For me, I never liked her, since the first time we meet her she is being a cunt to Nami, and that's all it took to turn me off to her completely.
I can understand your perspective.
I am a Bella first fan and, while what she did to Nami was wrong, it was a prank done to a stranger (humiliating yes, but not a danger to life or limb).
I don't believe that Bella would do anything like this now after getting to know the MC and learning how important Nami is to him.
I also think that Nami and Bella both share something they will not admit to each other - they have strong feelings for the MC and they are both protective of him.
What follows are my musings for those on the Bella path:
I can actually see Nami becoming friends with Bella (initially allies in protecting and looking out for the MC) but, in time, more.
We have a lot of story to enjoy in the years to come. Their early common ground - caring for the MC - will IMO grow to include looking out for each other since each of them are important to the MC (based on the choices my MC has made as part of the Bella path).
Shared friendships - like the friendship with Ayua and Nadia - can help create common ground and understanding between Bella and Nami.
As the MC grows into the man he could be, he will attract the attention of men and women who do not wish him well - if only because of the negative impact he has on their plans (like defeating a rival school in BB, targeting Melanie Ceril for payback as part of the deal with Zara, and dealing with that Nasty female reporter who is trying to create scandal by turning the MC into something he is not).
As events like this happen, Nami and Bella will find themselves on the side of the MC defending him and showing their loyalty to him. I believe that this, along with the impact of shared friendships, will lead to a reconciliation between Nami and Bella.