
Nov 8, 2020
Well humans that help animals are usually good people, so Ella was the first person that came to mind.
And in the mountains it's pretty clear that the raven is Ella's pet.
Making an animal like a wild raven your pet is pretty difficult, because they're very smart and distrustful.
If Ella saved him from death though, it would explain why they're friends.
It wasn't Ella, the monster that give power to the raven said this: screenshot0001.png


Dec 6, 2020
Valravn is not friends with Ella, though.
If they were, why would she have kept him chained up in a mine until she needed him?
Not to mention, Valravn said that he should eat Ella's heart for the inconvenience before setting out to sow chaos.


Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
I don't blame her, to be honest. We fucked her up twice. Not only did we spare her after beating her ass the first time, humbling her. The MC stabbed her through her chest again and then fucked her eyes up. Anyone would be peeved about it. People crying about the MC's chest wound when her chest damage was way worse, overall, and she doesn't heal fast. We basically crippled her for months and in another instance, snuffed her out of existence.

Funny thing is she might be talking in your head during the meditation scene with Michael, if you killed her. That was an interesting touch there for those that didn't pick it up if you killed her. The MC hears a memory of her in his head. It's similar to what happened with Jake after you killed him.

But yeah, I agree with you for the most part. I don't see myself as a simp for sparing her though. She's going to be my simp because I made her submit with my "overwhelming power" like I said she would in prison.
Yep it's all about the Evil Harem, a main focus of this game is porn; regardless if we can avoid it or not. So as much as I LOVE playing the part of doing whatever the fuck I want, and I will. I'm still going to make sure I sleep with every possible female character, and make them join my harem. Considering my route, it would kind of be nice to add some Netori in the game. Or maybe even (though I'm sure this is already planned) some legitimate "fan service" (i.e fans want to fuck the MC) that would be cool.
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Engaged Member
Aug 21, 2018
Meh sure lets go fucking everything that moves maybe ella and the mc can breed i mean evolution and alteration since looks like the s/h are barren. And if we had zombie bailey and snow we are way Beyond depravity


Nov 17, 2018
To continue the cheerleader route pick the Deryl options after class until you instead get "Go to cheerleading practice"

Your first priority should be picking the training options for your power though, at least until you evolve. Those are the most important to survival.
Ok, will try it thanks!!


Nov 17, 2018
To continue the cheerleader route pick the Deryl options after class until you instead get "Go to cheerleading practice"

Your first priority should be picking the training options for your power though, at least until you evolve. Those are the most important to survival.
That was it. Just do training and Deryl exclusively
PS: all that effort just to get the option of getting banged next to Tess... sad noises.
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Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
Meh sure lets go fucking everything that moves maybe ella and the mc can breed i mean evolution and alteration since looks like the s/h are barren. And if we had zombie bailey and snow we are way Beyond depravity
I can't even understand the mumbling that was; your comment. If I translated correctly, you're slut shaming me. I'm indulging on one of the main purposes of this game, fucking. And I'll be damned if I have the freedom to pretty much murder whoever I want, and not be able or want to fuck anything I want when the options are there for me.

And for the record, Superhumans can't procreate as far as we know. Though you may be right, Ella may be different considering we are of the same Monsters.
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Engaged Member
Aug 21, 2018
That was it. Just do training and Deryl exclusively
PS: all that effort just to get the option of getting banged next to Tess... sad noises.
She is a slut that owns a hearth of gold for her thats an expresión of love we Need superhuman origins : Tess. to know what she wants to fill and why. was she raped? A Jared like asshole trick her into thinking she only is a Easy slut is she just a Nympho ? Answers that lurk in the dark.


New Member
Sep 18, 2020
I am getting an odd glitch where if I load my save from the middle of dinner with Emily talking about her family where you can tell her to cut them off, I can see the rest of the event but then it jumps to the beginning of the game. Anyone else have this or know why this is happening?


New Member
Jun 2, 2017
WeirdWorld can you explain to me why your MC is always on the weak end? we are always getting forced into vulnerable positions where we can't do anything but obey the enemy like the organization it feels like your mc is just a dog getting trained there is no control only getting used over and over again. it's really frustrating. isn't your game supposed to be giving us a choice? in the end, it all comes down to death.


Jun 6, 2017
You really think that monster was even somewhere closer to the size of Mount Everest? He was the size of a small to medium scale mountain range. And well your Atomic bomb yield argument is quite sound. The thing is I sometimes dislike that writers most of the time underestimate that human ingenuity can create wonders in fiction and always create some mcguffin that can solve the problem. The world of Superhuman also is different in the sense there are no normal countries rather long years of war has created completely different situation. SO if so many years of war has gone by, isn't it possible that human technology also reached a different pinnacle as well.But nope same old kinetic based weaponry.

And another ridiculous thing that the Authors love to put in their stories is any human moving at FTL speeds not understanding what would happen if someone even reaches relativistic speed. One can reach several hundred times the speed of sound. But once a human reaches relativistic speeds, their body no matter how powerful will follow the rules of physics at any cost. So the thing is a human moving at speed of light is impossiible and I wish authors would actually use relative speeds for human and not throw around words like FTL travel done by a person. Its not like we are dealing with magic here. The powers we have seen are all based on scientific principles, so it would be great if atleast a scientist like Xanthe wouldn't say shit like FTL travel.
I am not saying the monster was the size of mount Everest, I am just giving Everest as a reference so we can start throwing some numbers around. Keep in mind Everest is one mountain, while the mountain range that was shown in-game is, well, a mountain RANGE, so in terms of total mass it could very well be a lot more than Everest. It could also be similar or less, since we don't really know how big the mountain range is, it was never specified for us and its a fictional mountain range. The rock monster was clearly towering over the mountain range and its mass was probably in the same ball park as that mountain range, but idk. Again I am just throwing around numbers here with the purpose of seeing if its within the same order of magnitude or not. Even if the mountain monster has half the mass, or a fourth the mass of the mountain range, the math still holds up, you're still dealing with tens of millions of tonnes of TNT worth of energy to even begin to damage the monster, and that's not even factoring in the fact that the mountain range is obviously not made purely of soil, but of a mixture of unspecified rocks and other materials, while the mountain monster is clearly stated as being TOUGHER than the mountain (meaning for the same mass its going to be able to tank more energy). How much tougher is unclear so again, I set a lower range of energy being comparable to Tzar bomb in order to damage the thing, and an upper range of continental-destruction levels of energy. We really don't know, it's not specified. Look at the Valraven as a clue though, the damn thing has a medieval-style suit of armor which is probably no thicker than a few inches at its thickest point (the breastplate where its heart was) which was able to shrug off tank cannon shots, meaning its got AT LEAST 30inches of rolled steel-equivalent armor (probably more because we dont even see the damn shots leaving a dent in it's armor, if you fired a tank round at 30 inches of rolled steel, it might not penetrate but it would definitely bury itself in the armor to a considerable depth and a follow up shot to the same point would probably penetrate). That armor is already defying physics, either its some unknown mystical alloy of metal like mithril or adamantite or some fantasy shit from wherever the monsters come from that has strength and toughness properties that humans are incapable of reproducing with current technology, or its somehow able to acquire such properties through being enhanced by the monsters powers. We don't know, it's not specified, we just know that the armor is unnaturally tough and strong to a supernatural degree, far outperforming even our best composite materials. If that is any indication of the kind of performance boost monsters are able to achieve then the rock monster is likewise going to be waaaaaay tougher to blow up than a measly mountain range.

When you talk about technology reaching a new pinnacle, it is clearly shown in the setting that humanity has progressed. They have prototype plasma rifles for example, as shown in the fight with Jake, and they have all that other tech developed by Xanthe and his group based on studying superhumans and monsters. Did you see the matrix-like VR set up they had? The containment facilities for monsters? Clearly this is all cutting-edge stuff and developed in secret, hidden from the public. Obviously the first responders to a monster incident are going to be police, who are armed with just handguns and basic small arms, and then the military, who are going to be armed with small arms, infantry fighting vehicles, anti armor weapons, etc. and not experimental black project plasma rifles or other shit.

Remember, the humans in this setting are not that much more advanced than us, we are talking like less than a century. We are already 22 years into the new century and we have not developed anything more destructive than the weapons we had 50 years ago. That is because we are still operating based on the laws of physics, which are slow to advance. A 120mm tank cannon 50 years ago is still going to perform comparably to one produced today, and there is no reason for us to use anything more because that is enough to deal with the threats that tanks are built to handle. Human weapons are built to deal with human enemies, not supernatural monsters with unnatural toughness and destructive power. In terms of the setting, obviously as time passes the human governments will not sit on their hands and will begin trying to develop and implement new weapons, tactics, and technology to counter the monster threats, but they will obviously have limited success because again, if you are operating within the confines of physics its hard to build a gun that can blast apart an enemy that is armored in supernatural materials that DEFY physics and can literally shrug off tank rounds like they're nothing.

And by the way, in terms of power scaling, the valraven is clearly at the top end of second tier evolution or possibly early 3rd tier. The MC is shown to be able to punch above his weight class, depending on the enemy he can even take on someone who is one evo above him, and for him the valraven fight was one of his toughest and really pushed the limits of everything he had. If the valraven did not care about larping as an honorable warrior it probably could have played more dirty and beaten him.

Regarding the FTL travel, I would agree with you if the powers actually obeyed physics, but again they stop obeying physics once you get past evo 4 it seems. FTL does fall under the realm of sci-fi, a lot of settings have it, and it implies that you are not affected by relativistic affects. For example, lets suppose we have a space ship that has an "FTL drive" that works by bringing the ship into "hyper space" where normal physics doesnt apply, or where traveling 1 meter actually lets you travel 1km in real space, so from the standpoint of hyper space its not going ftl, but when it returns to "real space" it has travelled FTL. Now instead of a ship imagine the same effect is being applied to the superhuman. Or else how do you explain Alice even at evo 1 generating singularities that mess with gravity? Do we even know how to affect gravity in real life? No, and neither do the humans in the setting. What about seemingly storing enough mass as energy and converting it freely from energy to mass like the MC does to produce essentially thousands of times his own body mass? That violates physics just as much as FTL does. It's clear these powers are not obeying physics from the very start, and once they reach higher evo's the manifestations of their output also begin to treat physics as merely a suggestion. I don't see anything remarkable about evo 5 superhumans being able to go FTL. Think about the chick who can teleport, she isn't even evo 5, and her power IS FTL by definition, because she can TELEPORT to any place she has seen before. And its not like we are even shown the limits of her powers either, is there a distance limit to how far she can teleport? In one of the dead ends she literally teleports our MC into space, he looks over and sees planet earth off in the distance. That's a distance of thousands of miles. Not even light can travel that distance instantly. It takes 8 minutes for light to go from the sun to the earth, and her power, if she could cover the distance from earth to the sun in one go, would take zero time to cover it.

In real life teleportation violates causality and is impossible as far as we know. Quantum teleportation with individual atoms in a lab setting is possible, but even then its not ftl because they transmit the information from location A to location B at relativistic speeds, so the actual transportation from A to B is not instant but obeys light speed effects. So far as we know there doesnt seem to be any case in nature where information can out-run light speed, yet the teleportation clearly violates this.
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Nov 23, 2020
I mean this is the first scene that apparently takes place in the far distant past.
But if monsters were already around 500+ years ago why haven't they completely taken over yet?
The story states there were very few monsters up until recently.
I think more about this will be revealed. There is the prevalence of monster fossils that indicate they've been around a very long time. Ella has her team out collecting them for her secret project, and even Shadow managed to dig up a random fossil to hoard.

The special project that Ella needs the MC to complete is likely tied to this. There is a call out to the monsters happening now, and likely happened in the past of this world.

I think it's going to be revealed there was a monster invasion long in the past of the world that was fought off, and Ella is trying to repeat what was done then to stop the monsters. It's also likely why Deus is willing to do just about anything required to see that her project is successful.


Jun 6, 2017
WeirdWorld can you explain to me why your MC is always on the weak end? we are always getting forced into vulnerable positions where we can't do anything but obey the enemy like the organization it feels like your mc is just a dog getting trained there is no control only getting used over and over again. it's really frustrating. isn't your game supposed to be giving us a choice? in the end, it all comes down to death.

Because the toughness of the enemies he faces is going up? He isn't fighting level 1 low-tier threats anymore. If you notice he actually was mopping the floor with the evo 1 and evo 2 super's at the HERO facility during training, to the point that he was bullying them despite them having more time with their powers. It's already shown that the MC is at the UPPER end of power scaling FOR HIS "weight class" or evo, its just that he is constantly being pushed into fight-or-die situations against ever-tougher enemies, like a big fish being put into a larger pond. That makes sense narratively too, the plot is being driven forward and he is being forced into an active role in it. As he draws more attention to himself he will have bigger threats to deal with and more powerful actors trying to control him.


Jun 6, 2017
Bro the weapon tech needs war to evolve that world is under one rule weapon research is not first Need . Till now look the plasma caster made of klaus body. prototype stage and can fuck us for good. get it working go industrial on it arm the soldiers and we start to carve our place on the food chain. And the F.T.L speeds is for high lvl superhumans they show they have monster similar barriers if they have no Newtonian Traits the rules of force and gravity and Energy transfer broke or bend. Look Alice is a walking singularity has a force field as shield she can repel bodies and Energy who are Weaker than the force she generates and sure as hell when she evolves she will make gravity Wells so the point is we can get there someday yes but our tech is not even clóse yet now . Survival urges sure will give some ideas and we have not seen all H.E.R.O little toys.
dude just imagine Alice at evo 5 holy shit she will be generating black holes and completely destroying reality at a whim if this is how powerful she is just at evo 1. What weapons are normal humans even supposed to use against a monster like her? She will just throw up a black hole among their ranks and spaghettify them along with whatever weapons, vehicles, etc. they bring out to fight her. The only way I can see for humans to even begin to fight back against threats like that is by figuring out how they work and reverse engineering them and using the same forces somehow, and that's a really tough thing to do. Xanthe is the worlds leading figure in that regard, has practically an unlimited budget, massive facility with all the most cutting edge tech there is, the worlds best personnel at his finger tips and access to the largest pool of superhumans and constant supply of monster specimens to study, and even he is not able to do much and has to rely on just trying to rank up his own superhumans as quick as he can to fight back against the threats.

Training up superhumans IS basically humans counter-weapon against the monsters and rogue superhumans.


New Member
Jun 2, 2017
I think it makes for a more interesting story if MC isn't the strongest level 5 superhuman, like in 100 other harem games.
Of course there could be more meaning choices, leading to split paths, but that would mean much less content for people that only play 1 path.
while I can understand how you interpreted my comment as me wanting the MC to be the strongest from day 1 per se. however, I only meant for the mc to have other ways around the forced path. the mc just never has a choice on important matters it's like he never plans for something so obvious its ridicules for him to not have thought about the organizations and heck the mc on my playthrough is close to Ella he won't even have the choice to ask Ella about the organization and how to stop "kidnapping" they are to many ways to prevent such a forced path. I'm just frustrated that I'm forced (as the mc) to be a dog of some organization that he should have obviously prepared for even if that will not work at least prepare.


Active Member
May 4, 2019
I'm only replying because I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt, that you are not here to just troll.
Could have also just been a random raven, shot by very serious knight LARPers, that eats hearts because they damaged his.
I mean this is the first scene that apparently takes place in the far distant past.
But if monsters were already around 500+ years ago why haven't they completely taken over yet?
The story states there were very few monsters up until recently.
Take over...what? Why? Do they look like they need land to plant a flag on? You've started off on a false assumption.
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