You make a good point for a creator currently dealing with burnout or suffering from it and unable to find a way past it.
From a creator's perspective though, I think it is worth it to try to find a way forward, so that a creator can continue to do something that they love. The key is being able to find that way forward.
Ocean shared/continues to share his journey with us, and this (burnout) was something he seems to have overcome - he went through that valley and found a way to the other side.
He is now Very productive, actively works on the various aspects of his health (physical, mental, even social - he's been honest about it in his dev diaries), and he works on two related AVNs simultaneously to help avoid the burnout that lurks on the fringes for many creative people.
If you have seen the CH summaries of what he adds with each new release, then looked at the quality of those renders, the animations, music and story, he is actually far more productive than most of the creators out there.
I know some people new/newer to this thread post about frustrations with a creator who is dividing his time between two AVNs versus focusing on just one.
From what I've seen of both SG and WIAB, both are very good/great AVNs and, as a $ supporter, I am fine with Ocean managing his workload and maintaining his creativity by dividing his time by simultaneously developing both AVNs.
Would all of us like more great content faster - sure - but we'd be all for that with Any creative work we enjoyed from AVNs like SG to books, TV series etc.
It is looking like we will have the next release of WIAB and SG in the next 60 days and I am Especially looking forward to more SG!