This is contest between raw power and versatility
Versatility is important when fighting a wide array of various enemies, but in a forced physical confrontation, raw power has the advantage.
Since her level 2, Alice became very well rounded. It's natural to assume that anything she can do now, she can do far better at level 3.
This means that:
1. She can stop MC from fleeing / kiting and restrict his mobility with her gravity pull power.
2. She can flood him with enough bombs to beat his regeneration.
3. Her Implosion ability should be able to outright kill him if he can't escape the effect.
4. Nothing has ever managed to slice through her fist orbs, so it's unlikely that any weapon MC can make could ever do it.
5. Her passive barrier should be strong enough to hold against stray tentacles. She will need to be exhausted before MC can cleanly kill her with one.
6. It's also unlikely that ranged attacks can get through her frontal active barrier. We've seen her stop lightning attacks with the orbs, stopping MC's javelins should be fairly easy for her.
MC has 3 things going for him in this fight.
1. Burrowed tentacles.
2. Plate Armor
3. Mantis Strikes.
Everything has a caveat here.
Burrowed tentacles are effective only if Alice can't maintain her passive barrier.
Plate Armor is good to tank fists and bombs, but it makes him weak to the implosion attack that almost killed Met as a level 2.
Mantris Strikes are probably good enough to slice her in half, but good luck landing one. She will just parry with her fist orbs and it's quite likely that MC's weapons will break on impact.
If MC manifests a Memory ability capable of stunning his enemies, enemies like Alice will be nothing to him. Stun -> Mantis Strike and it's game over. But I need to see some proof of concept first. Otherwise the most fair simulation wants Alice to be able to at least react to anything MC does, and she just has too much going for her in this match up even without manifesting new abilities.