If we had game of the year awards for this site this would be my n1.
WeirdWorld tentacle, trap, and futanari are all already in the game and should be moved from the "planned tags" and into "tags"Planned Tags: Tentacle sex, NTR(optional), Trap(optional), Futanari(optional)
The disappearances were sold as being the work of a serial killer, even if a witness were to come forward and say that the cause was actually some kind of monster, they'd be dismissed unless they had some kind of evidence. And as for the other superhumans, even if they were displaying their powers publicly, the only pre MC supers we know of (barring Ella, but she likely has her own reasons to stay out of the spotlight) are involved with either the government or the mafia, two organizations that would most likely go as far as possible to keep things secret. I recall the casino being owned by a neutral mafia family as well, and I doubt they told all the employees "hey we have a monster we're gonna use as a prize, don't tell anyone". Even now the only reason the public knows about the monsters is because one of the people at the party took a video of the MC fighting Kenny, if that solid piece of evidence didn't exist, there would almost certainly have been a cover story for the massacre.But we have months and months of disappearances at the hands of monsters, and no one bats an eye. We have tens of powered people running around, duking it out sometimes in public, and barely concealing their activities. If nothing else, the fact that the whole casino gig involved a living fucking monster makes me think that the writer didn't think this through. Because if a random casino knows about monsters, how did the information not spread at all previously? And you also have the upper limits of powers allowing you to wreck everything around, and no one questions it.
I'm not sure if it really matters how regular people fare against superhumans, a super with an offensive power, even if they had little control over it, could most likely kill the strongest normal human in the world. And I honestly think that Danica is the weakest of the 3 Aldains in a normal fight, obviously from stealth she can just look at someone for however long and presumably instantly kill them with her special move, but even then we don't know the extent of the other super's defensive powers;But what really gets me is the power creep. I kinda outlined it in my previous comment, but it does feel like things from hereon will be impossible to balance. The only reason the super-OP monsters were fine before is because they didn't interfere with the story. But now, I don't think I'll ever get over Danica's special move. The way it is described, is that she can form a cross on whatever target by looking at it, and the size scales with duration. Ok. But to a normal person, getting a few centimeters of hole in the heart or brain is still lethal. And she will always have sight on a normal target long enough for that to happen. So now you just made a character who can kill 95% of people in the story in a matter of moments. And, you know, most of people with powers too. There are no specifications of the power of this attack, whether its depth/power scales with duration too, whether there is a minimum duration required to do damage, or if breaking sight even removes it. You've just made a character too powerful to not be killed instantly or kill everything in sight. And because you can't (or at least shouldn't) retcon, congrats, now you will have to scale everything accordingly and let the power creep begin.
Truly, if you wanted this to work, limit this attack to inanimate objects, so it's useful for destruction of cover or doing damage using the environment. Make it a variation on the regular crosses, so it sticks to the target and grows for a while before activating and dealing a ton of damage. Or just literally make it based on anything other than sight.
It's coming next week.Any info on update ??
Thing is, I don't see any reason for the government to be in on it, and even then, the level of control required to prevent any evidence from slipping out at any level does not seem feasible. Think of real-life whistleblowers for one. And then, with the number of factions and people in on the information, the odds of information leaking are high in any case. Factoring in the question of how long the monsters have been interfering with the world in the first place, and the only sensible conclusion is that it began recently, and the only people to find out and lock down the information were a group affiliated with the government, the mafia clans (and for some fucking reason them only), and Ella, who is a huge question mark anyway.The disappearances were sold as being the work of a serial killer, even if a witness were to come forward and say that the cause was actually some kind of monster, they'd be dismissed unless they had some kind of evidence. And as for the other superhumans, even if they were displaying their powers publicly, the only pre MC supers we know of (barring Ella, but she likely has her own reasons to stay out of the spotlight) are involved with either the government or the mafia, two organizations that would most likely go as far as possible to keep things secret. I recall the casino being owned by a neutral mafia family as well, and I doubt they told all the employees "hey we have a monster we're gonna use as a prize, don't tell anyone". Even now the only reason the public knows about the monsters is because one of the people at the party took a video of the MC fighting Kenny, if that solid piece of evidence didn't exist, there would almost certainly have been a cover story for the massacre.
I'm not sure if it really matters how regular people fare against superhumans, a super with an offensive power, even if they had little control over it, could most likely kill the strongest normal human in the world. And I honestly think that Danica is the weakest of the 3 Aldains in a normal fight, obviously from stealth she can just look at someone for however long and presumably instantly kill them with her special move, but even then we don't know the extent of the other super's defensive powers;
- Would Klaus' barrier completely negate it, or would she just have to look at him for a really long time to do lethal damage?
- Is Alice able to create a barrier, we already know she has some kind of passive protection, so would Danica's attack just bounce off, even now?
- Do Alexis and Clark have any defensive powers?
- And obviously since Ella and the MC are very similar powers wise, she probably can create an even stronger suit of armor without breaking a sweat, and I wouldn't be surprised if she can regenerate her entire body even if all that remains of her is a strand of hair.
As for the rest, they probably die to her no matter what at their current power levels, though I do think Oscar would win in a fair fight. Guess the point I'm trying to make is; we don't really know the full extent of anyone's powers yet, so I don't think balance will really be an issue, there has already been potentially world ending power displayed with the little pixie monster, and it's bound to get wilder from there. Both from the superhumans and the monsters.
If you choose to speak to Danica and Oscar instead of attacking on sight she crushes Alice as easily as she does the MC, so Alice's passive force field doesn't help at all and we haven't seen her willingly put up a stronger barrier around her yet. That said, I still think the point I brought up earlier stands: There is something else about Danica and her powers we don't know, otherwise Klaus wouldn't see her as a weakling.- Is Alice able to create a barrier, we already know she has some kind of passive protection, so would Danica's attack just bounce off, even now?
Problem is, I don't see how there could be a weakness in her powers, without straight up retcons of already established information. As for why Klaus doesn't see her as a threat, the simplest answer is that she is loyal to him, and he sees no reason to fear her.If you choose to speak to Danica and Oscar instead of attacking on sight she crushes Alice as easily as she does the MC, so Alice's passive force field doesn't help at all and we haven't seen her willingly put up a stronger barrier around her yet. That said, I still think the point I brought up earlier stands: There is something else about Danica and her powers we don't know, otherwise Klaus wouldn't see her as a weakling.
The information given to the player about Danica comes from the MC's perspective so it could be flawed. He saw her using her powers and quickly read her mind during the hideout fight and that's it. He didn't look for info about her when he was confronting Klaus at the casino for instance. I get it you're saying this was an oversight, I feel like it is too. I'm being optimistic though and suggesting there are ways the dev could address this issue without drastic measures like an actual retcon or pulling something like "Klaus has something Danica needs/cares too much to try and cross him" excuse.Problem is, I don't see how there could be a weakness in her powers, without straight up retcons of already established information. As for why Klaus doesn't see her as a threat, the simplest answer is that she is loyal to him, and he sees no reason to fear her.
Consolidating power? Also do note that in this universe, humanity has evolved to a point where it's stated they can completely cure cancer and other currently incurable diseases. As well as discovered a way to either teleport or create holograms (wasn't clear for me in the scene between Xanthe and the Aldain's), and assumingly other currently impossible, unfeasible, or immoral tasks. So I don't see it out of scope to assume the government has some way to consistently intercept things they don't want being released to the public, which also should've technically negated the release of the video of the fight between MC and Kenny, so I would call that a plot hole if my guesswork is correct.Thing is, I don't see any reason for the government to be in on it, and even then, the level of control required to prevent any evidence from slipping out at any level does not seem feasible.
At this point in development, yes, I do agree with most of this. However, this doesn't mean that a rule currently nonexistent cannot exist in the future. How do we know that Klaus' barrier and anyone else's theoretical barriers don't directly bolster their physical body or act as an extension of it? And even though mcmng clarified that Alice gets eviscerated if you choose to talk to Danica and Oscar in the office, I don't think it's fair to say she dies to Danica under any circumstance at any power level, since she has only been focusing on the offensive aspect of her power up until this point.In regards to powers, something that I have to make clear is that a rule unspoken is a rule nonexistent. Danica's special move is not counteracted by any defensive measures. Since the cross forms on the body of the enemy, no barrier would help you, and since even the MC, who is physically tougher than Alice gets ripped to shreds by it anyway, her being harder to damage with normal attacks also means nothing.
As stated before, we don't know the properties of Klaus' barrier, so he could in theory just blast Danica while she's charging her X marks the spot shit. Alexis' body is likely comprised entirely of metal at this point (especially after her forced evolution) so Dani would most likely overestimate her powers effectiveness, do negligible damage, and then just get bopped. Not enough is known about Clark right now. Alice dies at her current power level no matter what. And as for Oscar, his size, and if his 'green light' ability does what I assume (make him really fast) he could probably close the distance and pummel Danica before she can react, otherwise tank any damage due to his sheer size and the proceed with the pummeling.All we've seen so far contradicts the idea that it can be mitigated. It is reasonable that Oscar's moves can be. Powering through temporary immobilization is possible, surviving being ripped apart from the inside is not. Going based on all examples we have, this single move can kill anyone with exception of metamorphs (shapeshifters), and there is no counters to it apart from extreme ones. So you can't have any sort of fair fight with that character, meaning she either is instantly removed from the fight or wins anything. And this isn't like most characters. Klaus, Alexis, Clark, Alice, Oscar, most characters with powers, their attacks can reasonably be mitigated. But this specific one I am talking about is not.
Well, I feel that only creates an opportunity for more story, it could've just as easily been written as "a bunch of all powerful monsters came to Earth and killed everyone", but there is clearly something more than that going on. And I was basing my theory of Ella (and probably eventually the MC seeing they have similar powers) regenerating their bodies from next to nothing or even a stand of hair, off the fact that DNA (the basis of their powers) can rarely exist in hair. Also vampires from the Witcher universe lol.In regards to other minor things, monsters having massive world ending powers creates a ton more issues for "holy shit how did the world not get fucked up earlier", so going down that route is not wise. And unless we're throwing any semblance of realism out the window, for Ella to regenerate, she would at least need a brain. You know, an organ to coordinate her abilities or smthn. Or, a good enough explanation for why that's not the case.
Thing is, overwhelming government control and technology able to intercept and control all information on such a level doesn't gel with the state of the world as it is presented to us. The corollaries of such aren't noticeable during the story, hell, it feels like the 2000s with tech specifically advanced in a few select places. And even then, the level of control required to suppress all the potential information breaches is mental. Whistleblowers, hackers, accidental leaks, any amount of actual proof making it out would make a huge deal. If we knew for sure that this info is only limited to Xanthe and his underlings, or fewer people had powers in the first place, it would be much easier to believe.Consolidating power? Also do note that in this universe, humanity has evolved to a point where it's stated they can completely cure cancer and other currently incurable diseases. As well as discovered a way to either teleport or create holograms (wasn't clear for me in the scene between Xanthe and the Aldain's), and assumingly other currently impossible, unfeasible, or immoral tasks. So I don't see it out of scope to assume the government has some way to consistently intercept things they don't want being released to the public, which also should've technically negated the release of the video of the fight between MC and Kenny, so I would call that a plot hole if my guesswork is correct.
At this point in development, yes, I do agree with most of this. However, this doesn't mean that a rule currently nonexistent cannot exist in the future. How do we know that Klaus' barrier and anyone else's theoretical barriers don't directly bolster their physical body or act as an extension of it? And even though mcmng clarified that Alice gets eviscerated if you choose to talk to Danica and Oscar in the office, I don't think it's fair to say she dies to Danica under any circumstance at any power level, since she has only been focusing on the offensive aspect of her power up until this point.
As stated before, we don't know the properties of Klaus' barrier, so he could in theory just blast Danica while she's charging her X marks the spot shit. Alexis' body is likely comprised entirely of metal at this point (especially after her forced evolution) so Dani would most likely overestimate her powers effectiveness, do negligible damage, and then just get bopped. Not enough is known about Clark right now. Alice dies at her current power level no matter what. And as for Oscar, his size, and if his 'green light' ability does what I assume (make him really fast) he could probably close the distance and pummel Danica before she can react, otherwise tank any damage due to his sheer size and the proceed with the pummeling.
Well, I feel that only creates an opportunity for more story, it could've just as easily been written as "a bunch of all powerful monsters came to Earth and killed everyone", but there is clearly something more than that going on. And I was basing my theory of Ella (and probably eventually the MC seeing they have similar powers) regenerating their bodies from next to nothing or even a stand of hair, off the fact that DNA (the basis of their powers) can rarely exist in hair. Also vampires from the Witcher universe lol.
100% there's people more powerful than her. Even the MC while still learning how to control everything and still in a "feeling out" process was able to hold his own against her.And I honestly think that Danica is the weakest of the 3 Aldains in a normal fight
any1 got a full gallery for new version
should be both in it
There are girls with small and "medium" sized breasts.The only complaint I would have would be that their breasts seem too big, unless there others with smaller breasts that were not shown in the screenshots?
the persistent file unlocks the galleryi said full , not a save