is there any walkthrough for specific route scenes? I don't quite understand on this walkthrough
It's less a walkthrough and more a strategy guide. The first bit is mostly trying to explain the base game mechanics. After the first month or so, I provide basic guidance on how to mechanically grow Billy in a way that minimizes constraints on play / speeds his overall growth.
Let me know if anything is unclear or confusing. I'm happy to try to clarify my thoughts.
The game is a real sandbox. There are a couple of goals (graduate from school, become superpowered) that are dependent on other things happening (acquire grades, cash and influence with different factions). There aren't routes, really.
There are two main "routes": be selfish and mischievous (low alignment) or be a "good guy" (high alignment). Swapping between the two is
possible but adjusting alignment is tedious. Low alignment gains access to pranks and practical jokes at school mostly and can use the negative interactions. High alignment gains access to special school clique missions. Alignment also affects some interactions with other characters. It's more a expression of play style preference.