
Aug 7, 2022
The Fourth being displeased with a pure heir following Syla's attempt to have children with MC's dad would pair nicely with the Third being displeased with Ella after her third evolution. Maybe the two of them got to discussing the failures of their "pure" chosen and decided to attempt a pure hybrid. But that might be humanizing the Apostles a bit too much. We don't really know much about their relationship to each other beyond the fact they are twins.


Mar 17, 2019
the orb is the fairy
completely forgot, and true, he had that form when he appear for the first time , thanks !
Sya insists she is human and gets very upset when questioned about it but she also admits she is "a little more too", so as always i have veeeeeery bizarre theories:

1. Sya constantly refers to Memory as "Mom", the obvious interpretation being, "Syla is a monster and is literally her daughter" this could be the case considering she had a child and monsters can breed with humans, she says she was pure once but not anymore, maybe she only had memory traits but somehow gained some body to shapeshift into a normal looking human and live with her husband, dissapointing Memory who at the time wanted her pure as her monster choosen.

2. Sya is a superhuman and manifested memory so well to the point of being considered an heir, but somehow developed a little of body powers to try to alter herself in a way that allowed her to concieve a child with her husband, if we consider superhuman/human genetic incompatibility shapeshifing could be a solution, but from losing her focus only in her memory trait she dissapointed her monster "mom", wich lead Memory to try to find a 50/50 this time and see how that works.

From what we gather all other apostles only care about pure spawn, so maybe Memory and Body being ok with a 50/50 is a new development.
It's also relevant to remember that according to Sya, Memory DOESN'T know about Mc relation to Syla, that's why she wants him to grow as much as he can in his memory trait before Memory becomes aware of that, wich MAKES NO SENSE TO ME.

Now you guys are into something with Mc's appearance, there is no way he would end up that short when born from people that tall, also memories as we learned are not just in peoples minds but also in their genes, maybe if he has monster heritage blocking that part of him not just erased his memories but also his genetic potencial, until being unlocked by his monster infection, she even says at the mirror scene that Mc's powers only "awoke what was already there".
Superhuman is the less likely because of their infertility, it's still possible that she could be some kind of exception but not much more to say on that for now.

That monster principal trait is shapeshifting, so she monster could be the 3th version of Sya, there really are a lot of similarities and it can't just be a coincidence here.

As to why she became impure,a little theory:

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Aug 12, 2020
I really love seeing you guys talk about theories and stuff; too bad my english is too bad for me to participate. I hope to learn how to write properly by the middle of this year, at least shuahsu.
Brother, my english isnt good neither, just try it, its good 4 practice
Jan 16, 2024
Totally unrelated to everything you guys are talking about, but I finally started and finished my full corruption playthrough. I always did mid-corruption but never a full one, felt it was necessary since I never saw for myself things like that monster world when MC tries to kill you know who.
Now i only need to grow the balls for a full asshole playthrough with low gov and public opinion.
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Active Member
Feb 22, 2019
Totally unrelated to everything you guys are talking about, but I finally started and finished my full corruption playthrough. I always did mid-corruption but never a full one, felt it was necessary since I never saw for myself things like that monster world when MC tries to kill you know who.
View attachment 3294506
Now i only need to grow the balls for a full asshole playthrough with low gov and public opinion.
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Jun 22, 2017
Totally unrelated to everything you guys are talking about, but I finally started and finished my full corruption playthrough. I always did mid-corruption but never a full one, felt it was necessary since I never saw for myself things like that monster world when MC tries to kill you know who.
View attachment 3294506
Now i only need to grow the balls for a full asshole playthrough with low gov and public opinion.
Meanwhile in pure playthroughs:



Sep 12, 2019
I decided to do a full replay, the first in quite a while and damn this game is getting long, not that I mind as it felt really good to play some of the parts I have basically forgotten.

I noticed something when playing the battle of the diamonds part however. The Michael part I usually speed through but this time i decided to not do that and while I remembered that Michael had some strong resistance to energy I didnt remember that in the fight he tanks several lightning strikes and basically shrugs them off. His fight with Met might not be as loopsided as we thought. Met might be a evo above him but Michael is basically a direct counter it seems.


Jun 22, 2017
I decided to do a full replay, the first in quite a while and damn this game is getting long, not that I mind as it felt really good to play some of the parts I have basically forgotten.

I noticed something when playing the battle of the diamonds part however. The Michael part I usually speed through but this time i decided to not do that and while I remembered that Michael had some strong resistance to energy I didnt remember that in the fight he tanks several lightning strikes and basically shrugs them off. His fight with Met might not be as loopsided as we thought. Met might be a evo above him but Michael is basically a direct counter it seems.
I always had the impression he not only tanked the lightning but also absorbed and redirected it:

screenshot0003.png screenshot0004.png

And this was a lvl 1, i know that against a lvl 3 the chances are not good at all but he seems as good as a counter against energy based superhumans as Mc was against Valravn.


Mar 26, 2020
I always had the impression he not only tanked the lightning but also absorbed and redirected it:

View attachment 3294782
View attachment 3294783
View attachment 3294785 View attachment 3294786

And this was a lvl 1, i know that against a lvl 3 the chances are not good at all but he seems as good as a counter against energy based superhumans as Mc was against Valravn.
I'm conflicted on this. On one hand energy absorption is indeed Michael's entire thing. On the other hand, I still think he'd really struggle with fighting Met, even if his powers hard counter Met's.

The major issue he'd come across is control. The control over their Monster Energy that living targets have is an issue for Michael. If a living monster or superhuman is equivalent to or weaker than him in power he can forcefully rip energy from them, but the energy is a mere trickle. Met is most certainly not weaker than Michael. And even if Greater/Apostle spawn shenanigans lets him manage to pull Monster Energy from Met despite him being a Level 3, it's been firmly established that Met is really good at manipulating his own power. Good enough that he learned to manipulate his electricity at range when he charges something. Whatever he'd get would be scraps.

I can't see him winning, but whether he can put up a decent fight is up for debate. There are some interesting questions that make me think he might have a chance. While Michael struggles with internal energy sources, he notably doesn't seem to have any issues with external energy sources that have been thrown at him, like ranged attacks. This is to the extent he could eat attacks from a C rank at Level 1 despite them being Level 2 equivalents. Since Level 2 is where the shenanigans really start for Greater/Apostle spawns, I still think he'd tank any ranged attacks Met tries outside of the highest output ones like the Lightning Dragon. While Met would no doubt figure this out damn near immediately, being an experienced combatant from Michael's family, I do question if the lightning he uses as a passive defence counts as easy to absorb external energy. Furthermore, does Met's electricity count as natural energy, supernatural energy or both? Depending on which, the fight could tilt surprisingly closer to equal Michael and Alice's favour.

Michael has some of the nastiest powers in the entire game with bursts of radiation potent enough to not only hurt a Level 3 MC but also stall their extreme regenerative abilities, a large pre-existing energy stockpile going into the fight, enough skill that he was dodging lightning at close range back when he was a mere human and is backed up by someone who can theoretically hold their own for a while and has abnormally high attack potency. Instead of being a one-sided beatdown, this might just turn into a high-stakes uphill battle for Michael and Alice. They're still totally screwed if they let Met get even one good hit as he could probably fold them like laundry with sheer physical strength alone, and something's going to have to save them or give them a chance to run. But unlike normal Level 2s both are abnormally strong and Michael is near definitely capable of wounding Met.


Aug 7, 2022
I wonder if a renegade Michael is on the horizon. It appears that his latent Power power is fueling his blood lust, at least on a subconscious level.
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