It's funny because the metaphor of approaching software design as an architectural problem of building a house has been the dominant one in software development for a long time. It's only recently that it's been rethought and revised, including in a book which cover I posted as a joke. It explores exactly why this approach doesn't work in software development. Kent Beck is extreme, questionable and bearded, but his research on this topic gave a push for so-called "agile" approach in software development.
However, this has little to do with Ocean's approach, since one of the core practices of the agile is iterative development; iterations should be fairly short and end with releases that integrate into the product the bits of the functionality developed during the iteration.
Returning to AVN, now three of the rather popular AVNs that I am following are in the process of reworking the initial chapters. These AVN developers are complete incompetents.
What can I say, wander around the bazaar, look at the prices, maybe you will find something cheaper and better than Ocean's.