Haha yeah, as if a middle ground like for example "I enjoy the avn yet the slow development time annoys me" wouldnt exist at all. You have to be full front and best case insulting towards ocean and arent allowed to enjoy the avn at all or youre a white knight. Its a pretty simple worldview.If that poster was reviewing lightswitches, they'd try to convince everyone there's only on or off. They haven't noticed the invention of dimmers, and can't imagine anything in between. 'It's not on! Everyone knows it!'
What I like about SG is the nuance, the subtleties in between moments. Other people can keep flipping light switches trying to induce a seizure if they do it enough.
It's funny how polarised these kind of posts are: everyone's a white knight if they don't hate Ocean. It's simping in reverse. No one reverse simps like that poster - does he do it to all devs, or does he just have a raging boner for Ocean?
He's only writing here, you could see it before he changed his profile to private, thats why i called it a obsession. He has to like something about the avn or him staying here would be even more insane i guess. I try to imagine being like him and fail, does he awake every day and the first thing he feels is immense disappointment about ocean?
Seeing cocks on screen or two more tits seems so utterly important to him despite hating the avn so much, you could make a social study about this guy.