Well, in my country, after recovering from a mental illness most people aren't sharp enough to hustle that fast. She would have been drugged with antidepressants, monitored to get her weight under control. Once she's over that, she could start. If you've seen it happen so fast, I can't say it doesn't, but the public usually sees the tip of the iceberg, years of preparation creating the infrastructure. Leia didn't have anything she could really use to start unless it was Uncle Joe's gang, but it seems like they've been roped in by her after, she's kinda taking them over while he's in prison.
Illegitimate businesses can go faster than legal ones, but the nightclub is legitimate, otherwise the police could shut it down.
But you're right, things could happen fast, it's not impossible, just unlikely considering her mental state and health. Such things take a lot to turn around. The thing I'm starting to wonder is where Leia got the capital to start up, did she start the criminal side first, and then find a business to take over? Did she work and rise through the ranks, blackmail the owner into giving her control? Or did she get Helen involved as a financial support? Helen's dislike of guns, and her and Scarlet hiding what Leia's doing, while Scarlet is married to a gang member.... it makes me wonder.
It's not that large is a problem, but that Ocean has inflated her body over the course of the game (just considering the remake). Both she and Helen had great figures in Ch6 of old WiaB, then in current Ch1 Leia was fine, bigger, but fine. Then Ch2 Leia happened, and it's like watching her character get bimbofied. Same with Helen.
Here's Ch1 Helen, believable, still curvy. Shape of her breasts is a little unnatural, deformed by the clothing I guess? But the clothing is loose:
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Here's Ch2, a couple of days later, Helen hit the donuts HARD:
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Check out those thighs, they are wider than her head. Her buttocks are bigger than her head. Her breasts, you get the idea. There is no believable proportion here. Her head should be chubby like the rest of her for this to be believable:
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Again, compare her thighs to her head. That is messed up. I'm not body shaming, this is just not proportional - her head is too small for her body and frame, her thighs make WIlliam look like a stick rather than a condom filled with walnuts, and that's saying something:
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This is all in the current WiaB. People DON'T retain that much fluid in two days, or put on that many kilos straight to fat. If she ate that many donuts, it'd look like she she had a bun in the oven, a food baby from the donuts. It wouldn't have reached her thighs already.
On to Leia, current WiaB Ch1, compared to old WiaB Ch6. Pretty comparable, clearly better renders in the newer WiaB, but basically the same model. When William hugs her, her boobs are not so intrusive:
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A couple of days later, Leia too starts retaining water or the donuts turn straight to 'connective tissue'. She's not as bad as Helen's change, but even still, it's a different body frame a day later in the game time.
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And now ch3, bigger again from ch2:
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So it's not the problem of "I don't like big" but "I like consistent". people don't change this much in a day. Katie and Miru stay almost the same. Mon and Kata stay the same.
Because this is SG MT, let's look at Mila, here's the oldest render left in SG S1. She's big, but her head is not a dot on top of a mountain of connective tissue.
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Here she is in the reworked scene just before, same day prior to the basketball.
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Then the earlier rework of 1 when she was even more on the donuts, a few days earlier in the game. So she starts large, and shrinks in ch4 after chaging shape several times.
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Here she is in ch2. Black is slimming... but even still, better than Ch1. Ocean even admitted there were problems and showed the 5 different Mila models as a comparison, he just never fully fixed her to be one model. Wish I could find that test render right now.
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From behind, Mila looks reasonably proportional.
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but from the front, those things don't match the rest of her frame. Also, notice here the effect of clothing layers. Ocean has floated the clothing off her body, making her look larger. I wonder how many of the renders are effected by the thickness of the clothing material, which here the white layer is anot an inch thick almost. Then they're the layer under the white.
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So in conclusion, it's not the size, that's merely preference. I can dislike overly large body types, and that's fine, there can be variety. The problem is all these characters keep shifting size between renders, even on the same day in the game. Vast differences. That's why people are annoyed. Not because of just taste, but the continuity is seriously messed up on these three. Vic also has some issues, Compare hoodie walking Vic to ch$.5 topless Vic, and compare sexy Vic can walk again treats. Ocean's treats of Vic are very lovely. Her boobs in Ch4.5 look to be made of porcelain, and look like they would hurt people rather than comfort them.
For example, I don't complain about NIa, because she's stayed the same. I don't complain about Dana, because Ocean has explained her figure is part of the story, and he wanted to try something there. At least in SG S1 Mila is mostly the same model other than Ch4, and most of the continuity issues are clothing. affecting her size.
The Maja thing might be her getting all teasing with him trying to get a reaction as she's an assistant coach, and she goes too far in the heat of the moment, then she suffers intense guilt from it, and pushes hima way. Totally believable. Also, lewd doesn't = actual sex. There are so many things she might do. Nika might even initiate it. We won't know until we get to that part of the story, if it happens. So far we've been promised a 'scene' with Maja, which implies some solo Maja event, rather than just screen time with her hanging around Vic, so I don't know. Probably a locker room thing.
Ayua, I'm much more keen on than Noji. We'll see, fingers crossed.
Yeah, I'm wondering how many members of the book club used to work for Leia, like Jenna would be a candidate given her thief nature. I do think there will be shenanigans involving those work girls, they all aim to be gold diggers in a way.