I'm very curious about her story myself, as she seems quite central to things socially (connected to everyone almost, people gossiping about her, her sending people like Dwight or Robin to do things etc), but act like 100% introvert, quite shy and insecure in a way, while still being very strong as a character.
Vic being desperate - reject her every single time and see what she's like. She won't take no well. Although she seems open to sharing, I suspect she's rationalising to accomodate her fears of being alone. It's like when you leave after Maja gets you to come around, Vic is in tears because she is afraid she didn't make the connection with Nika, or something. She has also put him on a pedestal, fixated on him, maybe because he was there in the moment and she thinks he prevented her from being killed? She sees him as something extraordinary, and he's a link to how she was before the accident? Something is there.
The other relationship is the Benz's - we see Nadia and Zara get along, Zara talks with goth/pizza girl, but Zara seems quite separate from the others, but also fairly self sufficient. My guess is we'll start seeing more of the interactions through AUrora on the phone, and that will give us clearer indications of the way characters socialise. What would be great is if Ocean develops a bio that looks like a contact card in the phone, so we can keep track of the characters relations. Most games with large casts seem to do something similar.
I kinda feel that's pretty normal for her, it's not a raised eyebrows look, she appears to be staring straight ahead, slightly down at the bar in front of her not twisted left to look over at Nika and Ayua - look at her boddy in the following screens:
First shot we see, Robin has turned her body to greet them where they're standing at their table, Sasha's looking at the bar, this is before your screen shot. She doesn't appear to really move. We can clearly see Robin is turn to face them and Sasha isn't. In the screen shot you've posted, Sasha is looking straight.
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View attachment 3981003
She turns to Dwight on her left to get him to act as Ayua's on personal bouncer (because he's not paying any attention to Ayua making a mess of herself, even though Layla's worried from the bar), then looks back at where Ayua's making a mess of herself, we can see her turned to look.
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View attachment 3980996
By the way, anyone notice the pole behind for dancing?