While I am not a big fan of using arrow keys over wasd, I can get used to it, but like some one else posted earlier this really needs a strafe button.
I havent gotten far into game, just basic prologue and beginning of institute, but here is my 2 cents so far.
1. The group came together to get material for beds, yet why wasn't this a daily thing as well? I like survival aspects but when I have 4 abled bodied women to help, I shouldn't be the only 1 collecting things.
2. Getting resources via tools seems like waste of time. I can collect fallen log for 1-2 wood, or waste time chopping tree for 1-2 wood, doesn't seem to be any bonus to getting bigger resources. Same with Rocks, max I get stone is 2 for breaking up big rock. Herbs have given me 5.
3. Also swore I saw a tip that said having help can net more resources but having anyone in my party doesn't seem any difference when gathering. I barely got into fighting but guessing they don't provide bonus to that either.
this one is just guess work, but combat seems realtime, movement is with keyboard but how does 1 aim gun with this setup? I hope it isnt mouse, because that is very akward setup.
I will play some more but overall I like concept, character graphics are nice, world graphics look like ps2 game, but enoying so far.