Fortuna ღ

May 13, 2020
Typical F95... :FacePalm:

Dude posts his initial impressions of the introductory chapter giving both praise and criticism in a respectful manner and clearly stating his intention to keep going, yet a toxic thinly veiled attack is what he receives in response for offering anything less than unanimous praise.

"... this VN is simply not for you," "... I doubt it will get better for you," because hes not head over heels about a chapter even the developer saw the need to completely retrofit.

The rampant yes man behavior endemic in F95 communities is like a disease, I swear. Idk why I replied to this knowing it'll only provoke additional t-cells.
Toxic and thinly veiled attack? My dear, there was nothing toxic about Old Man Al's comment. It was a comment made due to an observation of the tone of NTRFruitSnack's comment(which was negative, to begin with). People criticize SG all the time here... in fact, I tend to critique it a lot myself. No one's attacking him for not being "head over heels" for the first chapter, after all, it's his initial thoughts. In fact, I'll take a look at that right now.

I'm impressed by the renders and some of the camerawork during the introduction, I've never really seen such a dynamic approach to these kind of games. The UI could do with some polish, the classic RenPy format looks a bit dodgy, but it isn't that big of a deal in all honesty.
It does improve in later chapters. Unfortunately, you came before the final version has been released. In the upcoming update, chapter 1 will receive many changes, a lot of which address your points as they're also areas that the developer(Oceanlabs) wasn't very pleased with.
The music during the intro sequence was passable, but it didn't really leave an impression. I hope that in later chapters music becomes more consistent and generally just kept in the background as the story progresses. Having dead silence while reading the campy dialogue is depressing.
The problem in regards to music is not one that has an easy solution. However, I am happy to say that it becomes better in later chapters. I understand where you're coming from in regards to background music because it assists with immersing you into the world of SG. It helps enthral you in each scene. Having no music lowers the quality of the experience, so in that regard, I get it.
The dialogue is pretty camp. So far, there hasn't been a single line that felt like it came from an actual human being. But I'm hopeful that's only temporary.
How long have you been on this website? There are not that many visual novels here with realistic dialogue. Oceanlabs is not a native English speaker, so the problem lies in the translation. It's not exactly easy to acquire someone that can flawlessly translate German to English(in a way that fits with the tone of the scene/story/characters). Not saying that the dialogue isn't an issue, but giving an explanation as to why it's in this state. Though it does moderately improve with each chapter. And believe it or not, there are many real, living people just like the characters in Summer's Gone. But you are only on chapter 1, so I won't be hard on you there.
I don't mind the classic incel protagonist trope all that much, I can only acknowledge the Sasuke hair and the vague, typecast statements about society, and hope that it grows on me somehow. Man, the characters they've introduced so far are so comically trope-y. I don't like a single one, I've read reviews and it seems like that should change with time.
There are tropes in every single story. There is not a single story without one, so I do not understand the negative tone of this paragraph. He fulfills the trope of a dark/cynical protagonist on a road to redemption. This story is about his journey to become a better person(and overcome the issues that make him a dark person). I'm just going to give you a heads-up and let you know that this isn't changing anytime soon. You can make choices that guide him toward being less of a dark person, but he's not going to change fundamentally. He's not going to ever be a bro or a stud. What separates him from 90% of the protagonists on this website is that he has demons that he has to overcome by the end of this story. That internal plot is one of the driving forces behind Summer's Gone. But this is your opinion, so take my comment with a grain of salt.
The creator is a one piece fan though, I don't know why Nami is the abomination she is right now currently but again, I hope for quite the turnaround. Hopefully the writing isn't of the same quality of the recent one piece arc, I actually want to have a good time.
You're actually the first person I've come across on this thread with that view of Nami. The writing of her character can indeed use some work, but I wouldn't call her an "abomination". Then again, this is your opinion, so I can't really argue that. Judging by your comment, as Old Man Al said, many of the things people love about this game, you seem to dislike, so I can't really say that your experience will get any better. seniorboop that's the whole reason Old Man Al said that this did not seem like the VN for him. That comment was nothing compared to the actual toxicity seen in some of the larger threads on this site. For a time, the BaD thread was known for its lawlessness as it got out of control countless times(it's not like that at the moment), this is to say that there are much worse threads here with actual toxicity. Old Man Al was simply calling a spade a spade. If you truly believed that his comment was toxic, then perhaps you haven't been on this site long enough.

Edit: After reading his latest comment, I have to agree with Old Man Al. This visual novel definitely does not seem the type of story for one such as NTRFruitSnack
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Nov 24, 2018
There are tropes in every single story. There is not a single story without one, so I do not understand the negative tone of this paragraph. He fulfills the trope of a dark/cynical protagonist on a road to redemption. This story is about his journey to become a better person(and overcome the issues that make him a dark person). I'm just going to give you a heads-up and let you know that this isn't changing anytime soon. You can make choices that guide him toward being less of a dark person, but he's not going to change fundamentally. He's not going to ever be a bro or a stud. What separates him from 90% of the protagonists on this website is that he has demons that he has to overcome by the end of this story. That internal plot is one of the driving forces behind Summer's Gone. But this is your opinion, so take this comment with a grain of salt.
The trope isn't bad (I actually like brooding protagonists when they're written well), but I think it's badly executed here. It's not a problem anymore, since the bad execution is entertaining in its own right. Sorry if I didn't make that clear in my post.

You're actually the first person I've come across on this thread with that view of Nami. The writing of her character can indeed use some improvements, but I wouldn't call her character an "abomination". Then again, this is your opinion, so I can't really argue that. Judging by your comment, as @Old Man Al said, many of the things people love about this game, you seem to dislike, so I can't really say that your experience will get any better. @seniorboop that's the whole reason @Old Man Al said that this did not seem like the VN for him. That comment was nothing compared to the actual toxicity seen in some of the larger threads on this tie. For a time, BaD was even known for its lawlessness as it got out of control countless times(it's not like that at the moment). @Old Man Al was simply calling a spade a spade. If you thought that was toxic, you haven't been on this site long enough.
I said this in my most recent post, but I had high expectations for this game going in. So the hyperbolic nature of me calling Nami an "abomination" was the result of me expecting too much and then being met with a character who I felt was overly quirky to the point it felt forced (she isn't that bad though).


May 7, 2018
The "word" of the script sounds cringey quite often, but as a used-to-be violent teenager, the spirit of MC's reactions and feelings is 100% on point. Same regarding how his relationships develop, people like these totally fall for fellow Bellas while rejecting obvious choices of Vics and Namis. Idk if Ocean went through something similar or it's an accident, but being a "lost soul" is conveyed exactly right.


Jul 28, 2017
Can Vic and Mila be romanced at the same time or on interferes with the other no matter what like on the date thing?


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2021
Can Vic and Mila be romanced at the same time or on interferes with the other no matter what like on the date thing?
We don't know. Vic is supposedly compatible with all LI, but for now there is obviously some conflict of those paths.

I'm holding out hope for a Vic + Maja + Mila path. Yum.


Active Member
Dec 19, 2021


So... This is the first official Chapter 4.5 Dev log and the last Log about Chapter 4.

We'll start with some news regarding the Chapter 4 Final version.

1. Chapter 4 Final and hardware limitations.
1.1 New hardware and energy prices.

2. Chapter 1.
3. Chapter 4.5

1. Chapter 4 Final and hardware limitations.

Around five days ago, I finished creating all the renders for the final. ~580 renders for Chapter 1.

The new Chapter 1 is a little longer than the old one and features a few new events and insights. (One little Summer flashback, a hint of what happened to MC, etc.)

So... You say the final is done. Where is the update?

For the first time in a very long time, I'm outperforming my hardware again.

The last time this happened was in 2019.

SG's render queue has 320 images in it.

WiAB's has 140.

We have reached a point of hardware limitations. There's nothing I can do but wait and let it render 24/7.

This has never happened before. And certainly not to such an extent.

And it's all thanks to the little improvements I made. In early 2021, I started to work on myself. My mindset, my personal health, etc.

Little adjustments accumulated over time.

And now I created a 1500 lines (580 renders) long update in around a month. And some of those renders were extremely frustrating/challenging. (The big with tons of people.)

I will make a separate post someday about my personal improvements, etc. Normally, I'd say this is too personal. But as a solo dev, your personal state is as important as the actual creative process.

And I'd like to share some insights. I have an urge to talk about it.

1.1 New hardware and energy prices.

Oh and uh... I thought about getting some new hardware but... Germany's energy prices are the highest in the world, and now I have heard from various sources that due to the current crisis, etc.

We're looking at price increases of 75% to 300% for electricity.

The average person will then pay like 130€ instead of their usual 40-50€.

But I am already paying 300+€ a month. If the worst case happens and it actually increases by 300%, I am looking at monthly energy costs of almost 1000€.
This is devastating. And due to my current living situation, I can't declare it as a business expense.

I have to take precautions, which will result in less music and other costly assets for the next update or two.

And costly hardware is out of the question for now. I simply can't afford it under the current circumstances.

But better times will come again. (And if not, I'll create them myself by leaving the country.)

2. Chapter 1.

I will show a few more thingies from Chapter 1, as I do expect, that not everyone is going to play it.

A few renders I'd like to showcase aren't rendered yet. So this will have to do.

Old Mila's introduction
OldMila1.jpg OldMila2.jpg

The auditorium scene still exists, but plays out differently.

New Mila Introduction (I actually dig her old hair now.)
NewMila1.png NewMila2.png

Mila's talk with the MC


Mila's smoking has been removed. Mila's personal character arc has been developed in a completely different direction. Smoking is pretty much the dumbest thing a poor person could do.


Maja meets the MC in front of the college.

OldMaja1.jpg OldMaja2.jpg

The new version has a much more natural flow. Also, two weeks have passed since the incident with Victoria.
NewMaja1.png NewMaja2.png

This scene here has been completely removed and a new small series of events is there.


New2.png New1.png

Many new details have been added to the overall college life. The immersion should be on a completely different level now.

That's pretty much it with Chapter 4's Final. I will release it as soon as all renders are through the queue.

Meanwhile, work on Chapter 4.5 has started

WiAB Chapter 2 is also closing in fast on a release. It's just that WiAB's PC has not even half the power of the SG PC.

It naturally takes a little longer to render the scenes out.

3. Chapter 4.5

I'm sure you won't be surprised by the fact that Chapter 4.5 has a very high Vic & Mila focus.

I won't say too much about the update but... it will be a blessing to set up. (The DND session in Ch4 tainted me.... but also made me stronger.)

All images shown in this Log are attached in High Res.

"Some words of truth."
Vic2.png Mila1.png Mila2.png

I have been looking forward to an actual Vic/Mila focused Chapter.

My two coder bois and I are also working on the phone and a few basic apps.

It's planned to release the phone with this Chapter.

One bad thing though. I did scrap the two planned cinematics for this Chapter... As I would need to delete them with the Chapter 5 steam release.
But new cinematics are already forming in my head.

Anyways, this is it for today's log.

WiAB will get a new Log soon, too. We are now back to the Bi-Weekly Log schedule.

Considering it all, I am very optimistic about the future.

- Ocean
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Feb 12, 2019
One bad thing though. I did scrap the two planned cinematics for this Chapter... As I would need to delete them with the Chapter 5 steam release.
But new cinematics are already forming in my head.
If the half chapter has no cinematic it'll be out pretty fast compared to usual. I'd see that as a win, but it sounds like there will be cinematics anyway.
Why the hell are some women flashing their boobs behind the MC? :D It does not look like any character we know though.


Aug 25, 2017


I have been looking forward to an actual Vic/Mila focused Chapter.

- Ocean
As I have... as we have... looking forward to boba team next update, especially love the remade Mia renders, the girl is beautifully voluptuous and plump now as she should be :D


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2017
Mila's old bust was okish, but this now? Sorry, just unappetising.
If you're into that kind of thing, there you go, who am I to judge? But then it should also be done consistently with gravity. The stuff tends to sag massively sooner rather than later.

Mila in this state(?) is simply a turn-off for a lot of people - including me, even though I found her appealing up to this point. When I think that the focus of the next update will be on Mila and Victorya, my anticipation turns to bewilderment.


Post update to prevent some nasty missunderstandings and possible meltdowns here
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2018

Mila's smoking has been removed. Mila's personal character arc has been developed in a completely different direction. Smoking is pretty much the dumbest thing a poor person could do.
I am very glad to hear this, great decision Oceanlab :giggle: Now i don't need to edit this part out for my playthrough :p


Maja meets the MC in front of the college.
You overdid it with her boobs Oceanlab :HideThePain:

3. Chapter 4.5

I'm sure you won't be surprised by the fact that Chapter 4.5 has a very high Vic & Mila focus.

I won't say too much about the update but... it will be a blessing to set up. (The DND session in Ch4 tainted me.... but also made me stronger.)

All images shown in this Log are attached in High Res.

"Some words of truth."

I have been looking forward to an actual Vic/Mila focused Chapter.
Yup really looking forward to see a chapter where my sweet Victoria :giggle: is the main focus! Also cant wait to see the scenes/story where she and MC start to really bond (if you know what i mean :sneaky:) and how he helps her recovery and she takes those 1st steps again and she helps him heal! Oh man i see so much potential for a really sweet and romantic story here.

Hope everything works out for you Oceanlab, good luck and cant wait for Chapter 4.5 (y)


Apr 14, 2020
If I understand correctly, 320 renders still have to be rendered before the final version of chapter 4 can be released?

Definitely the hardware is penalizing his
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