It appears to me that the main story is pretty much done for Kirito. With him unable to see Asuna in real life, in FOG, she will be consistently fucked by Inoda. I expect that things will revert to how they were in Part 1. Kirito will likely engage in aimless activities. There will be a brief segment focusing on Liz's disappointment. Overall, I anticipate the plot progressing relatively linearly from now on, mainly focusing on Asuna x Inoda. In real life, Asuna will probably turn Inoda down for some time because of the Free-Fuck-FOG arrangement, until she's corrupted enough to do it irl.
I hope to be wrong, but I presume the sidestories will also go back to simple scenes like in Part 1.
This is part of where my disappointment comes from. The potential of including Alice and Suguha into the mix, could have made more spicy moments for Asuna and Inoda. Similar to the update we just had, it would be this weird bittersweet twist if like Kirito was fighting off a sex trafficking organization with Alice, but just like the tree-house scene, we have Asuna and Inoda on side just getting it on.
Or maybe Kirito catches Alice about to get corrupted, so it creates the ironic twisted scenario of him temporarily saving her only to further lose Asuna because his investment of time and energy is going elsewhere instead of realizing what's happening with his own relationship. The Suguha thing seems to relate to the Alice plot, so Kirito would have also bumped into Leafa to also "save" her, but ultimately set the stage for Suguha to mess with Kirito because from his perspective he'll lose everything by having sex with Suguha and then losing Asuna to Inoda.
The scenario also makes it look like Kirito is "cheating" in Asuna's eyes, but she's being deceived by Liz and Inoda who actually know that Kirito is doing some kind of secret investigation. If not that, then at the very least they know he's going out late to do things with Alice and that's enough for them to create a narrative to trick Asuna with.
But I guess instead of filling in the time with other activites, it's much faster to just have Kirito time skip at a job while Inoda goes and has his way with Asuna. The scenario with Alice, Suguha, and Sinon will force Fujino to create scenes, and dialogue for them. So yeah the overall development time and Asuna x Inoda time will take dramatically longer. I was hoping for that since I thought it would make it overall more spicy with a bigger payoff.
I'm bummed that I also think it'll go linear, but I still think Fujino is creative enough to make a lot of things exciting and interesting. Like even if the current update is rushed, I think this is Fujino's best battle related sex/harassment scene. The increase in libido having slightly different results with the normal mobs, to the intense amount of CGs playing alongside the events Kirito is doing vs. the images that happened in Part 1 in the Sewer and the Thief's hideout. There is improvement and a vision on how to make it interesting and exciting, so I wish Fujino all the best. I'll keep giving him my $10 over here to see what they'll do.