Ah. OK you haven't managed to start the club.
That needs to be your next step.
The two people you need to persuade are Tamara and Derek. If you can't persuade one or both you can get professional favors from the principal and she'll provide alternative people that appear on the documents only.
Tamara is harder and can enter a state where she will never join if you screw up. She will join if she becomes close to Billy. Tutor her until her Favor >= 40. After a few tutoring sessions, Freddy should approach you and mention she travels downtown every Monday. Have Freddy follow her for one week only. When Billy is thinking about how to distract Freddy, choose 'red herring'. If you follow her downtown, you will be caught and she will never become friendly. You will start to accumulate Love and (perhaps Lust if you succeed with some Leadership checks). Increase her Love to >= 25.
Once her Love > 25, she will invite you to her house during a tutoring session. Make certain you go to school the next Monday and stay in school the whole day. After the day period, you should go with Tamara. She'll abandon you to do something else and then join your club to make it up to you.
If you need or want to use the alternates, get the principal's Favor to 100 and go to the principal's office during school hours. Ask for a professional favor. One of the favors should be help with getting signatures. I think there are some hidden requirements -- either date driven or count of tutorial sessions with Derek and Tamara but haven't investigated too much.
Once you have the signatures, there is an event where the club is formed. Go to school in the morning the next week and you should automatically talk to the principal. Once the club is active, there is a meeting Tuesday afternoons. Attend those meetings. There are a bunch of small missions. Make sure you complete the missions; you can't get a second mission while one is active and a few are easy to forget about as they require Billy to go to class at a particular time. There are three specific missions Billy needs to complete before the Pixie plot line begins.