (2 Versions of each) with a bit more focus on photorealism.
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The rest can be found
Anyways, Previews. (High Res Images are in the ZIP file.)
As mentioned in the last Log, I only show two previews from a new Chapter per Dev Log.
But let's start with the CH2 stuff. (Which I don't count as a real new Chapter.)
Old Chapter 2:
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New Chapter 2
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Old Chapter 2
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I actually had to laugh when I saw these old renders.
New Chapter 2 - Nami and Ayua
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New Chapter 5
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I can't really show much from CH5 without spoiling... So yeah, that's also a reason why I limited the future previews to two pictures.
A few of you are probably wondering if anything else changed in the last part of Chapter 2.
Yes, quite a few new scenes have been added. The Bella Night route is now longer and a big change to the story itself had to be done. (It only affects you if you didn't go with Bella that one night.)
As I ran into some branching issues in Season 5, which would've made that Season 16-17 Chapters long... I had to make the change to save my sanity down the line.
I won't spoil what I had to change, but you'll see it if you pick to not meet up with Bella at midnight. Otherwise, nothing changes.
I think I'll be finishing SG's writing in around a month. I've finished a few endings already and well... Then all that's left is the art and coding.
But I'm 100% going to change stuff down the line. Add new things, maybe even add another Chapter... But yeah.
I must admit that I teared up writing and thinking about the end of SG and WiAB... I know that it will take quite a few years to finish them but when the time comes, it's going to be a one-of-a-kind journey.

I'll see you in two weeks.

- Ocean
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