This. The guy set the bar pretty high, i will give him that. Since then years have past and we are constantly in a state of "Just wait a bit, a bright future is upon us!",but alas, it is not here yet. Instead, we have a constant! set of problems, delays and missed this point Ocean feels like "Fix It Felix" and every time he's ready to start building something here comes "Wreck It Ralph" to stall it .
Oh, but they do. It is just those who complain does't stay for long. As for others, well, i guess they have deep pockets. Good for them. If some people have less patience (or money), than it does not make them automatically wrong.The people who are Ocean's subs/patrons aren't the ones complaining - as pirates, we're not teachers, bosses or clients though. That is why I am patient.
We will see about that. We will probably get a 4-5k chunk update sometime down the road, yes. What is gonna be after that, that is the question.When/if he meets that bar, I doubt he'll get credit, people will just move onto the next "we'll all be dead or have dead pocket rockets ourselves by the time the next release happens".
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