- Ocean would probably be a millionaire if he included lewd scenes. But maybe not. WiaB has sex, and he's not a millionaire yet, in fact, the novel with no sex (SG) outperforms and is more popular than the one with sex (WiaB), even before the patreon issue with WiaB.
Maybe so, but we were discussing something a little different here. Why do you say that SG is a novel without sex? It was there and you know it very well, it was just removed and notice, when there was sex there were very few dissatisfied people, they started appearing after Ocean cut out all the adult scenes.
- For Ocean to be lying or deceiving his patreons, he has to intentionally screw them over. He's not.
On the one hand, you write that Ocean doesn't deceive anyone and he's almost a saint. On the other hand, Ocean's Patreon donors write a bunch of obscene words about him. So who's right?
Donators say that Ocean promised to release a big update before the end of the year, I don't remember exactly 7000-8000 renders. Moreover, in almost every log, Ocean wrote what a great guy he is and how well and hard he works. In the end, it turned out that Patreons gave an average of more than $70,000 after the release of the last SG update, and they did not receive the promised update that was supposed to be released before the end of the year. Isn't that a scam? If Ocean were an honest guy, he would say that he decided to take a rest this year and not make games. He would not have received donations, but no one would have called him a milker, etc. Instead, he started lying and making up ridiculous excuses, like that he does 25-40 renders per night. Although Ocean previously wrote that 2x3090 does 1 render in 4.5 minutes (in addition, he has 4 more powerful video cards). You don't have to be a great mathematician to make a simple calculation that will show that Ocean's words are a lie. I won't write the rest, I've already done it before.
These arguments of Patreons are clear to me, they are logical and have justifications. When you express your point of view, you do not support your words with arguments, it looks like an attempt to justify Ocean. I also don't like the words of donors, but unfortunately they are true.
He keeps reinvesting money into development and we can see that his renders are getting far better.
Here is my old message......
He had his best financial year over the last update - the trajectory is increasing with all his revenue streams. Stats show over 100K for Steam sales
You've noticed correctly, Ocean really did have a successful year, but his fans who donated to him had the opposite.
- But really, if you want Ocean to succeed and you want to see SG develop faster, why do you do your best to assasinate Ocean's character? It serves nothing. You still have never said what you actually like about this game that you keep replying in the thread.
It's all useless and nothing will change, hundreds of people wrote to him, but Ocean doesn't care. And if you ask uncomfortable questions in Discord, you'll just get banned.
P.S. I've already written many times what I like about this game, you just don't read carefully.