
Feb 27, 2018
4 buttfucking years, guys. Everyone and their mother should be well acquainted with DC's work flow at this point. We get it, you want this game done at the speed of sound, but DC has his own reasons to make the game at his own pace. Maybe because of his own experience with animation, maybe because he actually wants to milk his patrons, but who cares? The point is, complaining isn't gonna make the updates come faster, so move on already. Let the people who actually want to talk about the game in peace.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2017
I mean, I'm already looking forward to this thread here once more people realize that there's actually going to be a "pure" tech/widescreen update between 20.8 and Rhonda. Not that I'd really agree with it from a marketing point of view, but as long as enough people go along with it I won't complain about the increase in quality.


Sep 8, 2018
Okay, but seriously, if you're upset others aren't taking your criticism to heart, I'm sorry! Speaking for myself, I don't take time out of my day to read the same stuff everyone else brings up every time a porn game gets popular on patreon. It's tiring and I'll probably just ignore whatever your post was.

I know it's a bit of a cop out, snobby answer, but I genuinely have better things to do. DC can stretch the updates out however long he wants; It's his game, I don't pay for it, he doesn't owe me jack. And frankly I just don't care enough to be bothered by how long he takes to draw a pair of boobies every week.


Aug 4, 2017
How do you milk something given away for free.
Because the product isn't what's being sold. It's like asking why do Sony and Microsoft make money on selling consoles that cost more to manufacture than they're sold at. You're asking the wrong question.

DC isn't selling the game, he's selling the illusion of being part of the game, of having influence in its development. It's why the more patrons he has, the more they disrupt the development process, they more he gains because the demand for the service increases. You aren't going to bother buying influence on an unimportant project. The more patrons he has, the more "important" the project, the more the desirability to be part of that project, the more patrons. Rinse and repeat. He's also released sufficient to show track record which means patrons feel that they have influence on an important and secure project so they renew their subscriptions.

That's his business model and that's respectable, but let us not pretend he's selling a good, he's not; he's selling a service.

If you don't believe me, ask yourself why he's made the development decisions he's made, the need to rewrite, recode or rewrite aspects of the game, not in downtime while waiting on the art "bottleneck" but as part of each version's development process. Why does he redraw characters, the rigging system is not an adequate answer given his artistic abilities. Is it because suddenly he's a better artist? Well what about in five years time, is he going to be like Sisyphus? Continually improving so there comes a need to redo all artwork and by the time he's finished he's improved again etc. Always pushing that stone up the hill.

And that makes no sense if he's selling a product but makes perfect sense if he's selling the development of the product.
Last edited:

srksrk 68

Forum Fanatic
Sep 17, 2018
Because the product isn't what's being sold. It's like asking why do Sony and Microsoft make money on selling consoles that cost more to manufacture than they're sold at. You're asking the wrong question.

DC isn't selling the game, he's selling the illusion of being part of the game, of having influence in its development. It's why the more patrons he has, the more they disrupt the development process, they more he gains because the demand for the service increases. You aren't going to bother buying influence on an unimportant project. The more patrons he has, the more "important" the project, the more the desirability to be part of that project, the more patrons. Rinse and repeat. He's also released sufficient to show track record which means patrons feel that they have influence on an important and secure project so they renew their subscriptions.

That's his business model and that's respectable, but let us not pretend he's selling a good, he's not; he's selling a service.

If you don't believe me, ask yourself why he's made the development decisions he's made, the need to rewrite, recode or rewrite aspects of the game, not in downtime while waiting on the art "bottleneck" but as part of each version's development process. Why does he redraw characters, the rigging system is not an adequate answer given his artistic abilities. Is it because suddenly he's a better artist? Well what about in five years time, is he going to be like Sisyphus? Continually improving so there comes a need to redo all artwork and by the time he's finished he's improved again etc. Always pushing that stone up the hill.

And that makes no sense if he's selling a product but makes perfect sense if he's selling the development of the product.
You, Sir, have understand nothing.

DC is not selling anything, neither a service nor a good. He earns a significant amount of money on Patreon because, apparently, enough people love what he gives away for free. He gave it away for free before he even thought of making this amount of money on patreon. Now he makes it. Is he now obliged to fulfill your feverish desires?

No, he isn't, and he doesn't.

Nough said.


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 22, 2018
Need to rewrite : early builds were pure trash
Recode : DC and early coding blowed
Redraw : have you seen pre 0.10 art compared to now ?
Rig system : instead of drawing each girl every scene each time she changes emotion/angle/whatever > draw heads/busts/arms/body seperatly and jumble them together during "posing" step

You also don't pay for anything : you pledge to support DC. Patreon never was and never will be like Kickstarter : you're not paying for the game to be made in x months purely for you cause you paid the dev 20$ years in advance. Only thing you get out of pledging is Discord tier rewards and poll vote(s).


Active Member
Jun 3, 2017
4 buttfucking years, guys. Everyone and their mother should be well acquainted with DC's work flow at this point. We get it, you want this game done at the speed of sound, but DC has his own reasons to make the game at his own pace. Maybe because of his own experience with animation, maybe because he actually wants to milk his patrons, but who cares? The point is, complaining isn't gonna make the updates come faster, so move on already. Let the people who actually want to talk about the game in peace.

Long ago on stream he said that he hated the high pressure deadlines he had when working with Hollywood (or whomever else he was doing design work for). SS allows him to work at a pace (ie glacial) that he is comfortable with working. I've never considered it milking because he's more or less produced art at the same speed as when he started doing this full time.


Aug 12, 2017
I find it amusing that so many people are angry that OTHER people are supporting this game on Patreon. Do any of these people know what Patreon actually is? It is not a Kickstarter. It is not an Indiegogo. By signing up to Patreon, you are becoming a Patron of the arts. Being a Patron does not give you anything except the pleasure in knowing you supported this particular artist. You are paying to support the artist in whatever works catches his fancy. If DC decided to spend the next 6 months making a nude self portrait in the Summertime art style, that is his choice. And it is the Patrons choice to continue to support this artist in his endeavors. This is not about Game Development and Project Management as many seem to believe. It is about the passion of the artist for his work, and the passion of his Patrons.


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 22, 2018
Wonder if DC actually put the game behind a paywall, like many devs do, if the butthurt would be more epic :unsure:
  • Thinking Face
Reactions: PTdesu


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 22, 2018
I find it amusing that so many people are angry that OTHER people are supporting this game on Patreon. Do any of these people know what Patreon actually is? It is not a Kickstarter. It is not an Indiegogo. By signing up to Patreon, you are becoming a Patron of the arts. Being a Patron does not give you anything except the pleasure in knowing you supported this particular artist. You are paying to support the artist in whatever works catches his fancy. If DC decided to spend the next 6 months making a nude self portrait in the Summertime art style, that is his choice. And it is the Patrons choice to continue to support this artist in his endeavors. This is not about Game Development and Project Management as many seem to believe. It is about the passion of the artist for his work, and the passion of his Patrons.
He did stream and film himself naked for the 30k$ reward ....... You're not far off reality

srksrk 68

Forum Fanatic
Sep 17, 2018
Please try this save and try to access the computer in the room. I have fixed it, when I try to log in getting an error and I can't ignore it this time anymore. I have extracted your mod in the Summertime/game folder. All the resources are there.
  File "/media/Woooo/Summer_mod/renpy/loader.py", line 576, in load
    raise IOError("Couldn't find file '%s'." % name)
IOError: Couldn't find file 'backgrounds/computer_no_nude.png'.

While loading <'Image' u'backgrounds/computer_no_nude.png'>:
  File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 531, in execute_call_screen
    store._return = renpy.call_screen(name, *args, **kwargs)
IOError: Couldn't find file 'backgrounds/computer_no_nude.png'.
OK, I went through the pain and installed Ubuntu 20.04 in a VMware box, and Summertime Saga inside it -- including Mod and all optional content. Runs fine without any issues (once I figured out how to run it at all, that is). I also loaded your save and it works perfectly, without any issue. So I absolutely do not know what runs wrong on your end...

I can now add Ubuntu to the list of supported platforms even.


New Member
Mar 9, 2020
Please open the console (SHIFT+O) and type:
Do you see the game folder in the output? The one containing the images folder? It should look something like:
[<...some paths to optional content, if any>,
'<summertime folder>/game',
'<summertime folder>'/renpy/common']
If it does look like that, try disable the optional content in the configuration UI (parameter NO_OVERRIDES), start the game again and see if that helps. Check the searchpath again to be sure that no optional content is in the list.
Also, if the problem persists, we should move this discussion to the Mod's thread.
Thank you for all the responses. I did a fresh install last night and it worked perfectly.

srksrk 68

Forum Fanatic
Sep 17, 2018
I turned off the mods and now idk how to activate.
Any help????
If you are talking about Naughty Tribute Mod: go to the main menu (either ending the save you have currently loaded, or close the game down and start again without loading a save). On the screen showing the picture of MC on his bike, click on the text at the bottom saying "Naughty Tribute Mod [...] -- DISABLED", close the game and restart.


New Member
Jun 16, 2017
If an enterprise doesn't possess the flexibility, workforce, methodology, or time to complete a process as part of a project, do you know what they do? They hire contractors. I contract for a living. I come in, do a thing, and leave when it's finished. Rinse and repeat, that's my role.
People underestimate just how expensive that can be in the long run. Some tasks are good for contracting - like perhaps the art if DC can adequately convey his vision & have contractors that can match his style, but just look at the time loss that has happened with the programmer staff changes DC has made and how substantially the codebase has changed. You start hiring rotating groups of contractors and you're going to either be left with complete spaghetti code or significant repeat costs in onboarding and refactoring as different people have different opinions on what is 'best'.

I'll 100% agree that I don't understand how there isn't more progress at ~$60,000/m, but to say it's a bad business practice on the part of DC is silly anyways. Look at any large company - they try to optimize profits all the time. From a capitalistic perspective if the community values his service at ~$60k why should he try to provide more content? Do we expect that his patreon support will increase at a proportional rate? If it doesn't he's making a non optimal financial decision and if it does we'll be right back at square 1 with people saying that DC makes $90k/m, but doesn't produce 1.5 times faster.
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