Some of us have no issues with NTR and still would have broken up with her at the first opportunity. This is on MrDots, not us.
Let me explain.
Nicole doubted the relationship from the beginning. At no point from beginning of the story until what is so far completed has she been confident in the relationship, preferring to fluctuate between loving and doubtful constantly. This presented those of us with a God's eye view of what was going on with a picture that wasn't good under any circumstances. The relationship to people who knew everything presented as fact and nothing else would see a dead relationship that would only hinder the story going forward. Add to this the fact that the devs had stated "no ntr" and what do you have left? Boring plot points stacked on boring drama.
"Trust us" and "be patient" mean nothing. It's pointless. If they had trusted the people playing their games enough to let them know what was coming, not only would it have worked out for them better than it has, they'd probably have a higher rating and a ton more players. What resulted was a shit storm that cost them players, trust, and patience.
So, let me reiterate. This is MrDots fault. Not ours.
Edit: And I almost forgot. One of the options was "Cut off all chance with anyone but Nicole. Have fun saving the hotel!" What the fuck is that? Seriously?