how can i convert saves from v0.82.4a to v0.82.4b?
If you mean doing so in Android? No.
If you mean in the other platforms - maybe. However, you might find whatever bugs that were fixed in v0.82.4b might still occur if you use a save from v0.82.4a if the parameter that is an element of the bug was already in the save information.
It would be safer to start v0.82.4b fresh rather than risk a problem using a v0.82.4a save.
Or wait however long it will take for v0.82.4c to come out with 400+ more fixes.
i think i've got the same problem, wasn't this bug been fixed? any solution please
No, the bug hasn't been fixed yet. It shouldn't lock you out of completing quests, however. If you have already found the ball, just move on to other quests (if you have the "no quest" situation - you have quests ... Check out #8 in my
FAQ). Otherwise, if you have a specific situation that can't be solved by searching the thread with keywords or watching a youtube video playthrough since 95% of these quests are from previous versions - then please ask away.