
Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
This is where I wholeheartedly disagree with you. That dead end that got interrupted by the 7th showed that the MC wasn't about to survive what was about to happen. I don't see how anyone can read that dialogue there and think he was about to come out alive. Especially when she straight up told the MC "she wanted to play with him a bit more" or that her telling him everything"wouldn't change his fate". That's not something you say to someone when you're taking them to an Apostle against their will.
No matter what Ella says and how she acts, the choice of what's going to happen is up to the Apostle.

If the Apostle doesn't already know about the double trait and the connection to the Eye, she learns all about it during MC's second evolution where he gets connected to the Eye and while still connected with his ancestors he reads Klaus memories. Does the Apostle kill him or do anything bad to him after that? No, she even offers help. Does Ella and pretty much everyone in the game know the whereabouts of MC? Yes.

The Apostles serve the Eye faithfully and the Eye is willing to give MC power and wait for him to grow for whatever reason. So why would that encounter be deadly for MC just because Ella talked about a sealed fate? Perhaps it would be difficult or even dangerous, but outright fatal? Unlikely.

I'm also not exactly sure why you're so sure Ella won't kill the MC when she has and will let him die on several occasions, even while knowing he has both traits. Unlike with Deryl, she hasn't given SIN or her students a no kill rule for MC. Hex and Cole tries to kill the MC once and Hex succeeded in dumping him in a monster realm in the 2nd. Aglaecwif straight up kills you if you say no to breeding. We also can't forget Ella herself kills you personally for killing Christie. You might say she was pissed but that shouldn't matter since she's so intelligent and wants a person with both traits, right? This is after Jake's final fight by the way. She didn't care about no dual traits and devoured him with her tentacles.

All of those events happened while Ella knows you have both traits so it's odd that you feel like she wouldn't off the MC for Jake, who she knows she can control and manipulate. Hell, for all we know, she only wants one Arbiter awake and not more than one.
Because it requires a precedent for me to think that Ella is hostile to MC that it still hasn't happened. I don't think that Ella would prefer MC over Jake, because Jake is both easier to manipulate and has a seemingly stronger power, but Jake has not yet demonstrated the double trait. So this comparison is completely pointless. If both had showcased the double trait, then I'd agree with you, althought at this point I doubt that Ella would even bother training MC at all.

The better question is, If by the time Ella takes revenge for Christie, she knows about the double trait, then why doesn't she do anything similar to deadend3 regardless. Is it so hard for a level 5 to manhandle a level 2? There is also the training segment (the one with the earfuck), where she is shocked if you ask about her killing you.

As for why she kills you assuming that she know about the double trait? Because it's quite possible that MC's role is something that will allow Christie to thrive when things change. Without Christie, there is no point to any of it. Don't forget, MC's role is to make Ella's dreams come true (deadend2) and it's quite unlikely that her directive is aligned with her dreams because she is very dismissive, both as a young girl and during her fifth evolution.

No matter what Ella says, if something is going to happen to MC, it will be the Apostle's decision. During the second evolution, if the Apostle didn't already know all about it, she sees that MC connects to the Eye and reads Klaus' memories while the post evolution connection is still active (the monster urges MC to devour Alice after MC reads Klaus memories). Does anything bad happen to MC since then? No. If anything, the monsters help MC.

Cole & Hex:
Jared outright says that Ella protects MC. The chances that Ella protects MC just from Jared are zero.
Cole has a lot of chances to kill MC but he doesn't take them. Cole knows of MC's powers and has seen him fight. Blowing up his head is hardly an intention to kill. Otherwise why would he go after the level 5 instead of just turning the level 2 into a boiled and bloody mess?
Hex only ever attacks MC once Ella is dead. First attack is when he dropped the dimension, second attack is during deadend39.
The only thing their behaviors prove is that they dislike MC. That has nothing to do with Ella and it's an indication that they don't recognize MC's role or why Ella wants to protect him.

She is tasked with protecting the portal. MC has 2 options. Either kill her or accept the pact. The pact is given even if MC acts hateful towards monsters. If Aglaecwif killed him while he was trying to retreat, I'd agree with you. But killing him in self defense and while attempting to protect the portal isn't the same. Additionally Aglaecwif hates Ella.

You know what? I'll even level with you and say sure, she didn't kill the MC there in that dead end in her apartment. Sure, he somehow survived Ella's strike. That said, He definitely didn't survive beyond that scene and likely died when she got what she wanted. Which basically equals the same exact thing. MC was going to die no matter what. It doesn't matter if she didn't kill him there, he would've died later regardless because whatever she did was not good for the MC.
My idea about why MC doesn't survive regardless, has to do with the 7th, not the 4th. The 7th is after the 4th, Ella calls the 4th and 7th intercepts. I don't subscribe to the idea that whatever the MC would go through would kill him. It would be dangerous perhaps, but not outright fatal.

Seeing that scene for the first time without context makes it easy to think that MC is doomed no matter what. But we get A LOT of context after that, about MC's relationship with his monster parents. Unless we can prove that after the second evolution, something changed VERY drastically, then I just don't get why anyone would think that the Apostles are hostile to MC in any shape or form. Aside from the danger of monsterfication I don't see anything else here.

The only thing that makes sense to me is that the 4th would try to awaken MC's connection to the Eye, perhaps even force him to evolve which would be dangerous. But other than that? Absolutely nothing. The Eye would decide what is going to happen, and we have a fairly good grasp on how the Eye wants MC to progress.

Otherwise, after MC's second evolution where he finally shows his capabilities to the Apostles, he would be constantly on the run from them.


Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
Back to preaching Ellaism I see. Gotta catch up dude, dogclapper numbers are growing by the hour, especially after your high priest Gtdead left the cult.

On whatever the hell is Ella's deal, isn't making the MC (or anybody else for that matter) completely clueless the goal here? I mean, gaslighting is one of the core tenets of Ellaism after all :KEK:
I was never the high priest. I am the lorekeeper and my main role is to write and review the script when the great prophet is indisposed. I follow the Great Schemer, the Good Sister and the Friend of Man aspects of our Lady, waiting patiently for her to ascent into a Variant and take her rightful place among the waifus. (Yes, wolfgirl would easily be #1. Just take a look at all the people simping for Valravn. Monster Shadow is going to completely destroy the competition)

My personal view on Ella is that she is no goddess. She is the Great Whore but she has no divinity whatsoever. She is the obstacle who will become the road. She is going to be MC's eternal plaything and she certainly has ALL the requirements for the position. Her asshole can be stretched for light years. However betraying our secrets to Langdon demoted the Great Whore to just a Stupid Bitch.
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Engaged Member
Aug 21, 2018
On GOD brother! She's got some nice ass titties tho so I'd assume W.W will be a FUCKtard again with these goddamn angles...

Just ONE scene, that's all I ask. I'll join the Dogclappers completely, I'll burn Ella at the stake, I'll suck off necromater, ANYTHING! Just give me Yandere, or at the very least; A S S.
No thanks. A nice date first and we see how it goes of course most likely with my wife pegging you but i promise she will use lube maybe.....


Engaged Member
Aug 21, 2018
Oooh I don't man...I've heard the Legends of the Imp and as crazy as I am I think she's got me beat in the physical violence department...Plus I'm a bit of a fan, wouldn't want to hurt my favorite cameo character let alone step on a brother's toes.
Mate she punched me in the balls. Snitched to my mom that i trowed her in the dog bed And took photos of me kneeling as my mom Chew my ear off for being childish. Then when i try to retire to my mancave with the little pride i had left she snitched again so i had to endure her mocking me the rest of the night boy she's evil i tell you. The hatefuck after i snapped was great i know i fell into her trap but doesn't matter had sex.
And why she finds it funny that i fear my mom well ... use this as reference but even worse because i'm not a breadstick
images (65).jpeg
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Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
No matter what Ella says and how she acts, the choice of what's going to happen is up to the Apostle.

If the Apostle doesn't already know about the double trait and the connection to the Eye, she learns all about it during MC's second evolution where he gets connected to the Eye and while still connected with his ancestors he reads Klaus memories. Does the Apostle kill him or do anything bad to him after that? No, she even offers help. Does Ella and pretty much everyone in the game know the whereabouts of MC? Yes.

The Apostles serve the Eye faithfully and the Eye is willing to give MC power and wait for him to grow for whatever reason. So why would that encounter be deadly for MC just because Ella talked about a sealed fate? Perhaps it would be difficult or even dangerous, but outright fatal? Unlikely.

Because it requires a precedent for me to think that Ella is hostile to MC that it still hasn't happened. I don't think that Ella would prefer MC over Jake, because Jake is both easier to manipulate and has a seemingly stronger power, but Jake has not yet demonstrated the double trait. So this comparison is completely pointless. If both had showcased the double trait, then I'd agree with you, althought at this point I doubt that Ella would even bother training MC at all.

The better question is, If by the time Ella takes revenge for Christie, she knows about the double trait, then why doesn't she do anything similar to deadend3 regardless. Is it so hard for a level 5 to manhandle a level 2? There is also the training segment (the one with the earfuck), where she is shocked if you ask about her killing you.

As for why she kills you assuming that she know about the double trait? Because it's quite possible that MC's role is something that will allow Christie to thrive when things change. Without Christie, there is no point to any of it. Don't forget, MC's role is to make Ella's dreams come true (deadend2) and it's quite unlikely that her directive is aligned with her dreams because she is very dismissive, both as a young girl and during her fifth evolution.

No matter what Ella says, if something is going to happen to MC, it will be the Apostle's decision. During the second evolution, if the Apostle didn't already know all about it, she sees that MC connects to the Eye and reads Klaus' memories while the post evolution connection is still active (the monster urges MC to devour Alice after MC reads Klaus memories). Does anything bad happen to MC since then? No. If anything, the monsters help MC.

Cole & Hex:
Jared outright says that Ella protects MC. The chances that Ella protects MC just from Jared are zero.
Cole has a lot of chances to kill MC but he doesn't take them. Cole knows of MC's powers and has seen him fight. Blowing up his head is hardly an intention to kill. Otherwise why would he go after the level 5 instead of just turning the level 2 into a boiled and bloody mess?
Hex only ever attacks MC once Ella is dead. First attack is when he dropped the dimension, second attack is during deadend39.
The only thing their behaviors prove is that they dislike MC. That has nothing to do with Ella and it's an indication that they don't recognize MC's role or why Ella wants to protect him.

She is tasked with protecting the portal. MC has 2 options. Either kill her or accept the pact. The pact is given even if MC acts hateful towards monsters. If Aglaecwif killed him while he was trying to retreat, I'd agree with you. But killing him in self defense and while attempting to protect the portal isn't the same. Additionally Aglaecwif hates Ella.

My idea about why MC doesn't survive regardless, has to do with the 7th, not the 4th. The 7th is after the 4th, Ella calls the 4th and 7th intercepts. I don't subscribe to the idea that whatever the MC would go through would kill him. It would be dangerous perhaps, but not outright fatal.

Seeing that scene for the first time without context makes it easy to think that MC is doomed no matter what. But we get A LOT of context after that, about MC's relationship with his monster parents. Unless we can prove that after the second evolution, something changed VERY drastically, then I just don't get why anyone would think that the Apostles are hostile to MC in any shape or form. Aside from the danger of monsterfication I don't see anything else here.

The only thing that makes sense to me is that the 4th would try to awaken MC's connection to the Eye, perhaps even force him to evolve which would be dangerous. But other than that? Absolutely nothing. The Eye would decide what is going to happen, and we have a fairly good grasp on how the Eye wants MC to progress.

Otherwise, after MC's second evolution where he finally shows his capabilities to the Apostles, he would be constantly on the run from them.
Sure sure. I disagree with some bits here and there. I won't tell you which ones because I rather keep you guessing and I'm too lazy to type out stuff I probably addressed in my several posts already on this subject.


Active Member
Feb 22, 2019
Perhaps one of my greatest works yet...totally...

The war for the Necro-booty: A new challenger arisen

and we all know of brother Dipasimaan's gripping of necromater's cheek
View attachment 2886538

...the imp cannot tolerate anymore of this...the touching of what is hers shall not stand....
View attachment 2886539
Man c'mon I'm really hoping that the imp doesn't find me and here you are fueling her anger

What did I do to you for you to sell me to necromater's wife?


Active Member
Feb 22, 2019

Hey all, just wanted to let you know how things are going.
On whether or not next update is gonna be long or short, I'm leaning towards it being longer than usual, but not to the scale of the update that ended the Deryl arc. It'll sorta be in between that length and last update's length, at least that's what I'm feeling now, I may change my mind later. There's a certain point in the story I want to just reach, so the update feels like it has some meaningful progression along the plot, the only question how far I want to go into that point, if I want to leave this update at the start of that point, or the end of it. We'll see as we progress forward.
Anyway, that's it. See you next time.
Here's what the O Great WW posted just this morning for everyone who didn't see it


Engaged Member
Aug 21, 2018
View attachment 2887568
Man c'mon I'm really hoping that the imp doesn't find me and here you are fueling her anger

What did I do to you for you to sell me to necromater's wife?
Worry not she is busy with the family. And also snitching to my mom my bad behavior Lady has no pride.
It's not like she keeps a list that she will tend as soon as she is free........ oh well at worst you will get cured of your love for yandere and goths :)


Active Member
Feb 22, 2019
Worry not she is busy with the family. And also snitching to my mom my bad behavior Lady has no pride.
It's not like she keeps a list that she will tend as soon as she is free........ oh well at worst you will get cured of your love for yandere and goths :)
My comrades, I don't know when or how but I will probably encounter Ella irl
Please wish me luck:HideThePain:


Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
Here's what the O Great WW posted just this morning for everyone who didn't see it
Thanks for the update.
I'm happy that WW does what feels most natural for the story. It helps with consistency.

Sure sure. I disagree with some bits here and there. I won't tell you which ones because I rather keep you guessing and I'm too lazy to type out stuff I probably addressed in my several posts already on this subject.
It's ok, I can make do.


Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
Okay so while we are waiting for the Long Update (which I'm all for), I want us all to put our thinking caps on for a bit.

I feel like this is a detail overlooked by most people. This is the line in particular:
Keywords; "the first moment I saw you." "From your parents," "to your scars..."

So we know that Ella was MIA for a year and in that time frame all but confirmed got her powers and lost her parents. Most likely homeless for a time, explaining why she has a soft spot for the orphans (being one herself at a time). We also know while different in age, the MC ALSO went MIA or in this case RAN AWAY from home but this was DUE to his mother's death, albeit a little time after it, for a couple of months/a month (can't remember).

It's possible they met during that time as per the familiarity found in her Memories via the sheets:
I'm assuming on that last line the us is referring to the homeless men? That the MC mentions took care of him (too lazy to find the line).

Now that begs the did we forget her, and more does she know our parents?!

Our Dad? Sure, MAYBE she knows who he is via just stalking us, though I doubt it with how much even WE never see our Dad. But more importantly, how does she know our Mom so well that she sees it as a similarity to herself???

As far as we know even to ourselves our recollection of her is hazy if not suppressed by some deep internal or external force is she so sure of her when even we aren't ourselves?

If we truly DID meet up with her during the gaps in our disappearances and that was AFTER our Mother's death, there is literally NO way of her knowing who she is to the point of familiarity. Unless...she knew us further back than we originally thought?

Keep in mind Ella DOES NOT have the Memory Trait. She wouldn't be able to dig in our heads let alone make us forget about her sooo, what gives? Before anyone says she just had the 3rd do it keep in mind:
A. She doesn't command them.
B. We didn't have our powers at the time anyways, therefore we didn't have their interests either.
MAYBE she shapeshifted into a homeless man at the camp we stayed at so we didn't recognize her as her; but that still doesn't explain the Mother thing.

Anyway thoughts? Am I looking TOO into it? Or like all things with Ella; is it something much deeper...

Edit: A little sidenote I also find odd is...why did Ella experiment with shapeshifting in front of her Professor in Highschool? She already had her power for 2-3 years by this point so...what was that all about? Or am I forgetting/missing something...
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Apr 6, 2023
For now.

The MC could get creative with it and make his liquid hard to detect or have his entire body (while as a liquid) have poison or whatever other nasty things he can think of...oh god the very thought of him killing someone from the inside is terrifying...lets fucking do it!
Oh! maybe he could do something similar to Megumi Fushiguro's ( season 1 jujutsu kaisen ) incomplete domain expansion with his liquid! That would be amazing! using all his abilities at once to crowd control or overwhelm!!
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Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
Here's what the O Great WW posted just this morning for everyone who didn't see it
Sounds cool. I wasn't expecting an update until like mid October, at the earliest. With this new info, I would say late October, early November sounds about right on it's release. I'm completely fine with it personally.

If WW really wants to get to a certain section then that means he's excited to do that part of it. That also usually means it's going to be some insane shit happening.


Engaged Member
Aug 21, 2018
Okay so while we are waiting for the Long Update (which I'm all for), I want us all to put our thinking caps on for a bit.

I feel like this is a detail overlooked by most people. This is the line in particular:
View attachment 2887608
Keywords; "the first moment I saw you." "From your parents," "to your scars..."

So we know that Ella was MIA for a year and in that time frame all but confirmed got her powers and lost her parents. Most likely homeless for a time, explaining why she has a soft spot for the orphans (being one herself at a time). We also know while different in age, the MC ALSO went MIA or in this case RAN AWAY from home but this was DUE to his mother's death, albeit a little time after it, for a couple of months/a month (can't remember).

It's possible they met during that time as per the familiarity found in her Memories via the sheets:
View attachment 2887635
View attachment 2887636
I'm assuming on that last line the us is referring to the homeless men? That the MC mentions took care of him (too lazy to find the line).

Now that begs the did we forget her, and more does she know our parents?!

Our Dad? Sure, MAYBE she knows who he is via just stalking us, though I doubt it with how much even WE never see our Dad. But more importantly, how does she know our Mom so well that she sees it as a similarity to herself???

As far as we know even to ourselves our recollection of her is hazy if not suppressed by some deep internal or external force is she so sure of her when even we aren't ourselves?

If we truly DID meet up with her during the gaps in our disappearances and that was AFTER our Mother's death, there is literally NO way of her knowing who she is to the point of familiarity. Unless...she knew us further back than we originally thought?

Keep in mind Ella DOES NOT have the Memory Trait. She wouldn't be able to dig in our heads let alone make us forget about her sooo, what gives? Before anyone says she just had the 3rd do it keep in mind:
A. She doesn't command them.
B. We didn't have our powers at the time anyways, therefore we didn't have their interests either.
MAYBE she shapeshifted into a homeless man at the camp we stayed at so we didn't recognize her as her; but that still doesn't explain the Mother thing.

Anyway thoughts? Am I looking TOO into it? Or like all things with Ella; is it something much deeper...

Edit: A little sidenote I also find odd is...why did Ella experiment with shapeshifting in front of her Professor in Highschool? She already had her power for 2-3 years by this point so...what was that all about? Or am I forgetting/missing something...
Maybe the homeless camp was a superhuman camp and then got caked by H.E.R.O............
Ok maybe it was caked by markus when he was giving humans to xanthe and shit it's even worse that a nolan movie with a little of the Saw saga in the mix boy the místery went even better


Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
Maybe the homeless camp was a superhuman camp and then got caked by H.E.R.O............
Ok maybe it was caked by markus when he was giving humans to xanthe and shit it's even worse that a nolan movie with a little of the Saw saga in the mix boy the místery went even better
Don't think it's possible for Marcus. He did all of that before Alice was born and while she was a little girl. Alice herself is 4 years older than MC. So MC would still be inside Syla or an infant when that was happening.
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