
Oct 14, 2019
Wait are you referring to the Ending where Ella takes us to see Father (or Mother) but then the Unknown Monster shows up and murders Father only to kill you later? Ella does complain in shock that it can't be possible, but if it really was the 7th and the upper monsters are rated by strength, how on god's green earth did the 7th one shot the 3rd?
There was another post theorizing that the monster that in the Too Strong Too Fast ending is the central piece of the number monster and it just simply absorb the 3rd or 4th depending on who your choice and is absorbing the other number to reform itself. Hence why 6 to 14 ( I think I don't remember the total number) are either dead, missing, or are reabsorb into it. Then again it could just be a separate unknown monster doing who know what.


Oct 14, 2019
There was another post theorizing that the monster that in the Too Strong Too Fast ending is the central piece of the number monster and it just simply absorb the 3rd or 4th depending on who your choice and is absorbing the other number to reform itself. Hence why 6 to 14 ( I think I don't remember the total number) are either dead, missing, or are reabsorb into it. Then again it could just be a separate unknown monster doing who know what. OR I could be entirely wrong all to together


Engaged Member
Jan 9, 2021
Well, there's that evolution scene where you get a memory that isn't yours. It was interpreted as numbered monsters no longer being there so dead/killed... But it's really kinda vague to be honest...

"A memory enters my mind."
"A memory that is not my own."
You "The moon? How can it..."
You "The twelve...."
You "No, the six... seven through twelve have already been..."
You "Uunnngh-"
You "What? What am I talking about? What am I doing? I...."
You "But that doesn't make sense... What am I..."

and later :

You "They'll come from the moon..."

Monsters are either drawn to the sea/ocean or to the moon, Bailey tells you something similar.
12 moons is a year, moon (month) 7th - 12th already gone means it's the first month?
The memory is from the first person/creature that got infected waiting for an invasion in June from the moon...
Perhaps he/she even became the 3rd/4th (depending on who your monster parent is)
Seems a somewhat valid explanation for this memory too?

Lets hope our next evolution gives more insight, but it's doubtful any of the "gone" numbered monsters will appear.
Valravn says the Lords have still to arrive, perhaps it's one of them?


Jun 23, 2017
Wait are you referring to the Ending where Ella takes us to see Father (or Mother) but then the Unknown Monster shows up and murders Father only to kill you later? Ella does complain in shock that it can't be possible, but if it really was the 7th and the upper monsters are rated by strength, how on god's green earth did the 7th one shot the 3rd?
They're not ranked by strength.
The 1st is once referred to as the Firstborn.
Their ranks are thus in order of creation.
The 7th-12th aren't stated to be dead, by the way. That's an assumption.
"No, the six... seven through twelve have already been..."
No further information. Anyways-
It was the 4th it destroyed, not the 3rd. It's always the 4th in that scene.
And they manifest as avatars- So that probably didn't really kill the 4th.
We know it's the 7th because we know the monster that infected Valravn is the 7th through his monster report.
The hand shown in Valravn's infection flashback is the same as crushes Mother Memory.
Thus the 7th, Lord of Dark, is alive, and destroyed Memory's avatar in the dead end.

And to substantiate my claims-
1683674250723.png 1683674306358.png
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Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
I feel like I'm missing info (or forgetting). Let me see if I got my facts straight and you guys can either add or correct me if I'm wrong (I'll try to divide it by sections):

A. History/Plot:

1. A replacement war for WW2 occured, in which M-Corp created the M-Division; which consisted of 2,000 (or so) elite soldiers that changed the tide, and unified the world under one form of government. It was later revealed that the Captains of H.E.R.O were behind this endeavor.

2. H.E.R.O is an independent company hosted by Dexter, richest man alive, and a sequel to his father's M-Corp. They have been quelling the annihilation of the human race from Monster attacks around the globe.

3. H.E.R.O has a council of individuals that make the decisions for the company, but each have their own motives. They also have teams each with a Captain and Lieutenant.

4. Your Dad does some shady shit and got you into R&X, a prestigious school for the elite in Sector 1, but is later also found to host H.E.R.O's primary base of operations.

B. Secret Stuff:

1. Your Mom was found dead in her bedroom despite your valiant watch for her presumable leave for 11 days. This all happened during your middle school age.

2. H.E.R.O has been experimenting on monsters, one of which was the one Kenny called "Mother".

3. Deus has been helping the MC along, and is able to see right through the fact that he is shapeshifted into a different person (EXTREMELY SUS THAT AINT FUTURE SIGHT AS WE NEVER TURN BACK INTO OUR ORIGINAL OR REVEAL OURSELVES). Going so far as to give Valravn's heart back to make the MC have a brighter challenge. Doesn't trust Ella yet doesn't help H.E.R.O dig up anything new on her.

C. Ella:

1. Ella was bullied as a middle school child, only to go missing after lossing her parents, and coming bad different (presumably Superhuman). She then was one of only 2 survivors for a massacre that annihilated her entire end of the year class.

2. Ella gave you pills to attract a Monster to attack you and give you Superhuman abilities. She has been found to do this to loads of other people, some failing and turning into Miniak (I believe is the term) while others successful.

3. Ella runs an orphanage in which she sometimes creates Superhumans out of.

4. Ella has been giving you a series of tests by sending various Superhumans to replace you, for whatever plans she may have; these consist of Kenny, Jake, and Deryl in that order.

5 HEAVY AREA. Ella made a deal with Jared's father, in order to obtain a piece of a Heart? And later revealed to gain access to a new sub base of operations for her Orphanage.

6. Ella has been helping Charlie find her brother, this is later revealed to be Del.

7. Ella made Jake a Superhuman in order to mind control Deryl, as a way to have undying loyalty for him to become a Superhuman and repair a Heart.

8. Ella also used Jake to gain access to H.E.R.O as a way to not only spy on them (unsuccessful) but to also collect an artificial serum that kickstarts someone's 5th Evolution (one of her many goals).

9. Ella's Evolution wasn't exactly what she wanted, as she DID NOT receive the call from her monster parent like she wanted to.

10 HEAVY AREA. Ella ALSO used Jake's ability to gain access to the Prime Minister's mining resources, as a way to get underground and obtain yet another piece of the Heart?

11 HEAVY AREA. Ella's orphan Superhumans (minus Charlie) have been scouring the globe to collect not only Monsters, but these Heart? fragments to give to Ella.

12. Ella wants you to succeed for whatever purpose she has, presumably to get in contact with her/your parent monster at Lvl 5; which she failed the criteria for.

Sidenote HEAVY AREA. Ella got mad about something, I couldn't remember what it was off the top of my head but she was throwing and breaking stuff due to the loss of it.

D. Superhumans:
1. You have 2 parent monsters, the 3rd (alive) and the 4th (alive); ability to have mental resistance/mindtap and shapeshifting.

2 HEAVY AREA. Ella has 1 parent monster, the 4th (alive); ability to shapeshift.

3. Alice has 1 monster parent, the pixie you find during the Mafia plotline (alive); ability to manipulate certain forms of gravity.

4. Michael has 2? monster parents, the 2nd (alive) and the Lightning guy (forgot the name)(dead); ability to either use radiation? (the second) or lightning.

5. Danica has 1 monster parent, the cross monster (forgot the name again)(alive); ability to "mark" enemies with a lethal cross in various ways.

6. Demi has 1 monster parent, the second coming of christ (alive); ability to infatuate people or change the feelings of others.

7. Charlie has 1 monster parent, unknown (unknown); ability to set conditions/rules on a target but is limited to like 5?

8. Deus has 1 monster parent (presumably), unknown (unknown); ability to see the future (potentially has night terrors).

9. Zach has 1 monster parent (presumably), unknown (unknown); ability over time? Is noted as Xanthe's ace before Deus came along. Perhaps he can step into the future to predict attacks? (Still injured from a previous fight with a monster).

Sidenote. The other Superhumans I know about so don't worry about listing those I missed.

Sidenote. I paid attention to Superhuman 101 so I got all the conditions, percentages, levels, life states, etc.

E. Monsters:

Sidenote. The MAJORITY of my questions lie here, please help a brotha out if ya can.

1. A parent monster is the monster that infected you. They sometimes do it unintentionally or on purpose.

2 HEAVY AREA. Monsters have a threat level ranking from E to S, but they also are divided by class with crazy planet names.

3 HEAVY AREA. There are 12 "Numbered" which are ranked by strength as the original monster which all lower monsters branch off from in accordance to ability similarities.

4 HEAVY AREA.Most of the Numbered are dead, with the ones we know of as alive are the 1st (unknown alias), the 2nd (unknown alias), the 3rd (Father), the 4th (Mother).

5. There is a sub spices of monster known as the Miniak (probably butchered); which are the reminiscent of monster material or failed superhumans that CANNOT pass on abilities to humans.

6 HEAVY AREA. The monsters presumably come from the Moon, as during the sewer fight monster, you can connect with the Miniak and she refers to the Moon, this is later backed up by talking with "something" and seeing it reach up from the Moon during the Mafia plotline?

7 HEAVY AREA. Kenny, Bailey, and some of the other Miniaks refer to "Mother", but it is presumed NOT to be the same mother as the 4th.
-Because Kenny can drag you off in one of the dead ends to what he refers to as "Mother".
-Bailey is a product of Kenny's material, and yet despite the Miniak Kenny refers to being captured by H.E.R.O, she says yet ANOTHER mother calls to her form the ocean?
That entire area is a heavy zone for WTF for me, perhaps I'm wrong on everything but feel free to clarify for me.

8. Monster corpses can be used as armor with various effects.

9. Level 5 Superhumans can receive a "purpose" from their parent monster of seemed worth enough.

10 HEAVY AREA. You receive various dreams from the 3rd and 4th (if there is anything important I missed, let me know).

11. The dream sequence you receive after killing Jake is of the 1st, where other monsters of various heights in strength dwell. The 1st chases you (presumably upset) before the 3rd and the 4th entangle her and trap her under the ground.

12. Valravn was a crow turned into a monster by a WILLING monster parent. Which he valiantly served before they were cut down by whatever means.

13. The monsters' presumable goal is to annihilate/and or integrate into the human race, and some genetic mutation caused some of their DNA to merge with humans (and animals).

F. Dead Ends:

Sidenote. Another MAJORITY of my questions lie here. Help me out if you can list anything with lore relevant information, or theory crafting ones.

Sidenote. I'm only listing "mysterious" ones or extended inf providers rather than hilarious stupid deaths.

1 HEAVY AREA. Ella kills you if you "beat" her in a fight, she then leads you to the 3rd or 4th? Presumably to see if you are worthy of joining in on her plan? Before an Unknown GODLIKE FUCKING ENTITY the 3rd or 4th. This was NOT what Ella expected, and while it doesn't mention (from what I remember) if it kills Ella; it DEFINITELY kills you.

2. When you lose to Kenny, you are brought to his "Mother", the context of my questions mainly refer to why he calls her "Mother" is it his parent monster? But it looks like a Miniak so...(refer to Section Monster 7).

3 HEAVY AREA. You can die to Ella due to "progressing too fast?" when showing the jellyfish move. And yet she doesn't kill you for progressing even faster during the initial apartment fight. Was there something I missed?

I believe that's everything I do know about in regards to you have to play and pay attention to know. Help me out if ya want I guess, or don't. But I'd much rather wait till the game is finished to have to play back through EVERYTHING searching for EVERY little detail with my terrible memory. At this point I feel like I'm as dumb as the MC, just waiting for the info to be thrown at my face, and yet I've seen a lot of the side info from dreams and what not just never put it together as well as other peeps on here I guess.

Edit: I do NOT have access to Patreon posts and I've heard whispers there is additional information from them so while you don't have to pirate the shit you can definitely tell me the important deets.
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Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
They're not ranked by strength.
The 1st is once referred to as the Firstborn.
Their ranks are thus in order of creation.
The 7th-12th aren't stated to be dead, by the way. That's an assumption.
"No, the six... seven through twelve have already been..."
No further information. Anyways-
It was the 4th it destroyed, not the 3rd. It's always the 4th in that scene.
And they manifest as avatars- So that probably didn't really kill the 4th.
We know it's the 7th because we know the monster that infected Valravn is the 7th through his monster report.
The hand shown in Valravn's infection flashback is the same as crushes Mother Memory.
Thus the 7th, Lord of Dark, is alive, and destroyed Memory's avatar in the dead end.

And to substantiate my claims-
View attachment 2609227
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I'm still interested in hearing your thoughts on the scene with the 1st in his plane. Since, you're of the thought that they're all just using Avatars. Do you think the 1st was using one there in it's plane or was that it's true self appearing? If yes, then do you also think the 3rd and 4th were using their avatars to take his true self down in his plane or do you think they actually appeared and took him down?

I'm also interested in your thoughts about the 2nd manifesting. From the way Valravn reacted and how the avatar angle is being interpreted, do you think the 2nd actually came in person and not through an avatar? Since Valravn said it can't stay long which assumes that the real thing actually came from it's plane.

I went more in-depth with these questions in my older reply to you but these are the ones I'm more interested in hearing your opinions on.

3. Deus has been helping the MC along, and is able to see right through the fact that he is shapeshifted into a different person (EXTREMELY SUS THAT AINT FUTURE SIGHT AS WE NEVER TURN BACK INTO OUR ORIGINAL OR REVEAL OURSELVES). Going so far as to give Valravn's heart back to make the MC have a brighter challenge. Doesn't trust Ella yet doesn't help H.E.R.O dig up anything new on her.
For this specific point, you answered your own question. Deus has been helping the MC all along which means before he even infiltrated HERO. He would've already known the MC would shapeshift into the girl because he saw it before the event happened. Just like he already saw the future with the MC and Ella.

I'm not saying Deus doesn't have more than future sight, by the way. He eluded to having more than it when you talked to him. Then there's the fact that he's able to fight the S-Rank M-33(Nico's monster). I'm just saying that nothing contradicts him using his future sight in the past to see the events of the MC before he even entered the base in the future. We know he used it to help Lexi and Clark to find Ella in the park, which shocked her, and that he told Dexter that Tiffany will kill him in the future, if I remember it right.


Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
For this specific point, you answered your own question. Deus has been helping the MC all along which means before he even infiltrated HERO. He would've already known the MC would shapeshift into the girl because he saw it before the event happened. Just like he already saw the future with the MC and Ella.

I'm not saying Deus doesn't have more than future sight, by the way. He eluded to having more than it when you talked to him. Then there's the fact that he's able to fight the S-Rank M-33(Nico's monster). I'm just saying that nothing contradicts him using his future sight in the past to see the events of the MC before he even entered the base in the future. We know he used it to help Lexi and Clark to find Ella in the park, which shocked her, and that he told Dexter that Tiffany will kill him in the future, if I remember it right.
Yeah sorry I'm not that smart, guess I didn't even think of that :ROFLMAO:
My hero as always Drako.


Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
They're not ranked by strength.
The 1st is once referred to as the Firstborn.
Their ranks are thus in order of creation.
The 7th-12th aren't stated to be dead, by the way. That's an assumption.
"No, the six... seven through twelve have already been..."
No further information. Anyways-
It was the 4th it destroyed, not the 3rd. It's always the 4th in that scene.
And they manifest as avatars- So that probably didn't really kill the 4th.
We know it's the 7th because we know the monster that infected Valravn is the 7th through his monster report.
The hand shown in Valravn's infection flashback is the same as crushes Mother Memory.
Thus the 7th, Lord of Dark, is alive, and destroyed Memory's avatar in the dead end.

And to substantiate my claims-
View attachment 2609227
View attachment 2609224 View attachment 2609226
Ahhh, I think I was getting what Ella said confused. I she referred to the 3rd and 4th as ridiculously powerful on the hierarchy so I guess I just assumed everything above or below them was either stronger or weaker.

Guess I also don't know where I got them being dead from, maybe that was from a thread theory I saw a while back and just rolled with it, though I do remember Valravn saying the 7-12 line.

Yeah I was referring to the Ella dead end scene, was it the 4th that died or the 3rd?

Where does it say the Numbered use avatars? If you don't mind my asking.

I didn't have access to the monster reports so that's my fault. So if the 3rd is Mind shit, the 4th is shapeshifting or body or whatever, the 1st is Control, what do we think the 7th is based on Valravn's deets?
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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
Ladies and Gentlemen....we have three choices:
A) Jake with Tits
B) Michael with Tits
C) Deryl with Tits
Mind you, all three fine sirs are still male but with tits. Which one you picking?
  • Haha
Reactions: Doom Marine


Jun 23, 2017
Ahhh, I think I was getting what Ella said confused. I she referred to the 3rd and 4th as ridiculously powerful on the hierarchy so I guess I just assumed everything above or below them was either stronger or weaker.

Guess I also don't know where I got them being dead from, maybe that was from a thread theory I saw a while back and just rolled with it, though I do remember Valravn saying the 7-12 line.

Yeah I was referring to the Ella dead end scene, was it the 4th that died or the 3rd?

Where does it say the Numbered use avatars? If you don't mind my asking.

I didn't have access to the monster reports so that's my fault. So if the 3rd is Mind shit, the 4th is shapeshifting or body or whatever, the 1st is Control, what do we think the 7th is based on Valravn's deets?
I'm working on some answers to your longer post, after which I'll get to Drako's if I can think of anything.
In the dead end, it is the 4th, Mother Memory, that is destroyed.
Valravn doesn't refer to any of them by numbers except the Second.
The 7-12 line is from MC's evolution.
7-12 being dead is a common assumption. Probably intended. But 7, at minimum, lives.
As for the numbered using avatars-
Xanthe has a conversation with Tiffany about her monster being the avatar of a monster stronger than any recorded.
Also this- 1683679302826.png
The Lord of Dark being the 7th.


May 30, 2020
4. Ella has been giving you a series of tests by sending various Superhumans to replace you, for whatever plans she may have; these consist of Kenny, Jake, and Deryl in that order.
Ella didn't send deryl after you, he did that on his own initiative to impress ella.

6. Ella has been helping Charlie find her brother, this is later revealed to be Del.
Charlie's brother is oscar. hero took his corpse after the fight with the mafia ended.

Sidenote HEAVY AREA. Ella got mad about something, I couldn't remember what it was off the top of my head but she was throwing and breaking stuff due to the loss of it.
After ella got splattered by the gigantic metal sword she lost a small stone like object with a symbol on it. the object was very important to her for reasons we are not aware of.

D. Superhumans:
1. You have 2 parent monsters, the 3rd (alive) and the 4th (alive); ability to have mental resistance/mindtap and shapeshifting.

2 HEAVY AREA. Ella has 1 parent monster, the 4th (alive); ability to shapeshift.
The mc has 1 monster parent the 3rd or the 4th. Ella's monster parent is the 3rd. The 3rd and the 4th do seem to have a particular close connection which probably why ella has said in the past the mc and her came from the same monster.

Also ella has a vision related power in addition to shapeshifting.

4. Michael has 2? monster parents, the 2nd (alive) and the Lightning guy (forgot the name)(dead); ability to either use radiation? (the second) or lightning.
michael has 1 monster parent, the 2nd.

3 HEAVY AREA. There are 12 "Numbered" which are ranked by strength as the original monster which all lower monsters branch off from in accordance to ability similarities.
the 12 numbered lords are, as far we know, ranked by age and not strength.

4 HEAVY AREA.Most of the Numbered are dead, with the ones we know of as alive are the 1st (unknown alias), the 2nd (unknown alias), the 3rd (Father), the 4th (Mother).
We don't actually know if 7 through 12 are dead, something happened to them but it was left unstated and vague.

5. There is a sub spices of monster known as the Miniak (probably butchered); which are the reminiscent of monster material or failed superhumans that CANNOT pass on abilities to humans.
Minyak are just another species of monster, they arent particularly special.

7 HEAVY AREA. Kenny, Bailey, and some of the other Miniaks refer to "Mother", but it is presumed NOT to be the same mother as the 4th.
-Because Kenny can drag you off in one of the dead ends to what he refers to as "Mother".
-Bailey is a product of Kenny's material, and yet despite the Miniak Kenny refers to being captured by H.E.R.O, she says yet ANOTHER mother calls to her form the ocean?
That entire area is a heavy zone for WTF for me, perhaps I'm wrong on everything but feel free to clarify for me.
kenny's mother is the particular minyak that turned him.

bailey is strange, shes originally a ooze zombie that kenny made, but she persisted after his death and became self aware. don't really know how you would classify her compered to everything else.

as far as the call bailey heard, we know that monster's are drawn in some way to these monster hearts ella is working with. bailey is likely drawn to one of those hearts or possible to one of the numbered lords. the details of how that all works is still up to speculation.

1 HEAVY AREA. Ella kills you if you "beat" her in a fight, she then leads you to the 3rd or 4th? Presumably to see if you are worthy of joining in on her plan? Before an Unknown GODLIKE FUCKING ENTITY the 3rd or 4th. This was NOT what Ella expected, and while it doesn't mention (from what I remember) if it kills Ella; it DEFINITELY kills you.

3 HEAVY AREA. You can die to Ella due to "progressing too fast?" when showing the jellyfish move. And yet she doesn't kill you for progressing even faster during the initial apartment fight. Was there something I missed?

you don't "beat" ella. you never in any way had any chance of beating her. she was only testing you, and if you reveal then or later that you have two powers and not just shapeshifting she realizes you were exactly what she has been looking for to complete her plan.
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Nov 23, 2020
A. History/Plot:

3. H.E.R.O has a council of individuals that make the decisions for the company, but each have their own motives. They also have teams each with a Captain and Lieutenant.
The leaders are Dexter, taking over for his father, Xanthe as the head researcher and the 5 Captains, which were the original 5 Superhuman members. They also only had a handful of members, They seemed much larger because Lucius split himself into thousands of duplicates wearing uniforms with helmets that concealed his identity.

C. Ella:

2. Ella gave you pills to attract a Monster to attack you and give you Superhuman abilities. She has been found to do this to loads of other people, some failing and turning into Miniak (I believe is the term) while others successful.
The Minyak is a specific type of monster, there would be other terms for people turning into the other various types of monsters.

4. Ella has been giving you a series of tests by sending various Superhumans to replace you, for whatever plans she may have; these consist of Kenny, Jake, and Deryl in that order.

7. Ella made Jake a Superhuman in order to mind control Deryl, as a way to have undying loyalty for him to become a Superhuman and repair a Heart.

12. Ella wants you to succeed for whatever purpose she has, presumably to get in contact with her/your parent monster at Lvl 5; which she failed the criteria for.
Ella has a plot that she needs a very specific Superhuman for. She sent Jake after you because he was also a potential candidate. Kenny was a failed candidate that she left for the MC to deal with as a learning opportunity. Deryl is part of another part of her plan where she needs a Superhuman with the ability to make special objects for her.

5 HEAVY AREA. Ella made a deal with Jared's father, in order to obtain a piece of a Heart? And later revealed to gain access to a new sub base of operations for her Orphanage.

Sidenote HEAVY AREA. Ella got mad about something, I couldn't remember what it was off the top of my head but she was throwing and breaking stuff due to the loss of it.
Ella lost a monster part that is vital to her plan in the fight with Clark and Alexis. That was why she got mad and started breaking things.

She made a deal with Jared's father to recover it for her.

6. Ella has been helping Charlie find her brother, this is later revealed to be Del.
Charlie's brother is Oscar the big guy that was working for Klaus along with Danika. We don't know who Del is, at least until the next update comes out.

9. Ella's Evolution wasn't exactly what she wanted, as she DID NOT receive the call from her monster parent like she wanted to.
Ella did get a mental message from the 3rd, but she told him to go back to sleep. Ella also considered herself to be a candidate for the project that she needs the MC or Jake for. She needed to get the proper power when she evolved, and she didn't, so she now has to rely on the MC being the only qualifying Superhuman left.

10 HEAVY AREA. Ella ALSO used Jake's ability to gain access to the Prime Minister's mining resources, as a way to get underground and obtain yet another piece of the Heart?

11 HEAVY AREA. Ella's orphan Superhumans (minus Charlie) have been scouring the globe to collect not only Monsters, but these Heart? fragments to give to Ella.
The objects aren't hearts specifically. They're all various body parts from an ancient monster that she needs for her special project.

D. Superhumans:
1. You have 2 parent monsters, the 3rd (alive) and the 4th (alive); ability to have mental resistance/mindtap and shapeshifting.

2 HEAVY AREA. Ella has 1 parent monster, the 4th (alive); ability to shapeshift.

3. Alice has 1 monster parent, the pixie you find during the Mafia plotline (alive); ability to manipulate certain forms of gravity.

4. Michael has 2? monster parents, the 2nd (alive) and the Lightning guy (forgot the name)(dead); ability to either use radiation? (the second) or lightning.

5. Danica has 1 monster parent, the cross monster (forgot the name again)(alive); ability to "mark" enemies with a lethal cross in various ways.

6. Demi has 1 monster parent, the second coming of christ (alive); ability to infatuate people or change the feelings of others.

7. Charlie has 1 monster parent, unknown (unknown); ability to set conditions/rules on a target but is limited to like 5?

8. Deus has 1 monster parent (presumably), unknown (unknown); ability to see the future (potentially has night terrors).

9. Zach has 1 monster parent (presumably), unknown (unknown); ability over time? Is noted as Xanthe's ace before Deus came along. Perhaps he can step into the future to predict attacks? (Still injured from a previous fight with a monster).

Sidenote. The other Superhumans I know about so don't worry about listing those I missed.

Sidenote. I paid attention to Superhuman 101 so I got all the conditions, percentages, levels, life states, etc.
Each of the Superhumans only has one monster parent. The MC has either the 3rd or the 4th as his parent based on your choice at the beginning of the game. Both the 3rd and the 4th have the same powers, and they tend to work together.

Michael's parent is the 2nd, he killed the lightning monster and wasn't infected by it.

Zach seems to also be able to view the future, but he was injured and hasn't been able to use his powers reliably, so they've been using Deus instead while he recovers.

E. Monsters:

Sidenote. The MAJORITY of my questions lie here, please help a brotha out if ya can.

3 HEAVY AREA. There are 12 "Numbered" which are ranked by strength as the original monster which all lower monsters branch off from in accordance to ability similarities.
We don't know that the numbered are ranked by strength. They seem to be of comparable power levels.

4 HEAVY AREA.Most of the Numbered are dead, with the ones we know of as alive are the 1st (unknown alias), the 2nd (unknown alias), the 3rd (Father), the 4th (Mother).
The 1st is "The Authority" the 3rd is "The Body" and the 4th is "The Memory"

5. There is a sub spices of monster known as the Miniak (probably butchered); which are the reminiscent of monster material or failed superhumans that CANNOT pass on abilities to humans.
The Minyak are a species of monsters that exist to breed with humans and Superhumans to create new strains of monsters.
They can infect humans as we saw with the jocks James and Kenny. It's likely the MC's friend Dave was also chosen to be infected by a Minyak, but Ella killed it when she saw Dave reacted poorly to the pill.

6 HEAVY AREA. The monsters presumably come from the Moon, as during the sewer fight monster, you can connect with the Miniak and she refers to the Moon, this is later backed up by talking with "something" and seeing it reach up from the Moon during the Mafia plotline?

7 HEAVY AREA. Kenny, Bailey, and some of the other Miniaks refer to "Mother", but it is presumed NOT to be the same mother as the 4th.
-Because Kenny can drag you off in one of the dead ends to what he refers to as "Mother".
-Bailey is a product of Kenny's material, and yet despite the Miniak Kenny refers to being captured by H.E.R.O, she says yet ANOTHER mother calls to her form the ocean?
That entire area is a heavy zone for WTF for me, perhaps I'm wrong on everything but feel free to clarify for me.
Kenny referred to the Minyak that infected him as Mother as it was his monster parent, and he created Bailey with his reanimating slime, so she was indirectly her mother as well.
We see that monsters came from the moon and from the deep sea. It's possible they divided and went to those two areas or there might be two factions of monsters. We don't have enough information on that yet.
Bailey said she was hearing a call from the sea as something is happening calling out to the monsters, the moon is also supposedly getting into position to allow monsters to come from there as well.

9. Level 5 Superhumans can receive a "purpose" from their parent monster of seemed worth enough.
Ella says that the reason that monsters infect humans is because they have some mysterious purpose. Ella seems to know much more about that, but she isn't willing to share that information.

10 HEAVY AREA. You receive various dreams from the 3rd and 4th (if there is anything important I missed, let me know).

11. The dream sequence you receive after killing Jake is of the 1st, where other monsters of various heights in strength dwell. The 1st chases you (presumably upset) before the 3rd and the 4th entangle her and trap her under the ground.
The MC receives telepathic communications from his parent at various points in the story. Also after evolution and killing Klaus the MC receives messages in his dreams from a variety of other monsters that aren't his monster parent. We don't know what most of them mean. The messages from the monster parent are different depending on how much corruption the MC has.
With low corruption your monster parent unintelligibly tells him he needs to find allies, and with high corruption the MC starts to understand the monster language as the parent tells them he needs to consume and grow stronger.

12. Valravn was a crow turned into a monster by a WILLING monster parent. Which he valiantly served before they were cut down by whatever means.
The infections by the monsters look like they were done intentionally, all except for Bailey, but she was infected by Kenny not the Minyak, and she is the only one of the minions that seems to have survived Kenny's death.
Valravyn seems to still be serving his King.

13. The monsters' presumable goal is to annihilate/and or integrate into the human race, and some genetic mutation caused some of their DNA to merge with humans (and animals).
We don't have any information on what the monster's goals happen to be yet. Ella and Deus seem to know more, but neither of them is talking about it.

F. Dead Ends:

1 HEAVY AREA. Ella kills you if you "beat" her in a fight, she then leads you to the 3rd or 4th? Presumably to see if you are worthy of joining in on her plan? Before an Unknown GODLIKE FUCKING ENTITY the 3rd or 4th. This was NOT what Ella expected, and while it doesn't mention (from what I remember) if it kills Ella; it DEFINITELY kills you.
Ella doesn't kill you, and the MC doesn't even come close to winning that fight, he just fights so much better than she ever suspected that she thinks he might be ready for whatever plan she has for him. She takes one of her pills to summon the 4th, where she is taking the MC. Then the 7th shows up and things go to hell.

2. When you lose to Kenny, you are brought to his "Mother", the context of my questions mainly refer to why he calls her "Mother" is it his parent monster? But it looks like a Miniak so...(refer to Section Monster 7).
Kenny's Mother is the Minyak that infected him. When it sees the MC's strength it commands it's spawn Kenny to bring you to her so it can breed to created a stronger new spawn, it also coats the MC with it's mind control slime, turning the MC into a mindless minion.

3 HEAVY AREA. You can die to Ella due to "progressing too fast?" when showing the jellyfish move. And yet she doesn't kill you for progressing even faster during the initial apartment fight. Was there something I missed?
Ella doesn't have the memory reading power that the 3rd and 4th have, and she assumes the MC doesn't either. When the MC shows that he can make jellyfish venom she wonders how the hell he could possibly do it. When the MC reveals he did it by reading the jellyfish's memories and copying the venom she realizes the MC already has the exact power she's been trying to get from either him, Jake or the Minyak spawn she's been making. We don't actually know why Ella's response is to then kill the MC or what she does after that.

I've rearranged a few of your questions into groups that have similar answers, and this should cover most of what you've asked.

Also I'm doing this mostly from memory, so if I got anything wrong I'd like it if somebody could correct me.


Jun 23, 2017
I feel like I'm missing info (or forgetting). Let me see if I got my facts straight and you guys can either add or correct me if I'm wrong (I'll try to divide it by sections):
That's a lot. I'll make an effort to answer a few.

A. History/Plot:

1. The 2000 soldiers were all Lucius.

3. The Council is Dexter, Xanthe, and the Captains.

B. Secret Stuff:

3. Deus could absolutely have figured that out through future sight. It's OP.

C. Ella:

2. Orang Minyak, to be specific.

4. Deryl was not intended to replace you, he has a more specific role. The role that MC and the others fill is a "host" for something. So it might not be a good thing for us.

6. Charlie has been searching for her brother, this is later revealed to be Oscar Leicht, the big Red Light Green Light guy, who is dead, his corpse kept by H.E.R.O. after his demise.

7. Ella made Jake a Superhuman in order to have him fill the same role as you- but conveniently, Jake can also mind control Deryl, as a way to have undying loyalty for him to become a Superhuman and repair a Heart.

9. Ella's Evolution wasn't exactly what she wanted, as she is "really not the one, after all."
She then talks to someone or something that is speaking with her mentally.
"Quiet, I don't answer to you. Stay out of my head."
"We do things my way."
"Just go to sleep like everyone else, I'll handle it."
Could be indicative of a Memory-based power, but entirely uncertain.

12. Ella wants you to succeed for whatever purpose she has, presumably to host... something.

D. Superhumans:
1. You have 2 parent monsters.
The 3rd, Body, and the 4th, Memory. Both are capable of memory and body-based powers, but presumably more skilled in the use of their namesakes. The one who infected you is the one other monsters note as your progenitor- and can be considered primary. WW has stated this won't change too much.

2. Ella has 2 parent monsters, the 3rd, Body, and the 4th, Memory. Her primary parent is the 3rd, Body, and she primarily manifests Body powers, and so far the only thing she has shown that might be Memory-related is her Sight.

3. Alice has 1 monster parent, the pixie you find during the Mafia plotline (alive); ability to manipulate certain forms of gravity.

4. Michael has 1 monster parent, the 2nd (alive). The Leigong, the lightning monster, was destroyed, and is not his progenitor.
The 2nd has powers relating to energy, broadly. We do not know its name. We do know it is the Leigong's primary progenitor (58%).

5. Danica has 1 monster parent, the cross monster (M65-Gestas)(alive); ability to "mark" enemies with a lethal cross in various ways.

7. Charlie has 1 monster parent, unknown (unknown); ability to set conditions/rules on a target but is limited to three, the third of which requires an oath.

9. Zach has 1 monster parent (presumably), unknown (unknown); ability over time? Is noted as Xanthe's ace before Deus came along. -Codename Kronos. Definitely related to time.
-Might shares a progenitor somewhere along the line with Deus, who I personally guess is a more "pure" spawn.

E. Monsters:

3. There are 12 "Numbered" with broad, conceptual abilities, which are ranked by age as the original monsters which all lower monsters branch off from in accordance to ability similarities.

4. Half of the Numbered Lords, 7-12, are different in an unspecified way.

5. Minyaks are a subspecies of the extinct Orang-Minyak, and their male victims presumably turn into Orang-Minyak.

6. They'll come from the moon...

7. Kenny, and Bailey refer to their parent Minyak as Mother, because it is their monster progenitor.
In the same manner, MC refers to the 4th as Mother or the 3rd as Father during his evolution.

8. Monster corpses can have their abilities repurposed by Xanthe.

10. You receive various dreams with high corruption, but whether they are from the 3rd/4th is unknown.
The dreams are the same regardless of the parent.

12. Valravn was a raven turned into a monster intentionally by the 7th, Lord of Dark. Which he valiantly serves even now.

F. Dead Ends:

1. Ella kills you if you reveal too much of your potential, she then leads you to 4th, Memory, for an unknown purpose.
Before her intentions are revealed, the 7th, Lord of Dark, destroys the 4th's avatar. This was NOT what Ella expected, Ella presumably dies offscreen, frozen in fear, and it DEFINITELY kills you.

3. The jellyfish venom, and the explanation MC gives, reveals that he has "inherited both traits, with the perfect amount of mutation." He is "already perfect." She was looking for the Memory trait. The one she lacks.

I made a mess of this and didn't stick to a format. Didn't answer everything, but hope what I did helps.


Nov 23, 2020
Ahhh, I think I was getting what Ella said confused. I she referred to the 3rd and 4th as ridiculously powerful on the hierarchy so I guess I just assumed everything above or below them was either stronger or weaker.

Guess I also don't know where I got them being dead from, maybe that was from a thread theory I saw a while back and just rolled with it, though I do remember Valravn saying the 7-12 line.

Yeah I was referring to the Ella dead end scene, was it the 4th that died or the 3rd?

Where does it say the Numbered use avatars? If you don't mind my asking.

I didn't have access to the monster reports so that's my fault. So if the 3rd is Mind shit, the 4th is shapeshifting or body or whatever, the 1st is Control, what do we think the 7th is based on Valravn's deets?
Ella might be biased as a spawn of the 3rd into thinking the 3rd and 4th are the pinnacles of monsters. We do know that they like the other numbered are incredibly powerful.

The 4th was popped in the dead end.

I don't remember exactly where the avatars have been mentioned, but when the 2nd showed up to infect Michael Valravyn said he had to hurry because it wouldn't be able to stay in our world for long, implying that it's from another world or dimension, and possibly just projecting part of it's power.

The 3rd is "The Body" and the 4th is "The Memory" we don't know that the 3rd is a better shapeshifter. The 4th showed stronger telepathy, but also did more shapeshifting than we've seen from the 3rd. The 3rd and 4th also have shown that they have the exact same powers, though not the same proficiency using them.
You are correct that the 1st's power is Control. Ella mentioned that being bullied made Jake focus his power on controlling people, and he hadn't even thought of trying to use it on objects, so Jake's power likely could have been something much stronger than what he used it for. Ella also didn't like him, so she might not have told him that, unlike when she tells the MC that he can use his shapeshifting to turn into metal when the MC assumed he could only turn into organic things.
The 7th appears to be something like the Darkness, and has powers that involve creating darkness, controlling shadows and teleporting through shadows.
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