Haven't been keeping up with this as much as before, but super glad to see Judith get more love! Also Liu because she's one of my favorites. Can't wait for that Consuela update though.
Though for Josephine and Bissette, has there been a PE scene for either of them yet? I saw the promo photos and assumed they were in, but I haven't been able to unlock it.
I recently changed my approach to the mod, which had been to play the game from the beginning and work on each scene whenever I hit a spot where Anon had a big dick, regardless of how much work it was. Reading the posts as 0.20.13 and 0.20.14 have come out, I've noticed that many people don't actually play the game; they go through the Cookie Jar! (Thus, all the posts about crashes when they used a third-party unlocker to unlock scenes without unlocking variants.)
My new strategy involved going through every scene in the Cookie Jar and classifying each scene as "No images to change", "Incomplete", "Complete", or "No progress". I also marked the scenes that I thought would be easy to complete and focused on them. That has sped up progress considerably.
I see now that I've marked three of Consuela's scenes as Easy, so I'll give Consuela some love today.
The new approach is why I've changed my estimate of how much work there is to be done. When I started the mod, I identified about 4000 images in which Anon's penis is visible. On that basis, I thought I was about 10% done. I soon discovered that there are a lot of images in the game that aren't used, so I changed my approach from going through each folder and changing all of the images, to playing the game and replacing images as I found them, and recording each image I changed and where it was used in the game in a spreadsheet. I didn't know how many images actually needed to be modified, but it was still close to 4000. With the new approach, I have pie charts showing what percentage of scenes fall into the four categories of completeness (which includes "No images to change"), and a second one for degrees of progress on each scene that does have images to change. As of this morning, the breakdown for the second pie chart is 28% complete, 31% incomplete, 42% no progress. On that basis, I think I'm about 33% done.
I think that's a reasonable way to estimate my progress, despite the huge difference when I base it on the pure number of images, because all of the images in a scene tend to be similar. It's not really 4000 images, it's 149 scenes. A scene with 30 images tends to be no more work than a scene with 10. Consuela's 4th cookie jar scene has 28 images, which is composed of 4 sets of 7 frames of nearly identical images of vaginal sex and anal sex in her maid uniform, and naked. As I change the penis in one, I copy it to the equivalent frame in the other variants. So yes, I think those 4000 images are going to be completed in 149 sessions. Even though only 482 images have been modified, I think I've done a third of the work.
The downside to this approach is that the Cookie Jar skips the before and after scenes, which often have nudity, so I missed some Nadya stuff before sex in the warehouse, and stuff before first sex with Liu and after getting caught by Kim, which I corrected in Beta30. Now, when I work on a Cookie Jar scene, I find the scene that calls the sex scene and put it in the Cookie Jar -- in Rump's slot -- so that I can jump to the scene and find the before and after nudity.
(Since the Cookie Jar is out of space for new characters, I'm seriously considering replacing Rump with Anon and putting in scenes like the dry dream, the wet dream, and other Anon exclusives.)