You have an opinion that Many of us do not hold - that is fine as we each get to have our own opinion.
Ocean is not going to win a Pulitzer but then I have not read Any AVN that Will win at that level of competition.
We have, in AVNs:
* Poor to some great writers
* Poor to some great coders
* Poor to some great Daz/Blender creators
* Poor to some great music creators
Ocean is Not great in all these things but, IMO, he does a decent to great job depending on the category (music includes finding/including music that adds to the SG experience).
Could he be a better coder - Absolutely!
Has he had some issues, like music licensing problems, crop up that have diminished some of the favorite scenes many of us enjoy - Absolutely!
Is his English perfect - No!
But, he is learning his craft, growing his skills, innovating with new software and tools, hiring outside help (some works out and some does not) and this AVN is still here when so many others have been abandoned during the time of SG's development.
If, after actually experiencing All of SG season 1, you don't like Summers Gone, then it is unlikely that Season 2 is going to improve your opinion of this AVN, and your time will be better spent searching for something more to your taste.
I will be staying because I enjoy Summers Gone and I am looking forward to more of this part of Oceanverse!
GL in your hunt for something you enjoy!