can Console Commands be used without any of the mods?
Yeah, just go into the renpy folder, then the common folder, open 00console.rpy, search for "config.console =" and change it from false to true. That works for pretty much any renpy game.
Some useful commands:
player.base_interactions (so you can interact with people as much as you damn well please), player.willpower, (self explanitory)
player.PB, player.SB,player.MB (Your "natural social" "natural mental" and "natural physical". Used to be impossible to raise normally, still a grind)
statname (pretty self-explanitory. Careful with this one, putting the values too high can have unintended side-effects)
statnameXP (Safer. You'll be able to max out your stats without going beyond the amount the game is programmed to handle)
school.influence, initiative.influence, logistics.influence, ect... (Some of these don't really have good ways to obtain in game yet and take forever to grind)
player.power_APP (Your level of polymorph. Returning this back down from 3 can allow you to take all the polymorph bonuses, not just a choice of 3)
I personally don't like to cheat the actual girl's values, even to avoid the grind, because it's still fun to me to mess with them after all the times I've done it. You might want to though. I don't judge. You basically use the first letter or so of each characters name and then the stat you want to change.
m.inhibition will be Molly's (your mother's) inhibition.
Not all the names are super intuitive. A quick list of (most) of the people you can mess with would be
m - mother
sis- sister
s- sophie (your mother's friend)
pl- principle larson
tam- tamara (editing this the wrong way at the wrong time can break her questline a bit, so be careful)
I can't think of any other major ones off the top of my head. Can anybody think of any others they think are really handy or useful?