
Engaged Member
Dec 29, 2022
Having sampled many AVNs on here since 2018, I kinda scratch my head when people talk about "bad writing" in SG. Bad writing compared to what, exactly?

As a native English speaker, writer, and reader, I don't find the SG writing or dialogues particularly bad, especially compared to the majority of AVNs on F95. Yes, there are some things "lost in translation," so to speak, and some grammatical and spelling errors, but I find much of the dialogue feels natural.

Not once I have read the word "Succubus" (which, by default, reveals which part of the world the writer comes from) and I haven't read any typical F95 AVN trope dialogues, such as... Daughter: "Daddy?" Father: "Yes, honey?" Daughter: "I want to suck you pee-pee. Please, Daddy?" Father: "Why certainly, honey! What more could a good father do." CRINGE!

I have seen accusations the writing is bad because Wollust college, collage sport, and minutiae like getting a drivers license don't resemble real life. Talk about not seeing the forest for the trees. Practically every Sci-Fi and Superhero movie, and every police procedural, courtroom, or hospital drama on TV is the same. Besides, some of the minor things (such as Ocean's choice to use a real-world medication in Ch 5) are easily fixed.

I use the same suspension of disbelief in SG that I use for movies and TV shows. That way, I enjoy the story without getting bogged down in irrelevant minutiae. I kinda SMH when reading Sci-Fi TV show fans questioning the physics or logic of some particular piece of technology. It's like, dude! The whole show is based around false physics and logic! FTL drives, sub-space, every alien race speaking American English... etc.

So far, the overall character narratives in SG make sense and there is an in-built complexity to the character relationships and dialogues, i.e. player choices matter in a way that isn't simply determining the order in which the MC porks every female NPC in the game. There is a lot of character backstory revealed throughout the game.

There is very little in the way of major plot holes - the biggest of which, IMHO, is the MC/Nami relationship. That relationship needs to either go all in (i.e. be clearly stated as originally intended, meaning goodbye Steam and goodbye Patreon) or unambiguously redefined away from the original intent. Otherwise, certain aspects of the plot and dialogue don't make sense in the official version of the game. For anyone saying that the MC and Nami HAVE to be blood-related for dialogues relating to a taboo relationship to work, I say, Nah! They have been under Nojiko's care since they were small children. Get the surnames right (i.e. the MC and Nami sharing Nojiko's surname) and make some minor changes to dialogue, and society would still view them as "brother" and "sister" because that's how they've been brought up (a one parent, two children family). This way, a relationship could still be viewed as taboo but not be illegal.

Of course, others will have their own take on all of this. That's fine. Everyone views SG through their own lens and no game is beyond criticism.
I mean the writing could be better (which is the case in 99% of avns) in comparison to the average of all avns it’s unbelievably amazingly godlike.

I’m comparison to the AVNs with very good writing (that’s fucking rare) it’s at least decent to good imo.

The thing is Ocean involved all these words like wormy/poundy/bibi/whatevi and dumb fucks see that and cry BAD WRITING while they are the last people qualified to rate that.

My theory is that these words have a deeper meaning and connection.

Its noticeable that these words are only used by very specific characters.

William/Leia/Kaite Zane who supposedly created these words at little kids, William and Leia created Bibi (Baby) as nickname for Katie.

It’s reasonable to assume that the other words originated in a similar way imo.

The only other characters using them are:

- Miru (copied the „slang“ due to living 5 years with Willy)

- Nika & Nami

- Summer

My assumption is that either Nika and Nami (probably) or Summer had a lot of contact with the Zane’s as little kids and copied their kiddy words.

Afterwards Summer copied the slang from Nika&Nami or the other way around.

All of them keep using these words, maybe there’s a meaning behind it as it connects all of them to their roots in one way or another.

And they all have a level of confidence that they don’t give a shit when anyone hears them talk like a toddler.

This theory became even more reasonable when Emilio stated in wiab that he has no clue what „Bibi“ means and thought it’s strange that Leia calls new dancers like that.

This indicated strongly that all these „kiddy-words“ aren’t canon/known in oceans universe and im convinced there is a reason why some specific characters know/use them.

Uhh I went kinda off rails lmao and maybe it’s all bullshit but we will see


Engaged Member
Dec 29, 2022
Honestly if I still used a characters appearance as a metric if I play their path I would be right there with you. I learned after a month or 2 after getting into AVN's to not to value looks of a LI as I found some of the LI im not attracted too can be really good characters and some of the better LI if you play their paths. While this isnt entirely true cause id say it's true 9 times out of 10 for me just not when a LI looks really old or there is just something that is really disgusting to me but that is rare to see.

But as far Mila yeah im not a fan of her appearance all that much even tho after seeing the comparison image someone posted I do think her waist is alot better now. But after getting to know her she is someone im very interesting in after my main 3 LI picks.

With that being said I don't want to assume it's her looks that turned you off from her or anything just felt like sharing my 2 cents for some reason maybe cause im bored AF right now lol.
You would have been right if you would have assumed that lmao

It would be different if I would think her character/story is super amazing or interesting than i would still consider her as a Li despite her looks.

And I would have played her path with some of her older looks despite not to much into her character/story.

The combination dooms it now for me kinda and I’m just really really more into petite/slim/athletic girls.

Sasha is perfect for me for example or even Allison from Race of Life, Bella‘s body is perfect too of course despite not being super petite

I’m just not into thick chick I guess but there are enough guys who appreciate them anyway

Deleted member 6168082

Active Member
Jun 5, 2023
Lmao, thighs ok? Im not a native english speaker and these two words .. i hate them with passion.

Its all good with Mila, i still like her and can look at her without trouble, just not interrested in her as a li anymore, not a really big deal and only disappointing because i liked her before. But i dont require every li in a avn to fit my tastes.
Ah, no worries then. I had no idea and wouldn't have made fun if I did (I would have understood things much easier) Sorry about that. If you hate them with a passion, overcome them. Kinda like, having angry sex. Hate-fuck those words till you love them again.

I can only imagine... tight tights help the tighs tell no lies but tighter tights keep dem butt cheeks super tight.... idk :rolleyes:

Damn, you liked her before, but the changes changed your feelings for her? crazy. I thought you probably liked her for her, did more than just her looks change? but like you said, no biggy. You will go after who you want and can enjoy the company of the other ladies for friendship.


Message Maven
Jul 25, 2017
You would have been right if you would have assumed that lmao

It would be different if I would think her character/story is super amazing or interesting than i would still consider her as a Li despite her looks.

And I would have played her path with some of her older looks despite not to much into her character/story.

The combination dooms it now for me kinda and I’m just really really more into petite/slim/athletic girls.

Sasha is perfect for me for example or even Allison from Race of Life, Bella‘s body is perfect too of course despite not being super petite

I’m just not into thick chick I guess but there are enough guys who appreciate them anyway
fair enough yeah I'm mixed on the looks department in general when it comes to LI. Cause I do wish there was more Pettie LI hell I want to say sometimes it's my preference but once in a while I see a thick LI and then all of a sudden I can't decide who I like better. Nami and Bella is a good example of this.

I think alot of the reason I grew away from judging a LI based on their looks is I stopped treating these games as porn and something to play. But instead something I enjoy and treat most AVN's almost like a normal video game in some ways. Cause there are times I feel I have a bit of a completionist mentality and will play paths of characters I have no real interest in compared to the other options but I either like them enough to play , or something about them makes me want to play their path even if I hate them. A good example of this would Vanessa and Robin as I don't like either of those characters from this game and they are probably my 2 most hated characters in this game right now. Yet I will play their paths at some point when we actually get content lmfao.


Engaged Member
Dec 5, 2020
All of them keep using these words, maybe there’s a meaning behind it as it connects all of them to their roots in one way or another.

And they all have a level of confidence that they don’t give a shit when anyone hears them talk like a toddler.

This theory became even more reasonable when Emilio stated in wiab that he has no clue what „Bibi“ means and thought it’s strange that Leia calls new dancers like that.
Absolutely agree!
Nika: "Little bibi started stuttering, ooohhh."
Bella: "What's a bibi?"
Nika: "It's a word for something baby like."
Bella: "You-"
Bella has no idea what "bibi" means either. Apparently this is part of their childhood vocabulary with Nami and/or Summer and probably comes from the WiAB characters.

Deleted member 6168082

Active Member
Jun 5, 2023
I have a bit of a completionist mentality and will play paths of characters I have no real interest in compared to the other options but I either like them enough to play , or something about them makes me want to play their path even if I hate them.
Well, for me, it's usually the stupid Achievements or some other shit.

They will never make it too simple as to have you play a game once to unlock every image. You are forced to play multiple times if you want every image in the Gallery unlocked. Luckily, I don't care much about the Gallery.

Achievements though... they usually want you to do a lot of things. Bad/Good stuff, Be with This/That person, Get This/That Person's Ending etc.


Engaged Member
Dec 29, 2022
Ah, no worries then. I had no idea and wouldn't have made fun if I did (I would have understood things much easier) Sorry about that. If you hate them with a passion, overcome them. Kinda like, having angry sex. Hate-fuck those words till you love them again.

I can only imagine... tight tights help the tighs tell no lies but tighter tights keep dem butt cheeks super tight.... idk :rolleyes:

Damn, you liked her before, but the changes changed your feelings for her? crazy. I thought you probably liked her for her, did more than just her looks change? but like you said, no biggy. You will go after who you want and can enjoy the company of the other ladies for friendship.
Lmao again

And nah never liked her thiiis much and even disliked her somewhat when she came clear about her backstory with Bella and still „hating“ her despite knowing how badly Bella got molested back than and how she betrayed her just because Bella doesn’t give a fuck about her anymore

But her former looks still had elevated her enough for me to check out her path at least and I don’t feel that desire anymore now.


Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018
Absolutely agree!

Bella has no idea what "bibi" means either. Apparently this is part of their childhood vocabulary with Nami and/or Summer and probably comes from the WiAB characters.
I actually have a german friend who's nickname is Bibi, so it's not weird to me.

I do think there is the tendency of Miru to make the bibi words, but I think she's mirroring Willi, and overcompensating (wormy, wombi, everything with the eeeeeee sounds, better plock my ears from more banshee vowels). The fact that Leia includes all of the club girls in the lingo changes things. Also, Katie isn't just bibi, but fish as well.

It could easily be Nika, Nami or Summer's mum could be one of Leia's girls, which would mean interesting things for Emilio once he starts digging into the Cyrus name.


Engaged Member
Dec 29, 2022
It could easily be Nika, Nami or Summer's mum could be one of Leia's girls, which would mean interesting things for Emilio once he starts digging into the Cyrus name.
Yeah Leia could be easily Nika and Nami‘s mom.

whoopps I somehow did misread your statement!:devilish::poop: Silly me!
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Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2018
I mean the writing could be better (which is the case in 99% of avns) in comparison to the average of all avns it’s unbelievably amazingly godlike.

I’m comparison to the AVNs with very good writing (that’s fucking rare) it’s at least decent to good imo.

The thing is Ocean involved all these words like wormy/poundy/bibi/whatevi and dumb fucks see that and cry BAD WRITING while they are the last people qualified to rate that.

My theory is that these words have a deeper meaning and connection.

Its noticeable that these words are only used by very specific characters.

William/Leia/Kaite Zane who supposedly created these words at little kids, William and Leia created Bibi (Baby) as nickname for Katie.

It’s reasonable to assume that the other words originated in a similar way imo.

The only other characters using them are:

- Miru (copied the „slang“ due to living 5 years with Willy)

- Nika & Nami

- Summer

My assumption is that either Nika and Nami (probably) or Summer had a lot of contact with the Zane’s as little kids and copied their kiddy words.

Afterwards Summer copied the slang from Nika&Nami or the other way around.

All of them keep using these words, maybe there’s a meaning behind it as it connects all of them to their roots in one way or another.

And they all have a level of confidence that they don’t give a shit when anyone hears them talk like a toddler.

This theory became even more reasonable when Emilio stated in wiab that he has no clue what „Bibi“ means and thought it’s strange that Leia calls new dancers like that.

This indicated strongly that all these „kiddy-words“ aren’t canon/known in oceans universe and im convinced there is a reason why some specific characters know/use them.

Uhh I went kinda off rails lmao and maybe it’s all bullshit but we will see
I agree. Some of the phrases used are likely a specific family thing in the Wollust universe. In the case of the MC/Nami in SG - exactly what you say - did they introduce the term "bibi" to Summer or did Summer introduce the term to them?

Besides. the term "bibi" is only used a couple of times outside of Chs 1 and 2.

Multiple times in the past, Ocean has said he draws inspiration from people and things from his own life. Without reproducing the quote, Ocean has stated that "bibi" is a term he and his sister once used, although not they didn't use it often.

Overall, I think the writing and dialogues are generally good. There are always things we can quibble about, but I can't think of much that can't be fixed with a few lines of rewritten dialogue.

I mentioned things "lost in translation." This is only natural because of Ocean's nationality. However, those pesky things still in the game can be corrected easily.

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No doubt there are other examples in SG. But the fact remains, they can be corrected easily.
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Engaged Member
Dec 5, 2020
I actually have a german friend who's nickname is Bibi, so it's not weird to me.

I do think there is the tendency of Miru to make the bibi words, but I think she's mirroring Willi, and overcompensating (wormy, wombi, everything with the eeeeeee sounds, better plock my ears from more banshee vowels). The fact that Leia includes all of the club girls in the lingo changes things. Also, Katie isn't just bibi, but fish as well.

It could easily be Nika, Nami or Summer's mum could be one of Leia's girls, which would mean interesting things for Emilio once he starts digging into the Cyrus name.
(y) (y) (y) Damn limit.
Yeah, and Nami is an annoying red fish too. And I don't remember any other characters besides Cyrus, Zane or close to them using this slang.


Engaged Member
Jul 21, 2017
I look at the old Mila, and man, she's so cool, young and fresh. Why he changed her to look like a doll with enormous boobs :(
Ocean obviously likes busty, curvy women more. Ever think about it like that ??:WeSmart:Nothing about her new look makes her less "young and fresh" or anything bad. If anything, it makes her even sweeter. A throuple ending with her and Vic or a 4some ending with her, Vic and Maya is #lifegoals, and grown-ass young women with pigtails ain't exactly something I'd consider 'beautiful'... it's an immature, bratty girl look at best, which is why I'm one of the peeps who like what her new character looks like, body and personality.

If only Ocean made the MC stop acting like such an over-the-top entitled, introverted, butthurt problem child pissing ppl off left and right bcz of his own issues and insecurities. It's why the emo fucker needs to get laid asap, cuz a good pussy is the answer to most dudes' problems. This is a scientific fact.:sneaky:

I'm really confused on how people think SG is a porn game when no one has ever claimed it to be a porn game. Ocean has repeatedly clarified on every official page that it is a "story focused game with adult elements", to the point where the game itself starts with a warning image.
I mean, we already know the MC is a sort of caricature of a butthurt emo idiot with serious mental issues who's soo 'cool' he can't even get an erection when a drop-dead gorgeous blonde like Bella teases and dry humps him lol. This should pretty much solidify the fact that the game's main focus aren't its sex scenes, but as much as I respect Ocean's amazing work and art and don't like admitting this, the story isn't that much of a plus either, especially since the MC's braindead retard attitude doesn't make sense and nothing significant in regards to what happened to Summer was even mentioned in this new version.

I get that some games may not have a lot of good sex scenes, cuz the story makes up for it, but in our case, I find it ridiculous that both the story and the sex scenes aren't anything worth praising, and the slow release schedule only adds to minuses, so yeah, Ocean needs to deliver more substantial updates and focus more on the story, give us more details about the characters, more build up, character development and shit. The MC needs to put in the hard work to get pussy like men do it IRL, cuz having all these attractive women throw themselves at him isn't something I'd consider even remotely believable or decently written.

I don't understand why it has become a habit that when someone doesn't like something they automatically try to throw the whole game in the trash and convince everyone around them that they are right. who cares? you don't like it and i do
I wholeheartedly agree.(y) There's constructive criticism and then there's plain nonsense. If somebody doesn't like a game, they're welcome to share their opinions on why they didn't like said game, where the devs made a mistake and what they think could've been done better, but repeating the same things over and over again instead of moving on to other titles is simply ridiculous.

If I see a game I consider promising and find certain things that don't make sense storywise or that I don't like, especially when other users agree with me on that, I comment hoping the dev will at least consider changing something, but if they don't, I'll just consider most of their fans and patrons are ok with everything, respect the dev's decision and simply move on to other games instead of repeating the same things most ppl probably don't care about and don't consider that bad for at least 100+ times. It's the mature, polite and reasonable thing to do, IMHO.


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2018
I actually have a german friend who's nickname is Bibi, so it's not weird to me.

I do think there is the tendency of Miru to make the bibi words, but I think she's mirroring Willi, and overcompensating (wormy, wombi, everything with the eeeeeee sounds, better plock my ears from more banshee vowels). The fact that Leia includes all of the club girls in the lingo changes things. Also, Katie isn't just bibi, but fish as well.

It could easily be Nika, Nami or Summer's mum could be one of Leia's girls, which would mean interesting things for Emilio once he starts digging into the Cyrus name.

To me, it will be interesting to find out why the MC and Nami in SG use the terms "Bibi" AND "Wormy."

"Bibi" is clearly a Zane family thing in WIAB that William passed on to Miru. However, "Wormy" (as slang for a penis) is only spoken between Miru and William in WIAB - never by anyone else.


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2021
Ocean obviously likes busty, curvy women more. Ever think about it like that ??:WeSmart:Nothing about her new look makes her less "young and fresh" or anything bad. If anything, it makes her even sweeter. A throuple ending with her and Vic or a 4some ending with her, Vic and Maya is #lifegoals, and grown-ass young women with pigtails ain't exactly something I'd consider 'beautiful'... it's an immature, bratty girl look at best, which is why I'm one of the peeps who like what her new character looks like, body and personality.

If only Ocean made the MC stop acting like such an over-the-top entitled, introverted, butthurt problem child pissing ppl off left and right bcz of his own issues and insecurities. It's why the emo fucker needs to get laid asap, cuz a good pussy is the answer to most dudes' problems. This is a scientific fact.:sneaky:
That cycle of Mila's changes that I was given above answers my question, the Mila of chapter 4.5 is pretty balanced but still busty, curvy in good way, no problem. It was just too much in chapter 1 and Ocean admits it.

Regarding the main character. well, I think there's ALSO a thing - his penis doesn't work, so he doesn't want to get close to anyone and has convinced himself that he doesn't need to. Strange that he's not aware of antidepressants since he has also panic attacks, sertraline is a popular medication for depression with and anxiety.(what Sasha gave him)


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2018
Yeah Leia could be easily Nika and Nami‘s mom.

whoopps I somehow did misread your statement!:devilish::poop: Silly me!
Oh, everyone got misdirected by the car accident and the (now deleted) shooting scene.

Marla gasps at seeing Nika in her college class and needs therapy from Amber because she IS Nika and Nami's long-lost mother! The tragic circumstances forcing her to abandon her children are yet to be revealed. Stay tuned... /s


Engaged Member
Dec 29, 2022
Oh, everyone got misdirected by the car accident and the (now deleted) shooting scene.

Marla gasps at seeing Nika in her college class and needs therapy from Amber because she IS Nika's mother! /s

the true/original intended emo-nika: „Mom! You left me! Like summer! :cry::cry:„ Booooom.
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Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018

To me, it will be interesting to find out why the MC and Nami in SG use the terms "Bibi" AND "Wormy."

"Bibi" is clearly a Zane family thing in WIAB that William passed on to Miru. However, "Wormy" (as slang for a penis) is only spoken between Miru and William in WIAB - never by anyone else.
Remember Nika talking about his uncle? What if that is his connection to the Zane's? Willi taught him basketball?
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