
Aug 7, 2022
Personally i think it would be a bit weird if we just got spoonfed everything all at once. I think the remaining six will be spread out over the next few arcs.


Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
I tend to agree. Majority of the cast powers originates from the first 6 Apostles so it's fine to get to see them all now. The other 6, while having a decent amount, are mostly stacked in a single line, the 12th and possibly even the 11th.

Until this update, the 1st - 6th had, with assumptions:

1. Jake (1st)
2. Minyak (1st and 3rd)
3. Kenny (1st and 3rd)
4. Michael (2nd)
5. Met (2nd)
6. Leigong (2nd)
7. Ella (3rd)
8. MC (4th or 3rd)
9. Aglaecwif (4th previously)
10. Sharon (4th)
11. M43 (4th)
12. Deus (5th)
13. Zack (5th)
14. Fairy (6th)
15. Alice (6th)
16. Nico (6th)
17. Hex (6th)

These characters and powers have been present majority of the game up until now. Now compare that to the 7th - 12th, excluding those we learned about this update or that are too ambiguous:

1. Valravn (7th)
2. Tiffany (8th)
3. Clark (8th)
4. Eisheth (9th)
5. Evander (11th)
6. Devana(12th)
7. Rebis (12th)
8. Deryl (12th)
9. Tanos (12th)
10. Lucius (12th)
11. Alexis (12th)

As you can see, it's about time we learned all there is about the first 6 Apostles with so many of their powers being thoroughly shown. Obviously, if we added up everyone from this update and speculated, we can get an almost even number on both sides. But, as you can see. Besides the 12th's line, we haven't seen much from the 7th, 9th and 10th lines. We have potentially seen plenty of the 11th's line but some of those characters could just as well slide to the 2nd's line. Same with the 12th's line potentially being of the 3rd's line.

That's ultimately why I don't believe we're going to get it all next update. There's plenty of powers to explore and have them build up to those Apostles. Whether that be through other characters or memories MC obtained like with the Chosen. There might be a tease with some of them, like the 12th, but I don't think we'll get them all and their original traits like that.


Nov 23, 2020
Personally i think it would be a bit weird if we just got spoonfed everything all at once. I think the remaining six will be spread out over the next few arcs.
MC's mom tells him that he's almost half way done before he does that 6th dream. He's going to connect to all 12 Arbiters before he can leave the dream.


May 13, 2019
We actually know why. There is a scene with Ella meeting up with Langdon, 5 days after MC kills Klaus.
It becomes clear that Ella traded her services for help with finding the black stone she lost during the fight with Alexis and Clark.
We also know that Jared is tasked with searching for the rest of them, which is probably why Ella was willing to work with Langdon indefinitely as he has the means and the will to do it.

Langdon already knew about monsters for a while, probably for more than a year. Xanthe was working with Dietz, who is a member of Langdon's cabal. It's how Klaus got his powers in the first place and bringing in Danica to train him probably meant that they already had their feet wet for more than that.

Based on what Langdon says during that meeting with Ella, it seems to me that Dietz was the one involved with the Monster side of the cabal's operations and losing the superhuman trio (Klaus, Danica and Oscar) was a huge dent to their plans. So Langdon decided to take matters into his own hands. He basically obliterated the Aldain syndicate, forced them all to turn into Superhumans with Ella's pills, without regard for their compatibility.

The kids themselves didn't even know they were part of SIN at first. Shen calls it "Cole's dumb assignment" during the Diamond Battle.
However SIN seems to have evolved in a sense, mainly because Tanos is heavily involved (who seems like a recent acquisition, I don't think he was there from the start). However we don't know his circumstances. The certain thing is that only under Tanos direction SIN has some legitimacy. The kids may be able to sway monsters like Hex and Goliath assuming that a stronger Superhuman can subdue them, but I doubt anyone there, including Ella, is capable of dealing with the Chosen.

Tanos is the son of a Chosen and has a good relationship with at least 2 of them.

I don't think she cares about the "invaders". Her plans involve the Apostles, a ritual and an extremely powerful Superhuman who ultimately will decide how this whole thing will play out. The question is what she wants to get out of it.

1) Ella can communicate with an Apostle. During her fifth evolution, Ella urges the Apostle to go back to sleep saying that she will take care of stuff.
2) The Apostle is most likely Memory. She is the only Apostle who actively wants a 50-50 Spawn, she is the one that Ella brings MC to during deadend3.

An interesting question is why Ella considered both Jake and MC adequate for her plans.
Does that mean that Memory does not care if the Spawn is of her own line?
Or does it mean that Ella wants to "hijack" whatever Memory wants to do and turn it to her advantage?

Considering the deadend3, I'm willing to bet that up till now, everything is part of Memory's plan. This plan mostly works for Ella, but she will probably have a contingency in place for the end.
Ah right, I had forgotten about the black stone bit. Still, if anything it reinforces my initial point about SIN being a byproduct of the orphanage's kids (Cole being one of them of course). Even if Langdon and Dietz already had something prior to their arrival, before Ella and the kids they were a joke.


Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
Ah right, I had forgotten about the black stone bit. Still, if anything it reinforces my initial point about SIN being a byproduct of the orphanage's kids (Cole being one of them of course). Even if Langdon and Dietz already had something prior to their arrival, before Ella and the kids they were a joke.
In a broad sense sure, without the kids, SIN would be significantly weaker. But then again, what about Tanos and the Chosen? They aren't bound to the kids in any shape or form. Take them away and SIN are left with a Hexenringe, a few hundreds of level 1s and 2s, a handful of level 3s and a level 4. All of them combined barely have a chance against 2 HERO level 5 lieutenants.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2020
Alright so, that update ending fucked me up.
I still feel queasy just thinking about it. Urh.
I certainly hope a certain "scientist" ends up reduced to mush by my actions. He certainly deserves it. If he survives the game, I'm gonna riot.

Didn't expect things to get that graphic. Straight up torture porn level.
Aug 1, 2020
Alright so, that update ending fucked me up.
I still feel queasy just thinking about it. Urh.
I certainly hope a certain "scientist" ends up reduced to mush by my actions. He certainly deserves it. If he survives the game, I'm gonna riot.

Didn't expect things to get that graphic. Straight up torture porn level.
Thanos is one of the S.I.N. bastards I want to kill Jared and Cole being some the ones as well among others
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Dec 11, 2017
I go full corruption my mom tell me that I am more alike to grandfather than grandmother and I am not pure.
If I go full pure (not corruption) path dose that mean I will be more like grandmother than grandfather and I will be pure?
Also back then I kill the Jake (kinda sad) but dose his death impactfull on the story?

The last I still cant understand one I had mom and dad (the monsters) okay I get It but why the hell the I feel like grandfather and grandmother are far more important?

Also when I fight with the Jake and when he try to order me any eye (my grandfather) show and protect itself me from him thats usually dont happen In this game when they intervene even when I fight Hydra or Varan (the dark knight) they dont intervene.

The last for my own good sake who Is my monster mom,dad,grandfather and grandmother? I mean their appearance In my visions/mc because I never fucking know who I seeing.

Edit.also my mom tell me that I would become eventually a superhuman even If Ella would not help me In that I am correct?


Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
I go full corruption my mom tell me that I am more alike to grandfather than grandmother and I am not pure.
If I go full pure (not corruption) path dose that mean I will be more like grandmother than grandfather and I will be pure?
Also back then I kill the Jake (kinda sad) but dose his death impactfull on the story?

The last I still cant understand one I had mom and dad (the monsters) okay I get It but why the hell the I feel like grandfather and grandmother are far more important?

Also when I fight with the Jake and when he try to order me any eye (my grandfather) show and protect itself me from him thats usually dont happen In this game when they intervene even when I fight Hydra or Varan (the dark knight) they dont intervene.

The last for my own good sake who Is my monster mom,dad,grandfather and grandmother? I mean their appearance In my visions/mc because I never fucking know who I seeing.

Edit.also my mom tell me that I would become eventually a superhuman even If Ella would not help me In that I am correct?
It has nothing to do with corruption don't worry. You are always impure and more like grandfather.
Jake being dead doesn't change much at this point. Only a few dialogues.

Monster mom (from MC's point of view) = Grandmother (from Syla's point of view) = Memory (The pink monster that may infect you)
Monster father (from MC's point of view) = Grandfather (from Syla's point of view) = Body (The purple monster that may infect you)

She just has a different frame of reference. Syla acts like Memory is her mother, so to her son, she is grandmother. We don't know if Memory is Syla's monster mother or her actual mother because we don't really know what Syla is. She doesn't want to tell us yet.


Mar 17, 2019
I go full corruption my mom tell me that I am more alike to grandfather than grandmother and I am not pure.
If I go full pure (not corruption) path dose that mean I will be more like grandmother than grandfather and I will be pure?
Also back then I kill the Jake (kinda sad) but dose his death impactfull on the story?
no it's just related to the story , mc use more is body trait tan memory , Corruption isnt related to that and so far bring you closer to your monster part whit some little consequence like you can understand some monster talking.

The last I still cant understand one I had mom and dad (the monsters) okay I get It but why the hell the I feel like grandfather and grandmother are far more important?
They are the same, Sylla and Stephen are mc biological parent, it's just that since Sylla call the 3rd mother, she refer to her as mc grandmother.

Also when I fight with the Jake and when he try to order me any eye (my grandfather) show and protect itself me from him thats usually dont happen In this game when they intervene even when I fight Hydra or Varan (the dark knight) they dont intervene.
No real consequence so far except that Mia is angry to Jake and not mc if you dont kill him.

Edit.also my mom tell me that I would become eventually a superhuman even If Ella would not help me In that I am correct?
where did you see that?, never see something close she just talk about mc biological father compatibility with body and her's with memory .
Last edited:
Sep 5, 2018
I go full corruption my mom tell me that I am more alike to grandfather than grandmother and I am not pure.
If I go full pure (not corruption) path dose that mean I will be more like grandmother than grandfather and I will be pure?
Also back then I kill the Jake (kinda sad) but dose his death impactfull on the story?
It has nothing to do with corruption but with his development until this point. Until now MC was heavily relying on his body to get through any obstacle so his body trait went further than memory.

As for Jake, not really.
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