I don't think it's "over the top" really. It's just all the little things that annoy me. To be clear, none of it matters to the actual content. I'm just being irrational. Some examples that I see in many AVNs:
1) Colleges do not have a "front desk" or "reception" such as the now iconic "college reception" that's in like 500 AVNs. The closest you're going to find is some sort of main administration office, but that's going to be some boring place you might *never* physically go to in your 4 years attending the school. I went to a tiny private college (1200ish students) for 2 years. I was in the deans office once for...something? I never saw the main admin offices. I then went to a state school (10s of thousands of students). I saw the main admin offices there, but only because I was a transfer and had extra paperwork.
2) Colleges do not have hallways lined with lockers. That's high school.
2.5) You schedule in college is different pretty much every day, and unless you're really cramming in the credits trying to graduate in less than 4 years, or you're doing a double major, you're probably looking at 3 to 4 hours of class *at most* some days. Other days you have have 0 or 1 hour.
3) Dorm rooms are not in the same buildings as offices or classrooms. I suppose this is possible, but between the two schools I attended, and a few others I visited, I've never seen this.
4) You don't need an ID to be on campus. Even that tiny secluded private school I went to was still just...a place you could drive in to and then you're just around. The bigger schools are litteral cities. They have dozens, or hundreds of buildings and 10s of thousands of students. They're often intermixed with the cities there in to the point that you have no idea when you're "on campus" or not.
4) When talking about the day to day of attending lectures/lessons/class you "go to class." You don't "go to school," or "go to college." You would never say something like "why weren't you in college today?" You'd ask "why weren't you in class today?"
5) College professors are not high school teachers. They do not deal with fuckery, shenanigans, or discipline. For example, the scene with getting into fight with Bella an drawing all over each other. Then the professor escorts you to the bathroom to clean up, and she lectures you and all that. Absolutely not. You'd just be kicked out of the class, probably permanently, and that would be it. High School teachers have to deal with that shit and try to get you in line. You're required to be there. You don't have to be in college. You're paying to go. If you act like a dumb ass and get kicked out, that's just on you.
6) *Everything* about college sports in every AVN I've seen is wrong, with the exception of Move the Chains. All the terms people use, the systems that seem to be in place, the teams, the type of people on the teams. Literally everything is so very very wrong. Summer's Gone is *very* bad in this regard. Even if we ingore the insane outfits the girls wore in that first basketball scene. Also, Trey an Jeffery are *not* basketball players. I laugh out loud every time they talk about playing basketball. In fact, almost none of the men in the game are basketball players. They're all built like Linebackers.
6.5) I'm just now getting to more sports stuff in SG. What...is happening? The only thing accurate here is that the sport of basketball exists. First team? Second team? Coed teams? Coaches somehow in competition with each other? The idea that everybody is involved in sports at all? The *vast* majority of college students will never do anything related to official sports. This is a fever dream.
7) Specific to Summer's Gone there has been mention a couple times so far of a "rival college." This can be a thing, but this goes back to sports. No college that is as tiny as the one in the game, is going to have a "rival college" because you'd need actual sports programs that are relevant for this to be a thing. You can't exactly work up the Red River Rivalry or the Iron Bowl with an enrollment under 1000.
8) Lol, colleges do not have bars that are actually part of the college. They're typically surrounded by bars, but the idea of a college or university (that is primarily made up of students too young to legally drink) having an official bar is just...so silly.