Ren'Py Abandoned Surprise [v0.3 Fix] [BardiGames]

2.80 star(s) 5 Votes

Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017
OK .. there is room for dialogue, that is called banter, just some cruel remarks.
The same gurls Mc seems trapped in this hous with gave him crule jokes right off the bat at the table.
Remember they joked around, so why would MC not joke also?
About the chores, a thank you is in no way enough, not saying what she did there, jumping on to disrespect him,
after she was a brat by telling him: oh, you missed a spot.
Whenever you offer help and the same one you help is a jerk, baseball bat, gamer, batting practice!
Ok figgered I'd give this game a go.
The english is to be exspected for a east european new to english and I think even the dev forgets whats what in the script.
Example Sasha and MC are in a coffee shop and the MC has just fiished talking about him wanting a side job while he studies and A job as a Barista is mentioned since is seems he used to be one before the incident apparently.
And so he decides to ask coffee shops bartender?.
I know he's now in the USA but I dowt that even there a Coffee house Barista is would be refered to as a Bartender.

But thats not an issue and like I said its a comman enough mistake when English is not a primary language or not practiced much.
And I didn't even mind the Sandbox part even though I'm not a fan of Sanbox especially if things arn't logical or there is to much stuff like stam and food and hygiene stats.
That you also have to balance along side taking a piss that seems to last 4-8 hours in the day.

All was great untill the first day of the sandox and I talked to Sonya in the kitchen,
And the first thing I do is try to get the girl who dosn't trust me or even wan't me in the house to make me food.
I'm bit of a wind up merchant but even i'm not stupid enough to try something like that no with Sasha or Emily I could understand but Sonya,
And since the MC dosn't look retarded (no offence) so I gotta figger the MC is either autistic or just f-kin stupidly thick.
And trust me he wouldn't be the first Stupid or thick MC I have played.

But then my very next chat is with Emily and I offer to help with her home work because Apparently I'm a nice MC.
And surprise he do's exactly that he helps her with her homwork which is nice because I have played some Douche bag MC too.
So its a nice change to play a nice helpfull.... wait whats this Emily thanks me for my help and MC says to her "thats all just thank you" now I'm thinking ok he's a little douche he's gonna ask for a kiss on the cheek and maybe accidently turn making it a mouth kiss?.

But oh no he go's right past douche to creepy he's asking the youngest girl in the house that took him in on only his second day there.
To play school girl dress up for him and he wants to stay in her room while she changes and creepyer still when staying in the room isn't an option he wants her to dress like that when ever he helps her do her homework.

Don't know what happends after that because I quit the game and Deleted it.

But on the plus side Dev what I think dosen't really matter because there are plenty of people that will like this stuff.
It's pretty easy to figure out why the son moved out, these women are b*tches! I keep clicking on the baseball bat in my room in case I can put it into inventory for later...
Very healthy gaming practice indeed.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
OK .. there is room for dialogue, that is called banter, just some cruel remarks.
The same gurls Mc seems trapped in this hous with gave him crule jokes right off the bat at the table.
Remember they joked around, so why would MC not joke also?
About the chores, a thank you is in no way enough, not saying what she did there, jumping on to disrespect him,
after she was a brat by telling him: oh, you missed a spot.
Whenever you offer help and the same one you help is a jerk, baseball bat, gamer, batting practice!

Very healthy gaming practice indeed.
Firstly I was talking about the first day of sandbox which is only the second or at the most the third day of his being there.

Before the sandbox.
They had not really joked around with the MC they may have with each other but he had only just met them it was an introduction and Sonya especially wasn't likely to joke around with him.
secondly he's not traped in a house with them he is the guest.
He came from a poor family in a poor situation while being jobless and is unable to get in collage in his country because at school he would rather waste his time playing games and lounging around than actually paying attention and studying.
Basicaly he was an idle twat who couldn't be arsed about anything untill it was to late and life turned around and it bit his ass.
Now he is in another country living rent free in an allinclusive situation with no money issues he's paying for f-k.
Sure the daughters may be spoiled but since he is basical living there by the grace and generosity of the mom and is going to get the edication he frankly dosen't deserve also because of the mother who is kindly and fortunatly in a position to bend the rules to help him when no others would and while she do's that he gets to live in a nice house in a nice area he is free to leave at any time how is he in anyway or any definition trapped.

Pluss there is a diffrence between teasing someone joking with them and comeing across as a male chauvinistic asshole.
Nothing Sonya had said or done around the MC leading upto the first breakfast chat I mentioned sujested in anyway possible that she would be reseptive to any teasing or joking from the MC she dislikes and distrusts him still and so all he do's is come across as the third option male chauvinistic asshole.
And just because she didn't rat him out for the knocking incident which is likly only because she relized after he left that it could of been an accident and he could of knocked as he said and with the music so loud she wouldn't of heard him.
It dosn't mean she's changed her mind about not wanting him there or if he's a pervert or not as shown buy the glare she gives him as she gets to and while at the breakfast table.

Then the Sandbox started.
Which would make his breakfast joke the next morning both unwanted, ill timed and counter productive.

As for the helping the youngest with her homework that wasn't a chore for him he offered to help her.
Chorse are something you have to do not offer to do it was her chore not his and she didn't actually ask him to help or insist that he did.
Once again incase people missed it she didn't blackmail him to help, she offer to pay him to help HE OFFERED to help.
so I'm sorry but a thank you is the only necessary and more than adequate responce to the offered help.

But what the MC do's is both disrispectfull of the mother's generosity and creepy as fuck considering they had only just met and hadn't really up untill that point had chance to get to know each other.
he's lucky she dosn't accidently mention to mom how he was kind enough to help with her homework in return for her wearing her school uniform for him or he'd be in jail then on his way back home to face his dad and step mom as well.

I don't give a crap how much they joke with him or at his expense later how much of a bitch they maybe to the MC later.
and nowing some of the comments on this site they are probably not nearly that bad really.
And since I have seen the shit he pulled after just two days of being there frankly he more than likely desevers all of it.

I don't have a problem if the MC works upto shit like that later once he's been there enough to get to know them and is suttle in his pervyness but not when he's coming on that strong straight out the box that just means if he will do that now whats the limet later what other shit will he pull where's the line drawn.

Nope sorry but these early indications tell me chance's are this game will only get worse for me and end up sofar outside what I like that its better for me to bin it now and save myself the trouble.
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Active Member
Jan 9, 2018
It's my thing, you can't leave the house and it doesn't let you do anything except spy on the girls, talk to them like that every day the same all the time, the same thing does not seem to advance in the story.

Wicked Garden

May 9, 2018
Guessing there is currently no way of improving skills? Doesn't seem like the rpg side is implemented, but the girls are pretty and the situations are nice so far, especially when they are asleep =D
Doesn't appear to be at the moment which is sad to be honest, it's a giant loop of "better luck next time".
I guess the "Surprise" is figuring out how to get out of the house smh. Just terrible.
Maybe there's a bug in the game, that would be a "surprise" won't it.
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New Member
Aug 31, 2017
i walkthrough would be nice
or short guides
or ingame walkthrough(BEST)

i keep repeating the same thing with no progress

plus at some points MC says he is low on certain skills
which i dont know how to gain
cant click on PC to do that...

I thought the game does not allow to upgrade your skills for the moment. may be in a future update


Feb 11, 2020
Why free roam? I don't like these kind of games. Story would be good instead of this. You can't even increase any skills and it takes your time, u are wasting time while playing in this kind of games. It could be like being a dik, u could use a free roam and when you clicked to the room o could continue to story. I am a story-person :d
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2.80 star(s) 5 Votes