Well context is key here this game gets at most 2 updates a year...
Give me your crystal ball! Are you working in an circus?? Are you able to see the future?
No one knows what will happen after the game is released on steam. The support will grow immensely just because of the high quality alone. Maybe Ocean will hire someone or optimize his workflow or whatever...
I realy don't get people like you. Just understand that Ocean is still severely underfunded. On top of that, both of his games are important for his envisioned universe. So he is stuck developing two games at the same time, while underfunded. In the past he had someone who took responsibility for developing one game but he is gone now... Why do you think Ocean still has 2 patreon accounts?
The list goes on and on! He has to deal with a lot of problems...
Ocean is realy trying to do better, I'm 100% sure of that!
People know shit and don't care but flame on! No wonder a lot of devs leave F95zone. Add to that the endless barrage of incoming suggestions from fans to change his games or to insert kinks and so on. No wonder devs quit because people are so goddamn entitled these days! Oceanlab is not a company with hundreds or thousands of employees who is resistant against high pressure.
Sorry you had to endure my rant...