Training alone will not grant you success. There are a lot of hidden ways to increase your stats. You may want to take a deeper look at the walktrough.I really need some help here guys. I'm fighting with the monster named Val after being teleported by Nico and having a conversation with H.E.R.O. The problem is no matter what choices I make, It'll all end up dead end 25. I took a look at the walkthrough and the battle requires skills at least at 19 and power at 80. Mine is at 17 and 65 even though I took every traning choices that pop up. Anything I can do guys? Appreciate the help!
There are 2 main ways to play this game. First one is the route where you don't kill unless you have to. On this route, you won't have as much power. You need to increase your skill as much as you can. In fact, on this route you will never have enough power iirc, so you NEED all the skill you can get. Second route is the kill route where you kill your victims and absorb their memories. You want to go apeshit with power here.
The game is actually rather tightly balanced in regards to how much power/skill you need.
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