MC says that trying electric transformations is problematic. However this isn't the same as protecting himself from electricity.
1. Against Klaus we've seen him cut off limbs struck with tasers.
2. Against Hydra Deryl we've seen that when his flesh explodes, it actually causes damage to the surroundings so Met isn't necessarily safe in melee.
3. Against Jake we've seen that electricity increases his regeneration and his resistance to various effects.
4. Met holds his charge inside him for physical boosts. If he starts shooting, he will lose strength and mobility. MC is very good at protecting himself against projectiles, he can just sacrifice basic tentacles, he doesn't even need his heavy duty tails.
5. Without seeing it, we can't know what will happen if MC and Met engage into trading melee blows. It's possible that electricity boosted regeneration and the blowback from explosions will allow MC to trade more efficiently.
6. The last interaction is Met's heavy attacks, like his dragon form. If that's enough to erase MC, then Met wins, if not, again it depends on the efficiency of trading blows, going back to 5.
So while I think that Met has a good match up here, there are multiple ways this fight can be hard for him. If MC's weakness directly translates to inefficient trading in melee, then MC loses. But based on his track record, this weakness to electricity is far more complex than what meets the eye.
- These reasons are why there exists a long running theory that electricity is actually a blessing in disguise for MC.
- Zack stops MC from fighting with Met because "attempting to regenerate will expose him". So at the very least, it seems that even while holding back for the infiltration, MC is actually capable of at least surviving his attacks.