- Apr 21, 2022
- 495
- 2,154
1. Well I didn't I am talking about the realistic scenario where the friends achieve level 3 and I am going that way by saying mc would have a lead on them.1.we compare just lvl 3 Alice and lvl 3 MC (not his advanced version)?
2.Alice is handle ultimate destructive power - i mean enough power to on her current lvl present a solid threat to lvl 3 Matt (as he said - it could actually kill him and his set of power make him very hard to deal damage).
3.Lvl 3 is rapid grow in terms of power and all basic abilities. To the point where this is not even fair. If Alice already has capability to kill lvl 3 superhuman, then on lvl 3 she possibly would handle such power which would be able to vaporise MC in one strike (basicly as Male twin show - this is worst match for MC)
2.Sure.But it's not the same Mc can attack Alice without getting his shit destroyed Alice sure can destroy mc no doubt about that but she needs to connect with her most devastating attacks.
3.yeah I simply don't think Alice would be capable of hitting mc.Mc with his shapeshifter abilities would be ahle to dodge most destructive strikes of Alice.I can't say anything for whatever she would gain because we don't know.As I said before my comparison is based upon on the current game scenario so Mc's base body gets strengthen each day aswell as level 3 have no caps.I don't see Alice hitting the mc with her stronger attacks mc with his transformations is a lot faster and his base body would also be easily faster.
Either way me and Gt were talking about current mc fighting a Alice who would evolve to level 3.
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