Once again, you're way too eager to doubt Xanthe at every single turn. This is the main problem. No matter what it's about, you're ready to disagree automatically. The fact that you don't even realize this is part of the problem. It's not even about him being always right or wrong. It's the fact that he tells you that this will have negative effects but you're against it because he's the one telling you it.
Xanthe could tell you directly that there's negative consequences to an action and you still wouldn't believe him. Even when the negative stuff happens immediately afterwards. You would just point the finger back at him and call him incompetent.
You're right I'm going to doubt a lack of results from one guy, doesn't mean I'll doubt everything from him.
-I have nothing against the monster gear or weapons (looking forward to it actually).
-I have nothing against his eugenics, makes sense to isolate the monster compatibility gene as long as it doesn't effect me (which it doesn't).
-I have nothing against him obtaining specimens of rarity for me to absorb.
-Nothing against his categorization. I didn't argue an S Class isn't an S Class just cause he said it was.
-I agree with him on the focus being to grab specimens for monster research instead of slaughtering all of them.
You know what all of those have in common? They are all LOGICAL shit you can test and research as a human. Now what I don't trust is:
-Take his serum for instance; it obviously works, but I've seen OTHER SOURCES that may determine it might upset your Progenitor (Ella & the 3rd) or weaken your overall strength as a result (Malik, Bernhardt, and Henri are all natural and considered some of if not the strongest). It's up to you to determine if that's a safe route for you to take, just cause Xanthe says it is despite his limited knowledge and/or belief of Monster connections with Superhumans (due to dissuading Corruption and idk, being HUMAN), forgive me if I don't trust him at face value in the matter.
-Him saying we CAN'T do something with our powers, the whole start of this argument. He's had YEARS of research on various Superhumans yes, but even he admits multiple times in fact that there are MANY aspects to Superhumans that just defy all logic, WE have seen that is true. Superhumans, and their abilities more so, go far beyond a test tube and a human's intelligence on the matter. There's an added bonus that every Superhuman is unique, more so us being an Apostle(s) spawn & an Arbiter's favorite, 2 things Xanthe doesn't even fucking know exist in the first place. So if he says I can't do something based on what he dissected in a lab I might be inclined to put that up for debate, as I'm doing now.
-I'm 50/50 on the pregnancy, I'd say it's true that it's IMPOSSIBLE if it wasn't for what we are and what we can do to other people down to not just the mental but genetic level, especially later on. As for anyone not involved or influenced by us, probably not, but monsters by nature love to breed and this is a porn game, you're telling me pregnancy will NEVER be a thing for US (and those we influence ofc) just cause Xanthe said so?
So no, I don't just blindly ignore what he says, but I also don't blindly believe it like some people seem to, and you can't fault others for thinking the same given everything we know and he doesn't, both from a narrative AND character perspective.
Again though, if we could eventually utilize other's powers it wouldn't necessarily be a negative or inefficient thing. It also doesn't make you an Isekai fanboy or whatever just cause people want the potential of something that's possible and don't want to accept Xanthe's word at face value when we nor he is even Lvl 5 yet. There are plenty of one trick pony powers or passives we could utilize to expand on our overall strength. Take Klaus's energy for example; we don't have to learn how to become Goku and shoot lasers out of our ass, but we could learn his passive shielding to be tankier when we're stationary. Or expand on Demi's perception ability and merging it hand in hand with our Memory ability. I would welcome THAT addition to our arsenal as we'd still be the same and focusing our main powers, just with added bonuses that may potentially help pass a skill check if you consumed someone, something like that. If it doesn't happen though, great, nothing has changed. If it's added, great, Xanthe ISN'T the game's puppeteer and we can finally stop taking his word at face value as if he is and shaming others for thinking he wasn't initially.