
Nov 20, 2019
odd thing than none of all those hot girls have official boyfriend, or girlfriend. not even a rumor about that. it will be weird that they're waiting for mc's cock to get functional again, so they can jump on him. or it might be that i missed something :unsure: ?


Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
You are the one who takes Nadia and Zara's situation as a prank and I really don't understand why you take it as a "prank". The reasons are not the same as for a prank, in this situation it is out of hatred and feelings of humiliation and I would also say as a warning or threat against the MC.

It is not a prank, the reason why it worked is because the MC himself decided not to put up resistance to gain some "friendship" points and for them to take out their hate against him for having been humiliated after losing.
The people who blame the MC are exaggerating their actions to justify what they did since the MC acted in a competitive style and completely valid in sports.
To say that what Nada and Zara did is the same as what the MC did on court is ludicrous. Their "prank" was done for reasons of hatred and feelings of humiliation and what is said to be a "sore loser".
As the MC said when they won the game, if they really want to compete they will not take what he did to win badly but as a reason to improve.

The MC is not going to accuse them legally or anything like that and we know it, that is not his modus operandi.
I don't know if what they did is going to be important and I can't say exactly how the MC is going to take it in the future, the reaction he has is very calm but at the end of the day Zara threatened the MC not to "play" her again, that is not a "joke". I mean they were impressed with what the MC did, but they still have to do this for "reasons" (to take out their hate as they said) that I don't understand how this is their way of letting out their hatred as it crosses a line.
Also something to take into account is what that athlete of the "big boys" told us about the reporter who is harassing the MC to find/create scandals about him to potentially ruin his image. What Nadia and Zara did could negatively affect his image and maybe even create him problems with the college (I know that the MC doesn't care much about his image but even he may realize that there may be problems).

Personally, I got pissed off of what they did and more for Nadia and Robin. I thought that Nadia would be someone with a competitive spirit, not someone who needs to do something like what they did for losing and that she would know how to lose with some dignity the same with Zara even though she doesn't have as much time on screen as Nadia.
Robin used something that the MC cares about more than his own life (Nami) to lure him into a trap and yes, she could have used something else to lure him it wasn't necessary to scare him about the life of someone important to him.

In the end I think we shouldn't take what they did with complete seriousness but also not take it as a "prank" or understandable for having lost and also not dismiss it as not important for future events.
I really liked the update, the date with Bella was amazing, the songs were very spot on and I liked the basketball game. The end really left me wanting to know what happens.
Well, what can I say. For me it was a prank. Heavy, illegal prank? sure. But I don't see it as nothing more than that.

If you want, prank maybe it is not the right word, as it was kind of payback. But, what can I tell you? I don't think it was such a big deal.

Here, in this post I did I quote myself explaining with a little more detail.. Do notice that I was answering other people, not your points. But, as I said, I think most people are making a bigger deal out of it than it was.

The whole basketball match was really light content for me, nothing serious.

Disclaimer: my opinion.

MC did pushed it a bit, but it wasn't that big of a deal, honestly. He does have some sociopath tendencies, but you can tell that those girls he pushed are not truly offended by what he did. Their comeback was even acknowledging that what he did, while not precisely correct, was not that bad.

What they did was simply payback, but neither MC was the biggest douche (if you ask me, the way he is using Nami to have a hold on that douchebag that punch him is way, way worse) neither the girls took it that bad.

They even invite him to their meeting if he manages to get out in time.

Even the claim that it was a "simple practice game" seems a bit off. If you think what he did is actually good for Zara and Nadia. Would you have preferred to leave such a big weakness to a game that matter or to point it out in a practice game?

So I don't see why people are making it like it is SUCH A BIG DEAL. Neither MC did something so horrible, neither the girls deserve the death sentence for their little revenge. Just a little payback. All is good the day after.

And Robin. She apologized. It was clear she did not want to do it. Besides, MC is not going to hold it against her. First, he knows himself to not be the nicest person and that his actions have consequences. Second, he does not care if his "reputation is hurt" by what they did, neither would his reputation actually be hurt that much.. just small prank, after his own "pranks".

So, chill out, everybody. The whole basketball arc was very light in terms of content. No BIG drama here.


Feb 25, 2020
Edit: Nevermind.
PS: Man, I love the Emilo's babershop scene. It's a masterpiece hahaha
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May 12, 2021
Well, what can I say. For me it was a prank. Heavy, illegal prank? sure. But I don't see it as nothing more than that.

If you want, prank maybe it is not the right word, as it was kind of payback. But, what can I tell you? I don't think it was such a big deal.

Here, in this post I did I quote myself explaining with a little more detail.. Do notice that I was answering other people, not your points. But, as I said, I think most people are making a bigger deal out of it than it was.

The whole basketball match was really light content for me, nothing serious.
Yeah, I agree that some people are making the situation seem like more of big deal of what it will be for the story but I think that maybe it could have negative repercussions to the MC because of the reporter. At least I got that impression after what the athletes of the "big boys" tells the MC about the reporter ruining lives and the same reporter following and taking pictures of the MC and Robin with angles that make them look like they are doing sexual things in public. Anyway, all that is pure speculation, maybe in the end nothing happens and someone who knows the MC will find him.

The part that bothered me the most is that some posts here made the MC seem like he was "a piece of shit" because of the way he played the game taking advantage of the weak point between Nadia and Zara and that in itself would justify their actions which is really wrong because at least from what I understood from them is that they did that because they wanted to take out their hate of the MC after the humiliating defeat and not for his way of playing with them. In turn I don't understand why they choose this way of so many ways.
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May 13, 2019
So I played through half of 3.5 with a clean save folder after all of the patching nightmares, and now that I'm going through it again tonight it is still erroring out on load. Gonna try it one more time and then I'm giving up one what is easily one of the best games until it is complete.


Gingers are love. Gingers are life.
Game Developer
Aug 14, 2020
which brings into question Nya request for the MC visit on Sunday and if she is preparing a "loss of virginity show" that should bring in 100 times more money then her average show!
Considering her social anxiety and isolation i think she should be on suicide watch!
She would have to try really hard though to get him to take her virginity. MC said that he can't really get a hard on unless he thinks of Summer. And he can't have sex with anyone else because he thinks it would be cheating on Summer.
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Oct 28, 2020
Well, what can I say. For me it was a prank. Heavy, illegal prank? sure. But I don't see it as nothing more than that.

If you want, prank maybe it is not the right word, as it was kind of payback. But, what can I tell you? I don't think it was such a big deal.

Here, in this post I did I quote myself explaining with a little more detail.. Do notice that I was answering other people, not your points. But, as I said, I think most people are making a bigger deal out of it than it was.

The whole basketball match was really light content for me, nothing serious.
You are absolutely right. And the best thing was, that MC knew they where coming for him shortly after Robin lured him outside. MC had a little smirk on his face and he was fine with it. I think he is familiar with Newton's third law of motion regarding human interaktion. He was expecting repercussion, especially after experiencing Bellas verbal destruction of the woman in the restaurant.

edit: I'm pretty sure we will see some kind of atonement regarding Bellas verbal assault in the restaurant, or at least I hope so.
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May 4, 2020
There's a lot of argument about the basketball match outcome and the handcuffing.

As far as I can tell the match was light hearted, zara and nadia may have taken it a bit far but I'm pretty sure we can tell where thie is going, robin - judging from the way she looked back with regret - is going to help our protagonist and is guaranteed that they will get caught by other students will probably propell the rumor that they are banging.

And this rumor is going to be a major plot point to anchor robin to the overarching plot. Sasha and nami seem to have something that connects them together, who knows but I can tell, sasha isn't there to be just robin's sidekick, the rest of the characters are either anchored to the university intersports tournamet/college slice of life thing and some are connected to the summer is fucking gone dilemma.

Unsurprisingly, bella has tethers to both plotlines, her mother amber is central to uncovering the mystery while still remaining relevant to the college slice of life stuff all while having her own arc that is plotting against the holgersons.
  • Thinking Face
Reactions: operamini


Dec 31, 2020
Some points I liked about this update
1) nami before the date it really hurt that how she was getting MC ready and then crying in alone, that's pure love and how she couldn't hold up her tears in front of MC
2) build up for next update
Next Session with Maria (amber's psychological sessions)
Mila and MC relationship(beautiful moments in alone)
Mojiko and MC relationship gets depth
3) animations and Bella date how both MC and Bella were fighting there emotions but in end they let it go for some moments and embraced each other
4) Sonya starting to open up with everyone finally
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May 8, 2018
There's a lot of argument about the basketball match outcome and the handcuffing.

As far as I can tell the match was light hearted, zara and nadia may have taken it a bit far but I'm pretty sure we can tell where thie is going, robin - judging from the way she looked back with regret - is going to help our protagonist and is guaranteed that they will get caught by other students will probably propell the rumor that they are banging.

And this rumor is going to be a major plot point to anchor robin to the overarching plot. Sasha and nami seem to have something that connects them together, who knows but I can tell, sasha isn't there to be just robin's sidekick, the rest of the characters are either anchored to the university intersports tournamet/college slice of life thing and some are connected to the summer is fucking gone dilemma.

Unsurprisingly, bella has tethers to both plotlines, her mother amber is central to uncovering the mystery while still remaining relevant to the college slice of life stuff all while having her own arc that is plotting against the holgersons.
I'm not gonna take it too deep with the handcuffing scene. I don't think it was a personal attack, I think it's simply building up to the reporter plot of messing with everyone's lives.
  • Thinking Face
Reactions: Soundgfx


May 22, 2021
It's really hard to predict what's going to happen with the plot in the future as this is no typical VN and no typical MC.
However as the MC reminds me a lot of Hachiman Hikigaya from My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU (as I've already written) It's safe to at least predict some plotlines.
so here are my predictions:

(at least the way I played it) The MC has a ruff exterior but a heart of gold so he will try to help as many of his friends as possible and inadvertenly will have a ton of girls wanting to get into his pants.
I'm not sure if Nia will try to include him in a cam show on this sunday as I think she just want's to be a friend to the MC and learn more about him - and even if she considers including him in a cam show than she has to fully trust him and trust can only be created if you know each other better.
The MC doesn't really care about his reputation but I don't think he will let this assault slide.
He will use this in some way to get his revenge at least against Zara and Nadja or at the very least will hold this as leverage against them in some way shape or form. (at least if you have the dominant points otherwise those points would be entirely useless)
Robin too will have to take quite some time to make amends to the MC (at least if I have the possibility to have a say in this)
My guess would be that she will take the MCs side with the photo of the reporter and will deeply apologize to him.
(Sasha will be quite dissapointed in her friend and will take the MCs side)
That was a low blow for the MC as Nami right now is the most important person in his life.
My prediction in case of Nadja would be that she completely misjudges the MC and thinks the MC won't retaliate.
She was just along for the ride with the assault and maybe wanted to get revenge on the MC for this phonecall where she had to talk with Sonyas parents.
They will definitly meet at this Game night and everything will seem normal at first but when the MC is alone with Nadja he will confront her in a quite threatening way which will trigger her submissive side in the future.
Zara on the other hand will at first try to assert dominace over MC (with the way she acted it's quite obvious).
She too has it bad for the MC as she is thirsty for his body (with the way she perved on his pants) and is impressed with his mindgames.
However she will continue to underestimate the MC and will trap herself in a situation where the MC has the advantage over her. (again see dominance points)
Victoria is definitly head over heals for the MC but has her own insecurities to deal with.
The way I judge her is she will want to include Maja and/or Mila in her relationship with MC.
The MC on the other hand will definitly help her in any way he can and will probably (hopefully) be the deciding factor in making her able to walk again.
Maja will definitly develope feelings for the MC when she sees the way MC cares about Victoria.
She will feel bad about it but the bubbly Victoria will want to include her in her relationship with the MC due to her own insecurities but also due to her open personality.
Basically the same goes for Mila but she has her own plotline with her bad parents and her own insecurities to deal with but the way I judge her she would be open to a menage a trois/quatre (if no drama somehow happens which will strain her relationship with MC but I doubt it)
Plus she dropped a lot of hints for the MC to get intimate with her. (still not sure if she, Nancy or the girls in the toilet are supposed to be trans (or someone else entirely) - I mean maybe there are multible versions of the game where she (or whoever is trans) is either trans or not depending on weither or not you enabled it.)
Nami will continue her quest to be the best wingwoman in the world to somehow worm her way into a menage a trois herself.
She definitly has it bad for MC but after the bad experience with Summer (whatever that was) where she felt left behind, she will want to be in MCs life as much as possible even if she has to share the MC.
Her prefered 3rd party is Nia i guess but I guess she would be fine with Mila and Victoria.
Right now only Bella (and most likely the assault trio) are no goes for her but even in Bellas case she may be able to compromise in the future if Bella apologizes to her.
Bella is apparently out for the next updates so ther's not much to predict there...
My guess would be that either MC is together with someone else by the time she comes back or she will assume that due to a misunderstanding, which would create more drama depending on which girl that could be.
Amber (Bellas mother) already sees MC as her son in law - either that or she too has the hots for the MC together with her sister (Bellas aunt).
Ayua could either develope into another wingwoman or there is some submissive/dominance play there depending on how you play it.
I still believe that Sonya is Summer but assuming she's not as someone brought up convincing arguments against that with her not having freckles like Summer then I believe she too will develope a crush on MC as he tries to help her out of that religious household.
Sasha is definitly involved in whatever happened to Summer.
They will meet again during Yoga-lessons where she will open up to MC and will give MC clues to what happened to summer (if she's not dead that is)
My guess would be that she was also there while an accident occured which either killed Summer or caused her to go missing.
Summer received a head trauma which caused her to have amnesia and she is one of the girls already in the story. (again my guess would be Sonya as Sasha was already ruled out by Ocean)
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Nov 23, 2020
I am getting this error, I am using the compressed version and the incest patch.

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While loading <'Image' u'images/Chapter2/z6.jpg'>:
File "game/patch.rpy", line 2257, in script
Exception: Couldn't find file 'archive.rpa'.

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
File "game/patch.rpy", line 2257, in script
File "C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EXa13928.39683\SummersGone-pc\renpy\", line 708, in execute
File "C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EXa13928.39683\SummersGone-pc\renpy\", line 1345, in say
File "C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EXa13928.39683\SummersGone-pc\renpy\", line 1142, in __call__
File "C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EXa13928.39683\SummersGone-pc\renpy\", line 842, in do_display
File "C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EXa13928.39683\SummersGone-pc\renpy\", line 591, in display_say
File "C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EXa13928.39683\SummersGone-pc\renpy\", line 297, in interact
File "C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EXa13928.39683\SummersGone-pc\renpy\display\", line 2702, in interact
File "C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EXa13928.39683\SummersGone-pc\renpy\display\", line 3194, in interact_core
File "C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EXa13928.39683\SummersGone-pc\renpy\display\", line 2094, in draw_screen
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 490, in renpy.display.render.render_screen (gen\renpy.display.render.c:6805)
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 259, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:3520)
File "C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EXa13928.39683\SummersGone-pc\renpy\display\", line 722, in render
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 166, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:4075)
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 259, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:3520)
File "C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EXa13928.39683\SummersGone-pc\renpy\display\", line 722, in render
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 166, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:4075)
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 259, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:3520)
File "C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EXa13928.39683\SummersGone-pc\renpy\display\", line 722, in render
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 166, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:4075)
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 259, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:3520)
File "accelerator.pyx", line 110, in renpy.display.accelerator.transform_render
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 259, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:3520)
File "C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EXa13928.39683\SummersGone-pc\renpy\display\", line 500, in render
File "C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EXa13928.39683\SummersGone-pc\renpy\display\", line 306, in wrap_render
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 166, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:4075)
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 259, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:3520)
File "C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EXa13928.39683\SummersGone-pc\renpy\display\", line 583, in render
File "C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EXa13928.39683\SummersGone-pc\renpy\display\", line 266, in get
File "C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EXa13928.39683\SummersGone-pc\renpy\display\", line 628, in load
File "C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EXa13928.39683\SummersGone-pc\renpy\", line 572, in load
File "C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EXa13928.39683\SummersGone-pc\renpy\", line 490, in load_core
File "C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EXa13928.39683\SummersGone-pc\renpy\", line 649, in transfn
Exception: Couldn't find file 'archive.rpa'.

Tue Aug 03 06:50:28 2021


New Member
Sep 5, 2018
Hey guys i hope you all are fine . i will like to share my Multimod of the game . Here is the link :

Here is my discord link. Feel free to join my there:

Here are some previews of mod :
View attachment 1327226 View attachment 1327228 View attachment 1327230 View attachment 1327231 View attachment 1327232 View attachment 1327233

View attachment 1327235 View attachment 1327236 View attachment 1327596 View attachment 1327597 View attachment 1327598

Note-Added Walkthrough mod too
I tested the mod and it activates the incest content (for example Nami call Nojiko "mom" which isn't the case in the unmodded version), could you please add this information in the descrition for players like me for who it is a big no-go?

Thank you


Aug 26, 2020
she can also be Miru´s sister daughter! She called Kathie Zane her Aunt and there is no proof so far that her family name is Zane!
She can be a niece by blood or by Affinity and both are valid!

As for people saying that Summer is dead or her returning is bad writing ... what if she is already in the story?
i got the impression this episode that many actions and events in this half update where orchestrated!
I don't remember much about Miru's sister, but I guess it's possible. The reason why I think Miru is the mother is because Ayua is basically a carbon copy of Miru, at least personality wise. She is energetic, she has an overall happy personality, randomly threatens to fight people, gets drunk easily etc. So unless Miru and his sister were twins (I really don't remember) and shared the same personality traits I think it's pretty obvious at this point that Miru is the mother. The father is more debatable and you may well be right about Ayua not being a Zane, but I'm still leaning towards the MC being the father. We'll probably find out either way at the martial arts studio.

As for Summer reappearing I wouldn't necessarily call it bad writing, I just think it would totally destroy the MC and his relationships. Do we really need that in the story? Well, I'm sure Ocean could make it work, but I don't know, as things stand I think it would be better if her story was wrapped up with the therapy sessions and the MC could move on. I know Ocean keeps dropping hints in game that Sasha might be Summer, but he also confirmed in discord that she is not, so I don't really know what to think. At this point though, her being Summer would be too obvious and there's absolutely no way that neither Summer, the MC or Nami wouldn't recognize each other. The MC and Summer might be mentally scarred by what happened, but Nami isn't. She would surely recognize her.

Ok so then what year does this story take place in? Like 2021? Or later?
No idea about that, WIAB is being remade right now, so it could all change, but I'm pretty sure there were smartphones in it so I'd say it takes places around 2020. That would mean SG is set in the 2040s, but we don't really know for sure either way. The good thing about creating these stories and universes is that they don't really have to follow what happens in real life technology-wise. So while we would probably expect huge changes to happen during those twenty years, it's entirely possible that in this universe most things stayed the same and time in that sense is not important at all.
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Apr 5, 2020
I found the writing in 3.5 meh. For example, maybe it's just me, but I think there are two states of being a virgin: yes or no. It's entirely beside the point whether a non-virgin had 1 or 100 partners (amount of partners if already greater than 0 is an entirely different topic, not relevant to virginity). Yes or no, that's the only factor. I'm not triggered by non-virgins showing up (normally the best story content is that of non-virgins, writing for virgins is always disappointingly flat and formulaic in most VNs), what I'm triggered by is when you try to make them appear less of a non-virgin by pointing out how few partners they've been with. It doesn't work that way... yes or no, period. It's an absolute state, like being alive or dead. There are multiple types of death, but only one state of being dead: yes or no.

Beside that, I required to turn my suspension of disbelief up to 11 for the phone heist to work, and I found the gym hall scene such a drag, I activated skip unseen text the first time ever in this game... only to find out it was basically 90% of the update. At this pace we get through the weekend to Monday around 2023...

At this point I'm seriously considering whether it's actually my anticipation of a new update on a slow release schedule that is putting this game on a pedestal, and placing it way above average, instead of the content itself. My most favorite games are on an excruciatingly slow release schedule, really makes me think...


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2021
QUOTE="twomeier, post: 6307929, member: 1717863"]
sadly there are none if you want a realistic world with female and male cheracters and writting, the only games that come in my mind are our red string and where it all began (but I would wait for the remake on that one because he got better over time in terms of writting and renders and its his first work before summer is gone).

There are a handful other games with good renders and story but their main focus is every girl wants too fuck MC and realistic world dosent really fit in this games their main focus is still porno writting so everything turns around MC and this dosent help too make the world feel alive.
I played where it all began and that was pretty good as well, which is expected.. I haven't played the other one u mentioned but I'll give it a try

And I guess u got a point with the whole realistic thing.. So let me rather ask do u perhaps know any good story based VNs that has a good story.. I've played quite a few good vns that are story driven


New Member
Jul 4, 2020
great one played in a while had to encounter alot of bugs while the animations took place while most ran smoothly waiting forward for more great chapters
4.30 star(s) 506 Votes