
Sep 2, 2019
A lot of signs point to Sasha being summer. Had an accident hence the scare and maybe some Amnesia. Her and Nami having 1 piece of the same earrings each and she wanted to ask Nami about it but got interrupted. the way she overstretched the MC could point out she recognizes him. Also, the Dev shifts the "camera" to her even when she is not relevant in the scene just to point out her facial expression when the MC does something. All hypothetical though.
There are also quite a bit of Sasha being Bella's sister, for a while we wont know if either are true.
Personally I think the game needs fewer animations, they add very little but cost a lot in development time, I would rather have the story progress then watch hair waving around.
Imo animations should be treated like special effects on movies, done only at the end if budget permits.


Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
uhhhhhhhhh highly hinted that Nami has had unprotected sex in the past! Team Nami are the sluts!
"use protection do not turn into a Nami!"
No. There is an explicit conversation when it is established Nami is virgin. It was previous to this update.
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Apr 23, 2021
I completely agree, seems to me that 10 sec animations that cost him a ton of time to make yet add little to storyline
I disagree. I thought both cinematics did a good job displaying the awkwardness and attraction between Bella/MC.

The dev has clearly shown he cares about quality of renders and animations to show the emotions he wants the story to show over quicker updates or more content, and I think he does a good job at executing that.
May 8, 2018
I disagree. I thought both cinematics did a good job displaying the awkwardness and attraction between Bella/MC.

The dev has clearly shown he cares about quality of renders and animations to show the emotions he wants the story to show over quicker updates or more content, and I think he does a good job at executing that.
Yeah I agree too. I really liked the cinematics, although I obviously don't know how time consuming it actually is.

But I gotta say I absolutely loved the cinematic after the dinner with the MC and Bella, with the soundtrack backing up, I think the dev did an excelent job to capture that little moment.


May 18, 2018
will summer ever appear in the game again? also I heard rumours this game is like linked/apart of the same universe as where it all began. Is this true? Is he tryna do some bigger picture type story with both stories connecting somehow?


May 18, 2018
Exactly. But for them to work correct, they have to very subtle. If you make them too obvious, nobody falls for it.

You could argue that then is better to be an actual clue. You know, you though this was to mislead you but in fact it was to mislead that i was misleading you muahahaha.

But then the surprise effect is not there, as the possibility of the event was already in your head.

I am a supporter of Summer never coming back. But, as long as it make sense for the story, I am happy both ways.
Same I think if she ever comes back it would just be kinda weird. cause it’s like pointless to build other character development with other females just for the mc’s “dream girl” to come back.
May 12, 2021
Not sure what you mean bout "bigger deal" but legally speaking, in most modern societies with equal legal gender rights, both go to jail.

Still, I fail to see how the comment make sense to the story, as neither is accusing the other of anything legally. So, seems to me like the comment was made simply to highlight possible double standards in real life, which have absolutely nothing to do with the game.

I don't mind, I write useless unrelated things all the time, though. But I would rather we don't make of a prank in game the reason for a political discussion in a pirate porn forum. Really, double standards in real life are irrelevant in game. The prank was nothing more than a prank. I cannot understand how people are making a big deal about them, both sides. I explained this a couple of pages ago.
You are the one who takes Nadia and Zara's situation as a prank and I really don't understand why you take it as a "prank". The reasons are not the same as for a prank, in this situation it is out of hatred and feelings of humiliation and I would also say as a warning or threat against the MC.

It is not a prank, the reason why it worked is because the MC himself decided not to put up resistance to gain some "friendship" points and for them to take out their hate against him for having been humiliated after losing.
The people who blame the MC are exaggerating their actions to justify what they did since the MC acted in a competitive style and completely valid in sports.
To say that what Nada and Zara did is the same as what the MC did on court is ludicrous. Their "prank" was done for reasons of hatred and feelings of humiliation and what is said to be a "sore loser".
As the MC said when they won the game, if they really want to compete they will not take what he did to win badly but as a reason to improve.

The MC is not going to accuse them legally or anything like that and we know it, that is not his modus operandi.
I don't know if what they did is going to be important and I can't say exactly how the MC is going to take it in the future, the reaction he has is very calm but at the end of the day Zara threatened the MC not to "play" her again, that is not a "joke". I mean they were impressed with what the MC did, but they still have to do this for "reasons" (to take out their hate as they said) that I don't understand how this is their way of letting out their hatred as it crosses a line.
Also something to take into account is what that athlete of the "big boys" told us about the reporter who is harassing the MC to find/create scandals about him to potentially ruin his image. What Nadia and Zara did could negatively affect his image and maybe even create him problems with the college (I know that the MC doesn't care much about his image but even he may realize that there may be problems).

Personally, I got pissed off of what they did and more for Nadia and Robin. I thought that Nadia would be someone with a competitive spirit, not someone who needs to do something like what they did for losing and that she would know how to lose with some dignity the same with Zara even though she doesn't have as much time on screen as Nadia.
Robin used something that the MC cares about more than his own life (Nami) to lure him into a trap and yes, she could have used something else to lure him it wasn't necessary to scare him about the life of someone important to him.

In the end I think we shouldn't take what they did with complete seriousness but also not take it as a "prank" or understandable for having lost and also not dismiss it as not important for future events.
I really liked the update, the date with Bella was amazing, the songs were very spot on and I liked the basketball game. The end really left me wanting to know what happens.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2020
You are the one who takes Nadia and Zara's situation as a prank and I really don't understand why you take it as a "prank". The reasons are not the same as for a prank, in this situation it is out of hatred and feelings of humiliation and I would also say as a warning or threat against the MC.

It is not a prank, the reason why it worked is because the MC himself decided not to put up resistance to gain some "friendship" points and for them to take out their hate against him for having been humiliated after losing.

The MC is not going to accuse them legally or anything like that and we know it, that is not his modus operandi.
It was a felonious act. Depending on charging decisions potentially multiple instances of both state and and federal felonies. If a student finds and frees the MC a non-trivial task assuming they don't have access to a handcuff key, then the MC can decide not to press charges. If on the other hand anyone in the employ of the school finds him it's a criminal prosecution and the MC has absolutely no control of what follows, other than asking the DA to bring lesser charges and or appearing in court on behalf of those idiots.


Aug 26, 2020
will summer ever appear in the game again? also I heard rumours this game is like linked/apart of the same universe as where it all began. Is this true? Is he tryna do some bigger picture type story with both stories connecting somehow?
What happened to Summer is still a mystery at this point, she is most likely dead, but if she somehow survived whatever happened on that faithful day than it's very likely that she will return at some point. I'm leaning towards her being dead, because her being alive would just cause unnecessary drama and the MC would probably lose his mind again, especially if he was in a relationship with someone else already.

SG and WIAB are set in the same universe and apparently there's going to be three more games coming after those two. As per the last episode it's looking very likely that WIAB's story takes place around 20 years before SG, since Ayua is pretty much confirmed to be the daughter of the MC from WIAB and his girlfriend, Miru.
Last edited:


Jul 26, 2019
It was a felonious act. Depending on charging decisions potentially multiple instances of both state and and federal felonies. If a student finds and frees the MC a non-trivial task assuming they don't have access to a handcuff key, then the MC can decide not to press charges. If on the other hand anyone in the employ of the school finds him it's a criminal prosecution and the MC has absolutely no control of what follows, other than asking the DA to bring lesser charges and or appearing in court on behalf of those idiots.
It's just fiction. Ya mc was trolling to mess with their heads and took it to far, but he is crazy. The trash talk and grabbing her butt accidental or not would probably get you kicked out if she complained to admin. She didn't. She retaliated and also took it too far, but apparently they are crazy too. So nobody is really an angel here, and remember the mc is on some insane very illegal revenge plot with Bella. Ya mc could press criminal charges. Probably not a good idea if he doesn't want repercussions himself, and tbh it's a game.


Mar 18, 2020
You know sometimes I think there is something wrong with me you give me the perfect girl and a broken girl with some issues and I'll choose the broken girl every time I dunno what it is but the relationship dynamic between Bella and MC is my favorite this far and tbh when this game properly branches out into separate solo paths (although while it's extremely unlikely it could have a Harem path) Bella's and Mila's are the only ones I'd genuinely go for and possibly Summer if the Dev decides to bring her back as like something to fuck up the MC when he's doing better for himself.
Jul 13, 2018
So there's a warning at the start of the game that it currently contains no sexual content. After 2 years is that still the case or is that message now redundant?
no sex scene for sex scenes you have Where it All Began which is from the same devs, if you want sex scenes that is the game for you, this game have some erotic and naked scenes but no sex scenes so far , its more story and relationship which honestly its fine , you dont go to a girl and say " Hey girl we just met but now we are dating and lets have sex already" relationships take time to build and this game its all about that
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May 12, 2021
It's just fiction. Ya mc was trolling to mess with their heads and took it to far, but he is crazy. The trash talk and grabbing her butt accidental or not would probably get you kicked out if she complained to admin. She didn't. She retaliated and also took it too far, but apparently they are crazy too. So nobody is really an angel here, and remember the mc is on some insane very illegal revenge plot with Bella. Ya mc could press criminal charges. Probably not a good idea if he doesn't want repercussions himself, and tbh it's a game.
The MC wasn't trolling, the only thing he did was piss them off so they focused on him instead of putting their head in the basketball game and he didn't take it far either, it's basic trash talking, which really surprised me that they were so easy to anger and confuse. I don't understand how anyone can say that he crossed the line for a little of trash talking and staring at their bodies to take advantage of the rift between Nadia and Zara which is their own fault.
It seems that you forget when Zara with tears accused the MC with Coach Hill that he tore her shirt and the Coach told her that it was her fault because it is the truth, she threw the MC to the floor on purpose and what the MC did is make her fall with him. So she did try to complain when it was her fault and the fault of the material from which the shirt is made.

She didn't retaliate in the next practice, she retaliated out of court, where it had nothing to do with it, what happens on court in sports is not taken out because an opponent said an ugly word to you (maybe if it's really serious, this wasn't). They talked big game about how good they are and better than everyone before the game and the reality hit them in the face when they underestimated their opponents and mainly the MC and they lost showing they couldn't keep the empty words (about how good they are) they said before the game.
They went overboard with the situation when they lured the MC with the help of Robin that his sister/friend had a health problem, then they chain him up, undress him and leave him in shorts tied in the girl changing room and cherry on top the threat that Zara made to the MC while putting her foot in his mouth (who the fuck does that). Also, they didn't do that to the MC because he used a bit of trash talking but because they lost and they realized that the MC played with their heads. Basically they felt humiliated and angry, which was understandable until they did that stupid thing to vent their hate showing a lack of sport like mind.
The funny thing about this is that while I got upset I don't care so much, what I do care is that it seems that many here take the MC's bit of trash talking as going out of line (it's not even close). It makes me wonder if they ever saw trash talking and what it is really like to go overboard to deserve to be done this to you (although what they did wasn't because of what the MC did/say but rather because he humiliate them after they talked big game).

What the MC does with other situations that have nothing to do with this, has no importance or relevance in this discussion, so you don't have to put it to show that the MC is not an angel, we already know but in this situation he wasn't in the wrong.


May 18, 2018
What happened to Summer is still a mystery at this point, she is most likely dead, but if she somehow survived whatever happened on that faithful day than it's very likely that she will return at some point. I'm leaning towards her being dead, because her being alive would just cause unnecessary drama and the MC would probably lose his mind again, especially if he was in a relationship with someone else already.

SG and WIAB are set in the same universe and apparently there's going to be three more games coming after those two. As per the last episode it's looking very likely that WIAB's story takes place around 20 years before SG, since Ayua is pretty much confirmed to be the daughter of the MC from WIAB and his girlfriend, Miru.
Ok so then what year does this story take place in? Like 2021? Or later?
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