Am afraid i haven't. There's 19 points total, but one of them is obtainable on day 87, which is a few days after the fight takes place.You missed a skill point somewhere, probably in the first Michael fight. There are 19 skill points total that can be obtained in:
1. Training events
2. Fights
3. Cheerleader events
4. The first fight with Michael, rely on technique instead of using raw power
edit: looking deeper it's actually even worse than that, because you gain either 2 or 1 point based on value of
but not both. It's in eventstraining.rpy 2524-2536. And the skill ups in eventshero.rpy are only accessible from day 88 onward.This is full breakdown, you can check it yourself:
...\Superhuman-0.92-pc\game\scripts\day1events.rpy (1 hit)
Line 497: $ skill +=1
...\Superhuman-0.92-pc\game\scripts\day34.rpy (1 hit)
Line 984: $ skill += 1
...\Superhuman-0.92-pc\game\scripts\day4.rpy (1 hit)
Line 177: $ skill +=1
...\Superhuman-0.92-pc\game\scripts\day40.rpy (1 hit)
Line 1532: $ skill += 1
...\Superhuman-0.92-pc\game\scripts\day66.rpy (1 hit)
Line 209: $ skill += 1
...\Superhuman-0.92-pc\game\scripts\day87.rpy (1 hit)
Line 128: $ skill += 1
...\Superhuman-0.92-pc\game\scripts\eventscheerleader.rpy (3 hits)
Line 1573: $ skill += 1
Line 1773: $ skill += 1
Line 2061: $ skill += 1
...\Superhuman-0.92-pc\game\scripts\eventshero.rpy (2 hits)
Line 1244: $ skill += 1
Line 2509: $ skill += 1
...\Superhuman-0.92-pc\game\scripts\eventstraining.rpy (7 hits)
Line 1871: $ skill +=1
Line 1943: $ skill +=1
Line 2042: $ skill +=1
Line 2124: $ skill +=1
Line 2524: $ skill += 2
Line 2536: $ skill += 1
Line 2555: $ skill += 1
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