
Jun 7, 2017
Maybe i'm in the minority, but i'd like to play the game as the dev intended. Did the dev ever say what the ''canon'' genders are for the 3 main characters? I feel like the Mayor is 100% a futa but i'm not sure about the other 2.

Anyway great game, the writing is improved alot from hentai university. When used properly, ai art can be amazing in my opinion!
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Active Member
Game Developer
May 20, 2019
Progress on the non-furry update is going smoothly!

I finished translating the the 104 CGs used for v2 to non-furry versions, generated, cleaned and polished, and am now upscaling them for a little bit of extra quality.

prev1.png prev2.png prev3.png

A number of shots were really neat but I didn't end up using them as I preferred another, or they didn't fit with the context I wrote for the furry version, but I still like how they look.

unused1.png unused2.png unused3.png

I do still need to edit some images. Notably any time Riley or Angelica are penetrated, the penetrating dick will be a canine type. These need to be fixed manually. Despite the training data using universally humanoid dicks doing the penetrating, PrefectPony's training data is just too strongly biased so it always takes "canine dick" and "anal" to mean that a canine penis is doing the penetrating.

I also still need to make a nonfurry version of the flashing merchant. Actually, there were a few random encounter jokes I planned to add for v2 that I might add, but there's really no way to translate the jokes to a non-furry design. These would be a lizard wizard who'd greet you with a "Boa tarde, amigo!" and a T-rex random encounter you'd quickly run away from referencing an ancient game from over 25 years ago.

misc (1).png misc (2).png misc (3).png misc (4).png

Random encounters like these were meant just to be a fun little distraction and flavor the gathering portion of the game up a bit. I don't have any plans to expand on them beyond these single random encounters, notably because I actually find it harder sometimes to do single one-shot ideas. Getting into the flow state is hard but once I'm there writing feels easier.

I also finished the new non-furry costumes! If you check inside v2's files you may have noticed a bunch of finished costumes that aren't enabled yet. This is because if I enabled them but didn't finish the non-furry versions of the costumes, it'd cause errors with missing character portraits and in the fashion section of the museum.

I had initially intended to do only the easy ones but none of them could be done the easy way, either due to hair to gaps in the background removal. You would think that I, being a rational and reasonable person, would have then just decided to put it off.

costumes1.png costumes2.png costumes3.png costumes4.png

... Anyways, 1014 expressions all checked and cleaned up. I finished even more costumes than there are furry ones! I'll make a post sometime later going into what I'll be using them all for in the future, but for now they're just neat extras.

But one random idea I had was that since the game uses AI and I have an extensive collection of ways to manipulate prompts, should I make variants of scenes to account for the character's costume? Maybe just for the repeatable scenes? This would increase the game's file size pretty dramatically, it may not be worth it.

Another factor against it is that in Javascript I use an on-fail case for images in the game. Basically the on-fail case says "Okay, the image failed to load. Try using the other image format instead" (IE going from PNG to WEBP). I'd need to take this whole system apart to account for other kinds of errors, like accounting for player skin color if I ever do that, if I want to use furry images as the backup for the non-furry version, etc. Adding another level on top of that, defaulting to the no-costume version of repeatable scenes if the costume you're using doesn't have images for the repeatable scene you clicked, the logic there gets really complex...

But on the other hand, it'd be really cool, so I'm torn.

But with that aside, man do I have a lot of links and files to manage. For v2.5 there's:
V2.5 non-furry PNG full download
non-furry PNG upgrade pack
V2.5 non-furry webp PNG full download
non-furry WEBP upgrade pack

V2.5 furry PNG full download
furry PNG upgrade pack
V2.5 webp PNG full download
furry WEBP upgrade pack

And if I want to include a download link for a version where you can swap I'll need to add that too. Hoo boy.

Oh, good. It did seem odd that there were so many naturally sourced oversized, oversexed dongs in the wild but neither the desire nor the ability to do anything with 'em. Sharing is caring, after all.

Though it's a pity there isn't any true futa available for the PC and friends if and when there's the option to receive the D; obviously the next step in a village overwhelmed with pheromones and forking everything with a pulse is the populance ending up swollen with spunk and preggers; very much including the Protagonist.

But that's just a personal preference, both bits always seems more fun to play round with, option wise.

As for suggestions for the female stuff and such... I'm not sure the art style can do it, even with the update, but multiple partners is always fun. Threesome / dp's / or going airtight. Maybe some sort of honorable 'position' bestowed from the mayor that just means the player explores every sexual position.

They are deemed the village bicycle, which is great because the PC always enjoyed bikes and things with wheels.

Hmm. Cultivating fruits and nuts is a thing, as is deep woods, so maybe satisfying tentacles for loot could be something to play around with. Probably consentacles, given the style and happy go nutty style of the game. Could be a way to vary up encountering other villagers in the wild.

Collections are a thing, so maybe a big growing collection of various sized dildos from the shop or invented from the population (maybe somebody is making copies of the locals bits?) could be an option.

There could even be a village event where it's a competition to see who can take the most for a grand prize, or something.

Lastly, you could always have a 'dangerous' seeming element in the ruins, but of course the protagonist confuses dragon slaying with dragon laying and, well...
Probably the biggest question for me right now regarding taker content (like being fucked by others) is what would be the best way to implement it.

My initial plan was to make the female protagonist route focus mostly on submissive player content, wheras the male protagonist route focuses on dominant player content.

I know I can train the AI to do taker POV stuff, so that would allow the characters to fuck the player (male or female), give the player rimjobs and cunnilingus, and do imminent facesitting povs (with a disembodied tongue to show you eating them out), but is that enough for a full game's worth of content while still keeping things fresh? And some people have requested that a female protag still be dominant because there aren't many dominant female protagonist games out there.

There's another issue as well. The game tracks each character's completion by if you've gotten all of their scenes, but if I add super niche content the player may not want to see all of that, leaving characters marked as incomplete. I'll need to add a way to block or these scenes, which also means all of the super niche content will need to be entirely optional.

Sometimes the hardest part of game development is picking a path, knowing it'll mean missing out on a lot of cool stuff.

I won't do any scene that shows the too much of the protagonist. Even if I make them nude I'd still need to account for skin color, hair, etc. I'd need to make a ton of variants for a single scene, I don't think it's worth the effort. That means that a lot of great ideas become very difficult to implement, like masturbating with sex toys or being spitroasted.

Oh, and shout out for the silly dialogue! It's silly and stupid at times (especially the protagonist), but honestly it's quite endearing and fun. Especially with the angry magic cat neighbor. The back and forth there is easily my favorite so far.
I'm glad you liked it! Writing the silly dialogue is my favorite part.

Sharly (the angry cat neighbor) was originally going to be a lot meaner towards the player, however I didn't like writing her that way.

The protagonist's friendly and happy energy meant they felt like a pushover whenever they just let Sharly get away with being mean, so I rewrote her to focus more on being kind underneath her grumpiness.

There's a literal book floating around about this very subject if you know where to look, not that you would probably want to see much of it, eheh. There's tons of reasons, but at least in my case, the female form is really appealing, but I can't see much appeal in a pussy. It's the one bit of their body that I can't seem to appreciate. I don't hate it, but it's just sort of there as far as I'm concerned, it's nothing to write home about. On the other hand, the male body's not my cup of tea- but man, do I love me some dick.

Handful of pages from that book below the spoiler, by the way.
Personally, I'm not a fan of true futanari content. I have no idea why, it's an entirely subjective taste. Other people are entirely free to make their own characters futa.

I would like to include mod support like I did with Hentai University, but I want to figure out a better way to do it. The ideal would just be including a file in some sort of "mods" folder, or packaging all the scripts and images into a single file that can be downloaded and uploaded, but since I'm working entirely with local javascript I have very little ability to look at and edit local files. I'd really like for people to be able to make new characters and allow for image edits/new scenes for existing characters, I just need to find a way to allow for that code-wise.

I need to do some experimenting (after v2.5 and the next HU release are done), but I think I may be able to package mods into zip files, have players upload those zip files and save them in either local storage or indexxedDB, extract them via javascript and then call on those files later. It'll be heavily limited by just how much control I have over those extracted files though. This could lead to one-file mod support that would be usable both on the online and offline versions of the game. The primary three kinds of mods I can think of would be ones that just replace images, mods that add new content for existing characters, and mods that add new characters.

Something tells me this game mostly focuses on anal...

but it's just a feeling

joking btw
It's all a series of coincidences, I swear!
  1. Repeatable scenes are meant to build up in intensity, so it only makes sense to start with oral sex.
  2. Much more so than anal and oral, characters would behave differently if it's their first time doing vaginal vs afterwards. This makes it hard to put vaginal scenes as a repeatable as anytime I do a vaginal scene afterwards I won't know if the player has already done vaginal with the character before.
  3. The first few events for the system characters (Angelica, Cayenne, Bluebell, Garnet & Jasper) were written to have minimal differences between sexes to make things easier on me. Oral and anal just happened to work best as there's no direct analogue to vaginal for characters with dicks.
  4. Sorbet was always meant to be the most anal-focused character in the game. Fun fact, her original design used to have a canine pussy, but the model I was using would always generate it upside-down, thus I'd nearly always need to generate her from behind otherwise it'd look weird.
  5. Sharly is a big masochist, so going for an anal scene to finish her main plot just made sense to me.
  6. Characters who would do more vaginal just aren't in the game yet. Mary-Lou looks weird in the SDXL style so she needs a redesign before I can add her. Khanna is someone who'd reference your progression in town a lot so it made sense to me to add her after others.
  7. The overall plot of the vegetarian route is to impregnate everyone, so when I was planning out scenes I ended up leaving most of the vaginal scenes towards the end of my plan outlines. See point #1 for why that makes things extra tricky.
It's entirely an oversight that the game does not have vaginal content yet. An accident! I'm not obsessed with massive buttholes!

... Okay maybe I am, but I like vaginal too just fine.

Will there be any villager-on-villager sex (besides the implied Nutmeg x Cinnamon content) in the game? Given the repeated comments on males showing no interest in anything but getting pounded in the butt by the MC I doubt it, but Nutmeg, Helena, and Angela all have nice dicks (Riley too, I guess), and it feels like a waste of a perfectly good cock not to let them get balls deep in some pussy (in-between impotently leaking their load as you rail them of course).

As optional content at least?
No I have nothing planned in that regard.

1. Alot of people prefer to keep things exclusive with the characters. Cinnamon and Nutmeg I already accepted as being super niche so I went wild with them.

2. Doing multiple characters per scene is really hard even with regional prompting and SDXL. I'm already anticipating Nutmeg and Cinnamon's stuff will be a huge hurdle to undertake, especially given the characters have such radically different proportions and conflicting tags.

Nearly all of the training data focuses on a single character, with their partner usually either disembodied, mostly offscreen, or it's a POV scene. A lot of luck would be required to get a decent base shot, then a ton of manual correction would need to go into correcting every following step of the process when the AI inevitably gets confused. Maybe I could spend a month figuring out good regional prompts, adding duo focused training data, but there's already so much else to focus on.

Also out of curiosity, is the new LoRa better at drawing characters with animal pussies than the old one?
I'd say it's a lateral move. Easyfluff was very good at generating canine pussies pointing downwards, and completely broke when trying to have them in any other orientation. I've found SDXL to be capable of doing them from different angles, it's better at actually listening to instructions. Sometimes it kinda... Folds in on itself? It's weird and I can't find any of the failures in my trash, it's a bit messy in there.

Still, it's done okay, I haven't experimented with it too much on that front yet.

72244-1153866015-score 9, score 8 up, score 7 up, score 6 up, _lora_Syurofluff v2 64x16-000040...png zor-2-0Veggie.png

Equine pussies aren't too bad, but are mostly limited to being generated on ponies.

Feral Ponies001.png Feral Ponies075.png

The main issue is that whenever I want to do something that PrefectPony can't natively do, I need to create training data for both the furry and non-furry models. At the moment my non-furry model is on version 9 and can do pretty advanced things like urethral play and ponchos, but overall both are still kinda unreliable at canine pussies. Just like with duo content I could try generating and manually preparing training data but there's just so much else to do.

Hopefully others will experiment with AI generation and improving the model will become a group effort. If anyone here generates neat stuff, feel free to share it with me, adding things to the training data means better models which is good for everyone!

chad ai pioneer not only makes good looking ai art, he trains custom models, shares them, and creates user-guide. Bravo
I appreciate the kind words! But just to be clear, while my latest models are all trained 100% on AI-generated content, that training data was itself generated by models trained on Syuro and other real artists.

Maybe i'm in the minority, but i'd like to play the game as the dev intended. Did the dev ever say what the ''canon'' genders are for the 3 main characters? I feel like the Mayor is 100% a futa but i'm not sure about the other 2.

Anyway great game, the writing is improved alot from hentai university. When used properly, ai art can be amazing in my opinion!
A good question but there's no cannon sex at all, and both sexes will eventually have some exclusive content, whether that's impregnation & pregnancy content, or whatever weird idea I finally decide to settle on for the carnivore route. They aren't main characters, they're system characters/vendors who need to be present in both the vegetarian or carnivore routes.

If you go by their inspirations, before I decided on using an original cast, I was originally planning to make the game a literal animal crossing porn parody. Angelica was originally going to be Isabelle, Bluebell was originally going to be Rosie (I couldn't do hedgehogs without them looking like sonic), and Cayenne was originally going to be Tom Nook. But even then I knew I'd have to have selectable sexes, since townsfolk were always planned to be bottomless and the vendors had to appear in both routes.

With that said I think Cayenne works slightly better with a dick since the Tanuki is so commonly associated with balls, and Bluebell works slightly better with a pussy partly because she's a cat and partly because it's easier to have her use more toys with a puss. I think Angelica works equally well either constantly leaking vs constantly veiny & throbbing, although the canine penis does break up her color pallete slightly.

I'm glad you liked the writing! My experience working on hentai university taught me a lot, and hopefully future content will be even better!


Jun 7, 2017
With that said I think Cayenne works slightly better with a dick since the Tanuki is so commonly associated with balls, and Bluebell works slightly better with a pussy partly because she's a cat and partly because it's easier to have her use more toys with a puss. I think Angelica works equally well either constantly leaking vs constantly veiny & throbbing, although the canine penis does break up her color pallete slightly.
Thanks for the answer! I thought you were going for a ''1 for each flavour'' type of deal, which would have been great so that everyone had something to enjoy (Not me tho, i wanna breed catch em all).
I kind of disagree on Angelica, the red of the penis really break the color scheme and makes the focus on the character ''pop out'', which i thought was great.
Anyway keep up the good work, it's a shame having to wait alot between updates due to the no-furry version but i understand the reasoning.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2017
Hm. So much for the glorious mayhem of village full of true futa boinking eachother happily. Oh well, it'll still be a fun ride. As you say, anything that doesn't set neatly in a category of taker or receiver complicates things, and PC details only compound the trickiness with their variables.

That said, it's one of the reasons I've enjoyed futanari/herm/intersex styles of a character (yes, they aren't all the exact same thing, but I'm not gonna split hairs here, just curvy buttcheeks) is it brings in options that aren't anal only into the lewdness. And a taker can swiftly become a receiver, and vice versa. Keeps the exchange interesting. Sneak attack!

But as you say, it seems to be a bit niche, or at least not as loudly championed on the Internets.

I'm helping out a few friends that *love* character options, but also want like/desire/art and it's... well, yep. It can be a lot. There's a heck of a difference between one image painstakingly crafted, and that one image having 20 different options. So again, totally get the lack of inclusion of the PC in various activities, though it's a bummer.

That said, I may just try at some point, though I don't know if I'll have proper access to the tools at hand. Guess we'll see later when mods are a thing.

Thank you for the detailed response and the raunchy lewd, sandbox to play in!
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Active Member
Game Developer
May 20, 2019
Progress continues! I finished all the content I had planned for v2.5, all CGs are finished and the finished costumes are enabled, but I still really wanna do a little more. So far:

I did a set of non-furry tarot cards. I added a second chance to start collecting the cards in Sharly's house as well

View attachment 4120683 View attachment 4120684

I added new random options that appear if you've completed all the jiggies or have the cheat enabled. In total these pull from about 600 images and I'll try to keep them updated as I add content. Basically they pull from the game's CGs and I manually took out the ones I think would make really bad jiggies, a number of currently unused images are in there.

jiggy0.png jiggy1.png jiggy2.png

Most images aren't designed to be jiggified but it's a neat extra bit of content for anyone who really, really wants more jigging.

I changed the museum's terrarium to check if you've ever encountered the item. This uses flags instead of checking your inventory, so even if you have 1002 insects from v1 it won't show as you having them until you catch another. I'll remove the placeholder insects and replace them with proper ones in the future once I figure out more ways to distribute them.


Added a sell-all tab in Bluebell's shop


Goodra is now a card found in lavender lane, the flashing merchant now sells you a set of three new vertical cards


These are the same images I used for the fire triad jiggy, which is still a reward for getting all the cards. I've made pretty good progress exploring designs used for pocketmanz, different versions that were giving me trouble are a lot more possible now, like more fem versions of cards like incineroar. That could be a good first mod to add once that system is done.

Angelica will now be visibly excited after talking to her enough, so now people will be able to tell when she reaches the point that the lewd morning events will trigger


And I ended up writing a few more scenes v2.5 will have both furry and non-furry content after all. It's not too much, just trying to get syrup out of my system before I switch gears to hentai university v33 letsgoooo

Thanks for the answer! I thought you were going for a ''1 for each flavour'' type of deal, which would have been great so that everyone had something to enjoy (Not me tho, i wanna breed catch em all).
I kind of disagree on Angelica, the red of the penis really break the color scheme and makes the focus on the character ''pop out'', which i thought was great.
Anyway keep up the good work, it's a shame having to wait alot between updates due to the no-furry version but i understand the reasoning.
I wouldn't say the non-furry version is to blame on the v1 to v2 delay, a bunch of things happened. I reworked the game's entire visual style, got distracted coming up with new rainy dayz scenarios, worked on figuring out how to uncensor hentai university, etc.

Really the issue is just that I'm very bouncy and prefer to work on whatever catches my brain at any given moment. I'm very blessed to have people who'll stick around despite that.

Hm. So much for the glorious mayhem of village full of true futa boinking eachother happily. Oh well, it'll still be a fun ride. As you say, anything that doesn't set neatly in a category of taker or receiver complicates things, and PC details only compound the trickiness with their variables.

That said, it's one of the reasons I've enjoyed futanari/herm/intersex styles of a character (yes, they aren't all the exact same thing, but I'm not gonna split hairs here, just curvy buttcheeks) is it brings in options that aren't anal only into the lewdness. And a taker can swiftly become a receiver, and vice versa. Keeps the exchange interesting. Sneak attack!

But as you say, it seems to be a bit niche, or at least not as loudly championed on the Internets.

I'm helping out a few friends that *love* character options, but also want like/desire/art and it's... well, yep. It can be a lot. There's a heck of a difference between one image painstakingly crafted, and that one image having 20 different options. So again, totally get the lack of inclusion of the PC in various activities, though it's a bummer.

That said, I may just try at some point, though I don't know if I'll have proper access to the tools at hand. Guess we'll see later when mods are a thing.

Thank you for the detailed response and the raunchy lewd, sandbox to play in!
Even without being able to make proper mods I'd say giving the AI art stuff a shot is worth it. Being able to make cool stuff is a joy and futa content isn't too hard to make. There are full guides on the second post, though SDXL is pretty taxing for computers to try and run.

wonder how "reading2-1" in the cgs was done
Hoo boy that one. That one was a doozy. Each image should have PNG data still inside and a corresponding .txt file in the game's files that lists the prompts I used, but it won't help much with that one. Since a ton of images were changed to match the SDXL style all that's left in those are the keywords you'd want to use to try and make a similar image.

Basically I started by using the Queria Syuro LoRa and my non-furry lora to generate a base image. It doesn't match the style of the game at all but I just needed something to start with.

I can't find the very first draft but here's the oldest file I could find that was amalgamated from a bunch of different images:

701749-1774794474-score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, score_5_up, score_4_up,  _lora_...png

After that was a lot, lot, lot of image editting, specifically img2img and inpainting. Denoising strength is a measure of how different the final result is to the base image, I had to go extremely low (0.4, where changes are barely even noticable) to get something that matched the easyfluff style, overlaying the images in, then erasing any areas where the changes were for the worst.


If you look closely you can see the areas I had to erase as the color and linework are different. I considered that finished until I redid every image in an SDXL style to clean things up, leading to the reading2-1 we have now.


One thing I wish I'd caught sooner is that I never actually tagged Sharly's eyebrows in any of her images. Easyfluff just defaulted to those small red dot eyebrows which I quite liked. However I'd already finished polishing up all of Sharly's images by the time I noticed that SDXL had changed it to give her sharper, black eyebrows.

Also, the scene originally was going to be a full footjob but it just wasn't happening so I took just used the one image I had and went with a hypnosisjob instead.

The exact prompt was
syuro, anthro, solo, standing, low-angle view, first person view, sadogato, domestic cat, felid, feline, black body, female, female focus, wide hips, short, shortstack, paws, red eyes, red eyeshadow, breasts, gold choker, nude, nipples, annoyed, tail, pussy, foot on penis, stepping on balls, footjob,

Though if you wanted to try and generate it in the SDXL syurofluff model you would want to change some of the keywords around and replace some not used in sdxl. Here's the prompt I'd use if I was trying to generate it today:
score 9, score 8 up, score 7 up, score 6 up, <lora:Syurofluff v2 64x16-000040:0.8>, syuro, anthro, solo focus, standing, crotch pov, pov penis, human pov, male pov, foot on penis, stepping on penis, footjob, foot fetish, sy-sado, furry female, feline, domestic cat, black fur, monotone body, wide hips, from below, red eyes, shortstack, paws, red eyeshadow, nude, pussy, gold choker, annoyed, nipples, pricked ears, small breasts, bald, cat tail

And maybe add two-footed footjob to the negative tags as well. If you're interested, I'd say give it a shot yourself. The lora currently struggles a bit with feet stuff, it still needs more polishing and if you generate anything good I can add it to the training data and improve the model.
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Aug 11, 2018
Progress continues! I finished all the content I had planned for v2.5, all CGs are finished and the finished costumes are enabled, but I still really wanna do a little more. So far:

I did a set of non-furry tarot cards. I added a second chance to start collecting the cards in Sharly's house as well

View attachment 4120683 View attachment 4120684

I added new random options that appear if you've completed all the jiggies or have the cheat enabled. In total these pull from about 600 images and I'll try to keep them updated as I add content. Basically they pull from the game's CGs and I manually took out the ones I think would make really bad jiggies, a number of currently unused images are in there.

View attachment 4126191 View attachment 4126192 View attachment 4126193

Most images aren't designed to be jiggified but it's a neat extra bit of content for anyone who really, really wants more jigging.

I changed the museum's terrarium to check if you've ever encountered the item. This uses flags instead of checking your inventory, so even if you have 1002 insects from v1 it won't show as you having them until you catch another. I'll remove the placeholder insects and replace them with proper ones in the future once I figure out more ways to distribute them.

View attachment 4126190

Added a sell-all tab in Bluebell's shop

View attachment 4126194

Goodra is now a card found in lavender lane, the flashing merchant now sells you a set of three new vertical cards

View attachment 4126196

These are the same images I used for the fire triad jiggy, which is still a reward for getting all the cards. I've made pretty good progress exploring designs used for pocketmanz, different versions that were giving me trouble are a lot more possible now, like more fem versions of cards like incineroar. That could be a good first mod to add once that system is done.

Angelica will now be visibly excited after talking to her enough, so now people will be able to tell when she reaches the point that the lewd morning events will trigger

View attachment 4126195

And I ended up writing a few more scenes v2.5 will have both furry and non-furry content after all. It's not too much, just trying to get syrup out of my system before I switch gears to hentai university v33 letsgoooo

I wouldn't say the non-furry version is to blame on the v1 to v2 delay, a bunch of things happened. I reworked the game's entire visual style, got distracted coming up with new rainy dayz scenarios, worked on figuring out how to uncensor hentai university, etc.

Really the issue is just that I'm very bouncy and prefer to work on whatever catches my brain at any given moment. I'm very blessed to have people who'll stick around despite that.

Even without being able to make proper mods I'd say giving the AI art stuff a shot is worth it. Being able to make cool stuff is a joy and futa content isn't too hard to make. There are full guides on the second post, though SDXL is pretty taxing for computers to try and run.

Hoo boy that one. That one was a doozy. Each image should have PNG data still inside and a corresponding .txt file in the game's files that lists the prompts I used, but it won't help much with that one. Since a ton of images were changed to match the SDXL style all that's left in those are the keywords you'd want to use to try and make a similar image.

Basically I started by using the Queria Syuro LoRa and my non-furry lora to generate a base image. It doesn't match the style of the game at all but I just needed something to start with.

I can't find the very first draft but here's the oldest file I could find that was amalgamated from a bunch of different images:

View attachment 4126206

After that was a lot, lot, lot of image editting, specifically img2img and inpainting. Denoising strength is a measure of how different the final result is to the base image, I had to go extremely low (0.4, where changes are barely even noticable) to get something that matched the easyfluff style, overlaying the images in, then erasing any areas where the changes were for the worst.

View attachment 4126218

If you look closely you can see the areas I had to erase as the color and linework are different. I considered that finished until I redid every image in an SDXL style to clean things up, leading to the reading2-1 we have now.

View attachment 4126241

One thing I wish I'd caught sooner is that I never actually tagged Sharly's eyebrows in any of her images. Easyfluff just defaulted to those small red dot eyebrows which I quite liked. However I'd already finished polishing up all of Sharly's images by the time I noticed that SDXL had changed it to give her sharper, black eyebrows.

Also, the scene originally was going to be a full footjob but it just wasn't happening so I took just used the one image I had and went with a hypnosisjob instead.

The exact prompt was
syuro, anthro, solo, standing, low-angle view, first person view, sadogato, domestic cat, felid, feline, black body, female, female focus, wide hips, short, shortstack, paws, red eyes, red eyeshadow, breasts, gold choker, nude, nipples, annoyed, tail, pussy, foot on penis, stepping on balls, footjob,

Though if you wanted to try and generate it in the SDXL syurofluff model you would want to change some of the keywords around and replace some not used in sdxl. Here's the prompt I'd use if I was trying to generate it today:
score 9, score 8 up, score 7 up, score 6 up, <lora:Syurofluff v2 64x16-000040:0.8>, syuro, anthro, solo focus, standing, crotch pov, pov penis, human pov, male pov, foot on penis, stepping on penis, footjob, foot fetish, sy-sado, furry female, feline, domestic cat, black fur, monotone body, wide hips, from below, red eyes, shortstack, paws, red eyeshadow, nude, pussy, gold choker, annoyed, nipples, pricked ears, small breasts, bald, cat tail

And maybe add two-footed footjob to the negative tags as well. If you're interested, I'd say give it a shot yourself. The lora currently struggles a bit with feet stuff, it still needs more polishing and if you generate anything good I can add it to the training data and improve the model.
usually Syurofluff just outputs her standing over the human or ending up with a double ended dick 1728768685082.png
  • Sad
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May 5, 2023
No I have nothing planned in that regard.

2. Doing multiple characters per scene is really hard even with regional prompting and SDXL.
:( Looks like I underestimated how much things had improved when you mentioned the new model had regional prompting and could do things like threesomes. Well at least Nutmeg is getting some, and there's always Female MC route for the rest.
1. Alot of people prefer to keep things exclusive with the characters.
And yeah, it would 100% have to be an optional toggle because people are weird about that shit. Say some guy accuse a game of being cuck porn because you could STEAL an optional side character from a loveless marriage. The husband married her for her money and fucked off without even consummating the marriage so she was "used goods" despite still being a virgin. Pretty sure some of them would raise hell if any love interest female was in the same zipcode as a character with a dick.
I'd say it's a lateral move. Easyfluff was very good at generating canine pussies pointing downwards, and completely broke when trying to have them in any other orientation. I've found SDXL to be capable of doing them from different angles, it's better at actually listening to instructions. Sometimes it kinda... Folds in on itself? It's weird and I can't find any of the failures in my trash, it's a bit messy in there.
Small steps. At least you've got a bit more flexibility and won't be stuck coming up with reasons to only show the side characters with those bits exclusively from behind.


Aug 11, 2018
:( Looks like I underestimated how much things had improved when you mentioned the new model had regional prompting and could do things like threesomes. Well at least Nutmeg is getting some, and there's always Female MC route for the rest.

And yeah, it would 100% have to be an optional toggle because people are weird about that shit. Say some guy accuse a game of being cuck porn because you could STEAL an optional side character from a loveless marriage. The husband married her for her money and fucked off without even consummating the marriage so she was "used goods" despite still being a virgin. Pretty sure some of them would raise hell if any love interest female was in the same zipcode as a character with a dick.

Small steps. At least you've got a bit more flexibility and won't be stuck coming up with reasons to only show the side characters with those bits exclusively from behind.
submissive MC would be cool since I kinda want to see some Sorbet X Riley action


Aug 5, 2020
That said, I may just try at some point, though I don't know if I'll have proper access to the tools at hand.
Well, if you're in the northern hemisphere it's the right time of year to try stuff out on your own machine if you can. The energy is well spent if you're running in space heater mode and don't need to turn on the heating for your whole home. :)
May 26, 2021
Well, if you're in the northern hemisphere it's the right time of year to try stuff out on your own machine if you can. The energy is well spent if you're running in space heater mode and don't need to turn on the heating for your whole home. :)
lol even though im floridian i know JUST what ya refering too. sometimes ya do just need to let ya pc become the space heater i used to do that with my xbox one in the room it was in before i moved it out to my living room.


Aug 11, 2018
Progress continues! I finished all the content I had planned for v2.5, all CGs are finished and the finished costumes are enabled, but I still really wanna do a little more. So far:

I did a set of non-furry tarot cards. I added a second chance to start collecting the cards in Sharly's house as well

View attachment 4120683 View attachment 4120684

I added new random options that appear if you've completed all the jiggies or have the cheat enabled. In total these pull from about 600 images and I'll try to keep them updated as I add content. Basically they pull from the game's CGs and I manually took out the ones I think would make really bad jiggies, a number of currently unused images are in there.

View attachment 4126191 View attachment 4126192 View attachment 4126193

Most images aren't designed to be jiggified but it's a neat extra bit of content for anyone who really, really wants more jigging.

I changed the museum's terrarium to check if you've ever encountered the item. This uses flags instead of checking your inventory, so even if you have 1002 insects from v1 it won't show as you having them until you catch another. I'll remove the placeholder insects and replace them with proper ones in the future once I figure out more ways to distribute them.

View attachment 4126190

Added a sell-all tab in Bluebell's shop

View attachment 4126194

Goodra is now a card found in lavender lane, the flashing merchant now sells you a set of three new vertical cards

View attachment 4126196

These are the same images I used for the fire triad jiggy, which is still a reward for getting all the cards. I've made pretty good progress exploring designs used for pocketmanz, different versions that were giving me trouble are a lot more possible now, like more fem versions of cards like incineroar. That could be a good first mod to add once that system is done.

Angelica will now be visibly excited after talking to her enough, so now people will be able to tell when she reaches the point that the lewd morning events will trigger

View attachment 4126195

And I ended up writing a few more scenes v2.5 will have both furry and non-furry content after all. It's not too much, just trying to get syrup out of my system before I switch gears to hentai university v33 letsgoooo

I wouldn't say the non-furry version is to blame on the v1 to v2 delay, a bunch of things happened. I reworked the game's entire visual style, got distracted coming up with new rainy dayz scenarios, worked on figuring out how to uncensor hentai university, etc.

Really the issue is just that I'm very bouncy and prefer to work on whatever catches my brain at any given moment. I'm very blessed to have people who'll stick around despite that.

Even without being able to make proper mods I'd say giving the AI art stuff a shot is worth it. Being able to make cool stuff is a joy and futa content isn't too hard to make. There are full guides on the second post, though SDXL is pretty taxing for computers to try and run.

Hoo boy that one. That one was a doozy. Each image should have PNG data still inside and a corresponding .txt file in the game's files that lists the prompts I used, but it won't help much with that one. Since a ton of images were changed to match the SDXL style all that's left in those are the keywords you'd want to use to try and make a similar image.

Basically I started by using the Queria Syuro LoRa and my non-furry lora to generate a base image. It doesn't match the style of the game at all but I just needed something to start with.

I can't find the very first draft but here's the oldest file I could find that was amalgamated from a bunch of different images:

View attachment 4126206

After that was a lot, lot, lot of image editting, specifically img2img and inpainting. Denoising strength is a measure of how different the final result is to the base image, I had to go extremely low (0.4, where changes are barely even noticable) to get something that matched the easyfluff style, overlaying the images in, then erasing any areas where the changes were for the worst.

View attachment 4126218

If you look closely you can see the areas I had to erase as the color and linework are different. I considered that finished until I redid every image in an SDXL style to clean things up, leading to the reading2-1 we have now.

View attachment 4126241

One thing I wish I'd caught sooner is that I never actually tagged Sharly's eyebrows in any of her images. Easyfluff just defaulted to those small red dot eyebrows which I quite liked. However I'd already finished polishing up all of Sharly's images by the time I noticed that SDXL had changed it to give her sharper, black eyebrows.

Also, the scene originally was going to be a full footjob but it just wasn't happening so I took just used the one image I had and went with a hypnosisjob instead.

The exact prompt was
syuro, anthro, solo, standing, low-angle view, first person view, sadogato, domestic cat, felid, feline, black body, female, female focus, wide hips, short, shortstack, paws, red eyes, red eyeshadow, breasts, gold choker, nude, nipples, annoyed, tail, pussy, foot on penis, stepping on balls, footjob,

Though if you wanted to try and generate it in the SDXL syurofluff model you would want to change some of the keywords around and replace some not used in sdxl. Here's the prompt I'd use if I was trying to generate it today:
score 9, score 8 up, score 7 up, score 6 up, <lora:Syurofluff v2 64x16-000040:0.8>, syuro, anthro, solo focus, standing, crotch pov, pov penis, human pov, male pov, foot on penis, stepping on penis, footjob, foot fetish, sy-sado, furry female, feline, domestic cat, black fur, monotone body, wide hips, from below, red eyes, shortstack, paws, red eyeshadow, nude, pussy, gold choker, annoyed, nipples, pricked ears, small breasts, bald, cat tail

And maybe add two-footed footjob to the negative tags as well. If you're interested, I'd say give it a shot yourself. The lora currently struggles a bit with feet stuff, it still needs more polishing and if you generate anything good I can add it to the training data and improve the model.
I noticed in Syruofluff that it ignores the ovum/fertilization tags for now. Is it NYI?


New Member
Feb 11, 2018
It's entirely an oversight that the game does not have vaginal content yet. An accident! I'm not obsessed with massive buttholes!

... Okay maybe I am, but I like vaginal too just fine.
I am. And I enjoyed my first playthrough very much, it was exactly what I was looking for. I was continually impressed by your game. I hope you'll continue to add collectibles, I have fun getting them. Also the scenario writing is *mwah* very delicious.

I wish girls and femboys being so horny it takes all they have to stop themselves from pinning you down was a more common trope, I really like how it's done here.
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Active Member
Game Developer
May 20, 2019
v2.5 is out:


New Content:
  • Added new costumes for the entire cast for both furry and non-furry versions, each costume has a full expression set.
  • Added a non-furry set of tarot cards for the non-furry version of the game.
  • Added 1 new morning scene for Riley, Sorbet, and Sharly. Each triggering after becoming friends with them.
  • Added a new repeatable scene for Sorbet.
  • Added non-furry images for all of the v2 content and the bonus scenes above.
Other changes:
  • Goodra is now a card found in lavender lane, the flashing merchant now sells you a set of three new vertical cards
  • Added new random jiggy options if you've completed all jiggies or have the "even the funko pops" cheat enabled.
  • Added a second chance to start collecting the cards in Sharly's house if you chose to discard the tarot card.
  • Fixed a few weird images found by Kyupon like the fem fairy scene.
  • The museum now checks if you've ever had an item, rather than if you currently have it in your inventory.
  • Added a sell-all function to Bluebell's shop.
  • Angelica is now visibly excited when you've met her progression requirements.
  • Added a new type of pocketman frame used for the new pocketmanz cards.
  • Added code to automatically replace <3 in text with a heart.
  • Replaced the old pog-coin tails sides to match the new SDXL art style
  • Fixed a bug where the PNG version magazines were broken.
  • Fixed a broken image in Sharly's first repeatable scene.
  • Fixed a bug where the male lopunny image was broken.
  • Fixed a bug where gathering and hunting in the forest wilderness was causing a softlock.
  • Fixed a bug where horizontal rules were accompanied by empty text bubbles.
Given how much data needed to be uploaded I think I probably shouldn't have tried to update both versions at once, but since Hentai University was up next I didn't want to leave the finished scenes sitting in a box for a month.

Still, it's a lot of links! I'm not sure what the best way to handle it is for the future. I think the webp version is overall better but some players may prefer the larger image dimensions and some browsers just can't display webps. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Sorry for suddenly vanishing and being late to respond, I got quite sick and then dug in to focus on finishing the update since I've got more syrup and other games on my agenda.

I have a general priority list for who's up next, it's pretty wishy-washy but I have a vague idea:
  • Helena: Next big update should add a new carnivore character, she's a really good one, she works fine with the current AI model, and has a connection to pocketmanz cards. With that said her personality being "cool big sister vibes" is more vague than other characters so she's a little harder to write than the rest.
  • Nutmeg & Cinnamon: They add both puss and penor content at once and work fine with the model. Downsides are that they're omnivore content and doing multiple characters in a scene is hard.
  • Khanna: Beeg milkies, works fine with the AI model, and I already have a good dynamic in mind for her and the MC.
  • Marlow: The current AI model generates him with brown ears and a brown tail, which isn't great, so he'll have to wait for the next syurofluff model before I can start making lots of images for him.
  • Mary-Lou: She needs a full redesign, or at least for me to figure out something to do about her snout.
Thus far I've tried out a few alternate looks for Mary-Lou that try a different type of nose or use an alternate, less visually plain color pallete:

890000-42069-score 9, score 8 up, score 7 up, score 6 up, _lora_Syurofluff v2 64x16-000040_0.8...png 890001-42071-score 9, score 8 up, score 7 up, score 6 up, _lora_Syurofluff v2 64x16-000040_0.8...png 890002-42069-score 9, score 8 up, score 7 up, score 6 up, _lora_Syurofluff v2 64x16-000040_0.8...png 890003-42071-score 9, score 8 up, score 7 up, score 6 up, _lora_Syurofluff v2 64x16-000040_0.8...png 890004-42069-score 9, score 8 up, score 7 up, score 6 up, _lora_Syurofluff v2 64x16-000040_0.8...png 890005-42070-score 9, score 8 up, score 7 up, score 6 up, _lora_Syurofluff v2 64x16-000040_0.8...png 890006-42071-score 9, score 8 up, score 7 up, score 6 up, _lora_Syurofluff v2 64x16-000040_0.8...png

And I've also done a bunch of scattershot tests using a script I wrote to try out lots of different species and details to see if anything stood out more:

899223-42069-score 9, score 8 up, score 7 up, score 6 up, _lora_Syurofluff v2 64x16-000040_0.8...png 899242-42070-score 9, score 8 up, score 7 up, score 6 up, _lora_Syurofluff v2 64x16-000040_0.8...png 899262-42069-score 9, score 8 up, score 7 up, score 6 up, _lora_Syurofluff v2 64x16-000040_0.8...png 899272-42070-score 9, score 8 up, score 7 up, score 6 up, _lora_Syurofluff v2 64x16-000040_0.8...png 899277-42069-score 9, score 8 up, score 7 up, score 6 up, _lora_Syurofluff v2 64x16-000040_0.8...png 899312-42071-score 9, score 8 up, score 7 up, score 6 up, _lora_Syurofluff v2 64x16-000040_0.8...png 899391-42069-score 9, score 8 up, score 7 up, score 6 up, _lora_Syurofluff v2 64x16-000040_0.8...png 899422-42070-score 9, score 8 up, score 7 up, score 6 up, _lora_Syurofluff v2 64x16-000040_0.8...png 899574-42070-score 9, score 8 up, score 7 up, score 6 up, _lora_Syurofluff v2 64x16-000040_0.8...png 899610-42070-score 9, score 8 up, score 7 up, score 6 up, _lora_Syurofluff v2 64x16-000040_0.8...png 899638-42071-score 9, score 8 up, score 7 up, score 6 up, _lora_Syurofluff v2 64x16-000040_0.8...png 899927-42069-score 9, score 8 up, score 7 up, score 6 up, _lora_Syurofluff v2 64x16-000040_0.8...png

Once I'm done with the next hentai university update I'll generate and organize more, collect all of the milfy designs I've done and ask peeps which design I should go with. Let me know if any of these designs really stick out as something I should explore, and feel free to use any of these designs on your own if you'd like.

usually Syurofluff just outputs her standing over the human or ending up with a double ended dick View attachment 4126306
Bit late but I've found that this lora helps to mitigate that issue:

Using it alongside the syurofluff lora mostly gives me decent footjob shots. Man I really like having an SDXL model!

What I'll do when I have some free time is use scripts to generate a bunch of prompts of different characters/backgrounds with this specific pose and include them in future training data.

:( Looks like I underestimated how much things had improved when you mentioned the new model had regional prompting and could do things like threesomes. Well at least Nutmeg is getting some, and there's always Female MC route for the rest.

And yeah, it would 100% have to be an optional toggle because people are weird about that shit. Say some guy accuse a game of being cuck porn because you could STEAL an optional side character from a loveless marriage. The husband married her for her money and fucked off without even consummating the marriage so she was "used goods" despite still being a virgin. Pretty sure some of them would raise hell if any love interest female was in the same zipcode as a character with a dick.

Small steps. At least you've got a bit more flexibility and won't be stuck coming up with reasons to only show the side characters with those bits exclusively from behind.
Yeah doing threesomes is still really hard, but at least with the new model it's actually possible. I had no solid plan for the nutmeg/cinnamon scene aside from trying to draw in every detail myself and careful camera angling.

Yes the freedom of each new artstyle I use is probably my favorite part. Limitation breeds creativity but I still look forward to the next big model release so that I don't need to spend so long training new concepts.

Bluebell's halloween costume was originally going to be a jiangshi, but unfortunately prefectpony just isn't any good at those (or ofuda pasties), so while my non-furry lora can generate them I chose to just change the outfit to harem silks instead of making images to train the fluffy lora.

70751-2026811803-score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, score_5_up, score_4_up, _lora_Sy...png

I noticed in Syruofluff that it ignores the ovum/fertilization tags for now. Is it NYI?
Do you mean the model cannot generate those concepts or are you confused as to why they aren't in the document as a planned addition?

- If it's about generation that's because making a lora model is a balancing act. I'm oversimplifying here but Network Dimension is a score that will dictate how much work the lora will do vs how much will be handled by the checkpoint. The syurofluff has a very high network dimension, think of it like a very anal manager trying to micromanage the employee (PrefectPony) to do things that precisely match its training data.

Popping open the training data for v2 there aren't any ovum/fertilization images, so syurofluff tells prefectpony to ignore those keywords and focus on the keywords it does understand.

- If you're asking why they aren't in the document as a planned tag, that's just because I didn't think to add them. Trying to come up with tags is tough because tags need to
Be intuitive & easy to remember
Not bleed into other tags (tags with similiar wording can trigger each other, 'red eyeshadow' will sometimes draw the character with red eyes, for example, and 'cross-eyed' often draws crosses on character's chokers)
Not be vague tags that were weirdly tagged in prefectpony ('demon horns' is functionally useless because it describes any horns belonging to a demon, rather than a specific shape)

Now that I'm thinking about it I will probably use these for v3 of the syurofluff lora:
- Internal: Any shot where there's an internal view. This is what I'm calling a supertag for lack of a better word, these are seemingly redundant tags which only exist when one of their subtags also exists. Think of an image with the keywords 'purple dildo' and 'sex toy'. Is 'sex toy' necessary? I don't know, it may help force the AI to actually include the concept.
- cutaway: A smaller secondary panel to show internal shots
- x-ray: A character's body parts are being made translucent to show an internal view
- internal anal: Self explanatory, best used with one of the above. I notice that using just the 'internal' tag with v2 would often show wombs, so I'll be separating it out.
- internal vaginal
- internal oral

It really annoys me that you can't allow for comments on a google doc without also allowing people to write in suggestions, making the whole thing easy to vandalize. It'd be really helpful to have people weigh in on concepts which should be added or tags that should be expanded on/removed.

Until then what I usually do is I have a whole bunch of shots which have those elements which I cut out from other AI generated images that I paste in manually during the polishing process. Here's one you can use:

cool 08.png

I am. And I enjoyed my first playthrough very much, it was exactly what I was looking for. I was continually impressed by your game. I hope you'll continue to add collectibles, I have fun getting them. Also the scenario writing is *mwah* very delicious.

I wish girls and femboys being so horny it takes all they have to stop themselves from pinning you down was a more common trope, I really like how it's done here.
Glad you enjoyed! I enjoyed writing it a lot, it's a nice break from my other more grounded games to focus on a cast so wildly eccentric and horny.

I do wonder if it'll start feeling samey towards the end? Only time will tell, I suppose.


Feb 17, 2018
Once I'm done with the next hentai university update I'll generate and organize more, collect all of the milfy designs I've done and ask peeps which design I should go with. Let me know if any of these designs really stick out as something I should explore, and feel free to use any of these designs on your own if you'd like.
From all of them, the eye-patch girl is the most interesting one, a really original and distinct design.
Others that I liked, are:
Green bunny, (you could make one of her most prominent features be the fact that bunnies like to fuck a lot?)
Goat with orange kimono.
The last pig-girl. (The naked one with white hair.)
Brown mouse-girl.

Thus far I've tried out a few alternate looks for Mary-Lou that try a different type of nose or use an alternate, less visually plain color pallete:
I really like the white Mary-Lou. These designs are looking much better than the original one. I would put a hair on her, like a short messy black bob. But she's looking good anyway, you really nailed her design now.
May 5, 2023
Bug reports (Furry PNG 2.0 > 2.5 upgrade):
Meat and No Meat random puzzles both have at least one broken image in their pools (blank white background, 0 pieces).
No Meat has a meaty Cayenne in it's pool.
Getting no event while gathering on Willow/Lakeside roads will cause the "Visit [character]" options to shrink font size (fixes itself when you leave and return)

Also not a bug, but repeatedly rerolling the Pocketmanz random puzzle to try to see what all was in there made me realize how few vegetarian Manz there are.

Thus far I've tried out a few alternate looks for Mary-Lou that try a different type of nose or use an alternate, less visually plain color pallete:
I like the whites, the left brown, and the far right black. Others are nice color schemes, but don't feel like they fit her personality (I say having never even met her.)
And I've also done a bunch of scattershot tests using a script I wrote to try out lots of different species and details to see if anything stood out more:
Oh, these are nice. Hope we get to see at least some of them return as side content if nothing else. Though the white-haired pig looks like Emilie from My Pig Princess with just enough AI jank to look uncanny.
Last edited:


Apr 12, 2022
So, I've got a bit of a weird bug, which may also just be me being an idiot. I'm missing one Jiggy, and despite weeks of gathering, and exploring all of the content/getting every scene... I still can't find it. Using 'even the funko pops' shows that it's the Vegetarian - Garnet one, and I'm wondering if it's because I started in Carnivore, but switched over to Omnivore. I don't think that's it, since I have all of the other Vegetarian collectibles, but if the fox Jiggies proc from an event, I may have tripped that before switching, and permanently missed it that way.
Save file is attached if you want to look into it. (Would've attached the .noodle version, but F95 said, "No.")
4.20 star(s) 17 Votes