4.10 star(s) 92 Votes


New Member
Sep 27, 2023
Multiplayer sports will only happen in the virtual world.,It's absolutely impossible to happen in the real world.,Maybe there's a masquerade in the real world or something.,Asuna and Kyoko Yusei may have a threesome.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2018
Judging from the author's old works, the short plots are all corrupt endings, SAO is obviously different, the highest level as NTR is to lead but not provoke, I think the ending is still with Kirito, and Inoda is hiding in the shadows and interacting with Asuna, which is called a lover relationship in our country. Inoda has multiple lovers, and there may be a subsequent drama in order to compete to become Inoda, but there will be no ending where Kirito and Asuna break up completely. After all, daytime and nighttime life can be separated and do not affect each other. Feelings and sex are two different things
Well, feelings wan't be separeted from sex forever, at some point Asuna will fall in love with Inoda, but he will forbit her to break up with Kirito. :sneaky:

Aniky Light

Aug 7, 2019
Well, feelings wan't be separeted from sex forever, at some point Asuna will fall in love with Inoda, but he will forbit her to break up with Kirito. :sneaky:
but who does he think he is, besides stealing the girl, he also gives orders, how the hell does Asuna fall in love with Inoda?, but does Asuna have eyes? anyway, feelings for Inoda don't exist, it's just sexual attraction


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2018
but who does he think he is, besides stealing the girl, he also gives orders, how the hell does Asuna fall in love with Inoda?, but does Asuna have eyes? anyway, feelings for Inoda don't exist, it's just sexual attraction
Not that it would make any difference for me personally, but maybe you are right and I'm wrong, we'll see around the endgame )


Dec 9, 2018
how the hell does Asuna fall in love with Inoda?
I have had many problems with Fujino's characterization of Asuna, for example when she started to simply cheat willingly for the first time in part 1, because it was so sad that his parents didn't like the sad little piglet.

But the thing that has probably gotten me more angry with her in this game is not any of the cheating, but how fucking moronic she was in the whole confessional scene, with Inoda acting as if he didn't know she was the nun while blabbering about Kirito's alleged cheating.

Damn, it's so stupid that I get annoyed just thinking about it.


Asuna with her double digit IQ whenever she interacts with Inoda.

Aniky Light

Aug 7, 2019
Ho avuto molti problemi con la caratterizzazione di Asuna fatta da Fujino, per esempio quando ha iniziato a imbrogliare volontariamente per la prima volta nella prima parte, perché era molto triste che ai suoi genitori non piacesse quel triste maialino.

Ma la cosa che probabilmente mi ha fatto arrabbiare di più con lei in questo gioco non è stato il fatto che abbia imbrogliato, ma quanto sia stata idiota in tutta la scena del confessionale, con Inoda che si comportava come se non sapesse che lei era la suora mentre blaterava del presunto imbroglio di Kirito.

Accidenti, è così stupido che mi dà fastidio solo a pensarci.

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Asuna con il suo QI a due cifre ogni volta che interagisce con Inoda.
Inoda non la fa pensare
4.10 star(s) 92 Votes