
Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2023
I think that there are three different aspects of the writing to consider.

The person doing the proofread in each of the translated languages (what is their level of mastery of both languages).

The original wording used for each scene.

Adapting translations to cultural or even language variations (likely the hardest of the three to get right).

I'm an American and, while I can speak English, I can only claim to speak the North American version of English.

There are variations in English where meaning changes if you are speaking the British version of English or the Australian version of English, much like Castilian Spanish (spoken in Spain) and Latin American Spanish have different nuances to the 'same' language.

This might be an area where AI can help but I have no idea how effective this 'help' might be near-term.


From the dev log for SG, Jul 26th:

For the past weeks I've been dedicating two hours a day to improving my English writing skills.

One of the things I admire about Ocean is his commitment to his craft and this is just another example of it.

I think the writing will improve through time and there may be some additional proofreading polish that will be applied to SG ahead of the Steam release.

Once the CH 2 rework (and any additional CH 3/3.5 polish for continuity) is done, we will get to see how cohesive the story flow and verbiage is throughout Season 1 of SG.

Cheers! :coffee:
The only real differences in NA Eng and Standard English is spelling of a few words and pronunciations. As for slang, and nuances, they often change from town to town in the UK - Less so with the advent of social media but still there regardless. So two people from each side of the pond should be perfectly able to understand one another. Despite the yanks fixation on having a silent h in herb.

For the Australians? The key to understanding them is that they like to shorten words you'd never think could be shortened. Afternoon is a prime example. They tend to say "Arvo" instead.

It is not often things need to be altered too much for a yank to understand a Brit and vice versa. Quite rare, i'd say. The only thing that instantly springs to mind is "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone". IIRC they changed it to Sorcerer's stone in the USA because they didn't think the yanks, at the time, knew what a philosopher was... Or some such.


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2023
Whether or not you choose to respond to this post is irrelevant to me - I am an adult and I would not post on F95 if I was not able to handle adult responses or disagreements to what I say.
Whether a response is relevant or not, is not the point. The point was not looking to have this debate all over again. But somehow you managed to peak my curiosity regardless. (fuck!)

To keep this reply as short as possible, the remake is a disaster, in more ways than one. But in the end, I can live with
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Regardless of the visual examples in the above 'spoiler', the visuals' quality is still somewhat secondary to me. What irks me the most, is the below average writing. The conversations no longer feel natural as they did before. His new proof readers are complete garbage. And defending it by saying "Oh but his proof readers are fluent in more than 2 languages" does not excuse this garbage. Hiring someone who can understand several languages, does not by any stretch of the imagination, mean quality.

Because I am aware of some of the difficulties Ocean's had with "partnerships", I can sympathize with his position of wanting and/or needing to proverbially draw a line in the sand to separate from the old and the new. I get that. What I don't get is why settle for below average writing. And having members like you and other "fangirls" defending this garbage is discouraging.

Before there was potential for a masterpiece in progress, whereas now, the writing feels like it's from some middle-schooler forced to do his homework where he'd rather be playing 'fortnite' instead. There are much better proof readers out there who are educated in English literature, who could have corrected these ridiculous and obvious 'mishaps'. Perhaps even for less money or even for free.

Now don't get me wrong here, I'm AM NOT trying to take a complete shit on Ocean here. I'm taking one on the below par fangirls pretending there is nothing wrong with the new version. A mature creator will/should look for the segment of fans that are calling out what is wrong with it over those blinded by their own jizz splashes in order to stroke his ego instead. Nor am I trying to tell Ocean to change "his vision". I'm trying to tell him to stop rushing it. Because that's exactly what the remake feels like. He's rushing it. Yes the fans are impatient to dig our claws into it. But he will lose more fans than gain some with sub standard writing. Those of us that were immersed into the mystery and darkness of the original version, was and are expecting better from him because we know he can do it.

And "FUCK!" again, I wanted to keep this reply short..... So I'm going to drop off here.
But I suspect my position is a little more clear now? I do not wish to relive through this crap again.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2023
Whether a response is relevant or not, is not the point. The point was not looking to have this debate all over again. But somehow you managed to peak my curiosity regardless. (fuck!)

To keep this reply as short as possible, the remake is a disaster, in more ways than one. But in the end, I can live with
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Regardless of the visual examples in the above 'spoiler', the visuals' quality is still somewhat secondary to me. What irks me the most, is the below average writing. The conversations no longer feel natural as they did before. His new proof readers are complete garbage. And defending it by saying "Oh but his proof readers are fluent in more than 2 languages" does not excuse this garbage. Hiring someone who can understand several languages, does not by any stretch of the imagination, mean quality.

Because I am aware of some of the difficulties Ocean's had with "partnerships", I can sympathize with his position of wanting and/or needing to proverbially draw a line in the sand to separate from the old and the new. I get that. What I don't get is why settle for below average writing. And having members like you and other "fangirls" defending this garbage is discouraging.

Before there was potential for a masterpiece in progress, whereas now, the writing feels like it's from some middle-schooler forced to do his homework where he'd rather be playing 'fortnite' instead. There are much better proof readers out there who are educated in English literature, who could have corrected these ridiculous and obvious 'mishaps'. Perhaps even for less money or even for free.

Now don't get me wrong here, I'm AM NOT trying to take a complete shit on Ocean here. I'm taking one on the below par fangirls pretending there is nothing wrong with the new version. A mature creator will/should look for the segment of fans that are calling out what is wrong with it over those blinded by their own jizz splashes in order to stroke his ego instead. Nor am I trying to tell Ocean to change "his vision". I'm trying to tell him to stop rushing it. Because that's exactly what the remake feels like. He's rushing it. Yes the fans are impatient to dig our claws into it. But he will lose more fans than gain some with sub standard writing. Those of us that were immersed into the mystery and darkness of the original version, were and are expecting better from him because we know he can do it.

And "FUCK!" again, I wanted to keep this reply short..... So I'm going to drop off here.
But I suspect my position is a little more clear now? I do not wish to relive through this crap again.

Not to interfere. But, I am going to be THAT guy. When something catches your interest it is "Piqued my interest" meaning to catch your attention. If your attention is at its peak. Then, for example, you are standing on the top of mount everest!

Now, go back to arguing, stat!


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2023
Not to interfere. But, I am going to be THAT guy. When something catches your interest it is "Piqued my interest" meaning to catch your attention. If your attention is at its peak. Then, for example, you are standing on the top of mount everest!

Now, go back to arguing, stat!
You are correct.
Caffeine is barely making it to the grey matter.
I'll leave the typo there because something else "piqued" my interest in return, mount Everest is a proper noun. Which means first letter is capitalized.

2 can play that game.



Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2023
You are correct.
Caffeine is barely making it to the grey matter.
I'll leave the typo there because something else "piqued" my interest in return, mount Everest is a proper noun. Which means first letter is capitalized.

2 can play that game.
Damn, defeated by my own hubris and lack of proof-reading once again! Wait, no, I didn't mean drag ME into the argument! Go on, shoo.. Shoo!


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2023
Damn, defeated by my own hubris and lack of proof-reading once again! Wait, no, I didn't mean drag ME into the argument! Go on, shoo.. Shoo!
S'all good man. (I wonder if anyone will get that reference, think Breaking Bad)
Thanks for the giggle.
I needed that.
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Deleted member 327695

Game Developer
Dec 11, 2017
Whether a response is relevant or not, is not the point. The point was not looking to have this debate all over again. But somehow you managed to peak my curiosity regardless. (fuck!)

To keep this reply as short as possible, the remake is a disaster, in more ways than one. But in the end, I can live with
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wtf is this garbage!?

I thought you said Steam was a big deal? :unsure:


The rework currently ends right before Amber takes the MC home... With a big fat screen that informs you that you're about to enter the old version.
Those renders up there are from the old version.

How should I take you seriously if you don't even know what's reworked and what's not?
As a connoisseur of the old SG, you should've known that.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're not just here to stir shit up.

If there are some very obvious mishaps, please point them out to me. I'm eager to learn.
Don't be like the RNasc guy. I'm still waiting for him to point out the "[...] broken English and the grammar errors [that] stick out like a gangrenous wound".

The word garbage is counterproductive & will only land you on the ignore list.


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2023
How should I take you seriously if you don't even know what's reworked and what's not?
As a connoisseur of the old SG, you should've known that.
Because I'm going through the new stuff as we speak.

Like you, my time is somewhat limited to early mornings and very late nights, which gives me but a few hours. And this will require some time to jot down suggestions. But if you really want me to, I will set aside plenty of time to note down and point out the spots where dialogs should be rewritten to sound more fluid and natural. And I'll share the results in a PM or publicly (up to you). So that way if you find I have substance to my criticisms, you'll be free to do with them what you wish, and the rest of the community could continue to shit on me for having a difference of opinion (I don't care I have thick skin).

Now he's going over all reworked renders.. again.
Thank you for proving my point.
Also, if you had taken to time to actually read what Ocean asked, you'd know he was referring to dialogs.
Would you like some ketchup to go with your other foot now?


Active Member
Mar 1, 2023
Ok I want to give it a try BUT I think I may have already tried it. If its the game I am thinking of the MC is an emo bitch that whines on the few occasions he says more than three words to anyone. He walks around with his hair down in front of one eye. Please tell me its NOT that game and I will give it a go....but if it IS that game then no thank you. Best of Luck but that one is not for me.
Thats the one. The MC here is the biggest whining emo edge lord wannabe on the planet with the most ridiculous haircut.
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Dec 15, 2019
This is just my opinion; Ocean is a good writer, and I have no doubt about his skills. I think chapter 3.5 (I don't remember if it was chapter 3.5 or not; I only remember it as a dinner with Bella update) was perfect. Dinner with Bella, the kissing scene, the hangout with Nami, the hangout with Mila, the girls' locker room talk, and the basketball scene are well written, in my opinion. but the last two new updates and reworks didn't feel the same as the previous update. That update has good moments, but it feels like it was written by another person.
This, i've been waiting so long for someone who dares to speak the truth .
Chap 3.5 is really a well-built masterpiece, the writing have been done to perfection, the writting on the prior chap ( pre-rework) maybe not on that lv yet but it built up really well. The game felt like a whole, with chap 3.5 as the ultimate climax, which concluded the 1st part of the game nicely.
Now the whole reworks writing is really really bad, it cut the game into several pieces with no flow whatsoever, the writing - like so many have point out before - is utter and complete garbage.If it works perfectly fine before, which brought ocean a huge fanbase, than why changed it into this horny fanservice crap ? Me and a lot of other people get drawn into this game because of its absolute nut writing, not for Nami thong panties or Nojiko underwear, heck, you can even remove all sex scenes and this game would have been a masterpiece nonetheless. Why rework and add so many beautiful "skin" but remove any "substances" the game once had ?
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Sep 23, 2021
This, i've been waiting so long for someone who dares to speak the truth .
Chap 3.5 is really a well-built masterpiece, the writing have been done to perfection, the writting on the prior chap ( re-rework) maybe not on that lv yet but it built up really well. The game felt like a whole, with chap 3.5 as the ultimate climax, which concluded the 1st part of the game nicely.
Now the whole reworks writing is really really bad, it cut the game into several pieces with no flow whatsoever, the writing - like so many have point out before - is utter and complete garbage.If it works perfectly fine before, which brought ocean a huge fanbase, than why changed it into this horny fanservice crap ? Me and a lot of other people get drawn into this game because of its absolute nut writing, not for Nami thong panties or Nojiko underwear, heck, you can even remove all sex scenes and this game would have been a masterpiece nonetheless. Why rework and add so many beautiful "skin" but remove any "substances" the game once had ?
I don't think the last update and rework was garbage; it had good moments, but it didn't feel the same as Chapter 3.5 did.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2020
Will my saves work with next update or do I have to start new game?
If you already did the restart due to the software update that required it - I believe that all saves are intact.

Caveat though - I don't know what code changes will occur in the CH 2 rework (about 1/3 left for the next rev) or any continuity changes made to CH 3 and CH 3.5 supporting the final part of the rework.

I created a save at the end of the CH 2 reworked section and will pick up my playthrough from there so that I don't risk continuity issues down the road (not saying there will be any but I simply don't know).

Cheers! :coffee:
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